sprinkled in glitter.
5:36 PM
Love this.haha.read it againn]]*for those who haven't--read it!!!
Iam Emily. Emily, the strange. More than strange, mysterious. My life has always been perceived through a broken and shattered mirror. An uncanny resemblance to my dreams.
Though overhead, the sky was a delicate aquamarine blue with small pearl white clouds scudding on the breeze, afternoon shadows began to lengthen, accentuating my world - black, icy and cold. Phosphorescence from a tealight, dripping with wax since as long as I had known, palely illuminated the one place I could be alone, my isolation from the rest of the world, my room. In the most dismal corner, emanating out of the gloomy darkness, was me.
Friends. Who needs them? I was never a philanthropist – just pure Emily. And I was more of a xenophobic. I had a friend – the irony of it all, one who was once no more than a stilled kitten. I had found, many years back, a kitten with soft blue eyes, the very joy of my life since I was orphaned. My most suitable and sole playmate. Her silver-grey fur was short, but so exquisitely glossy that it gleamed like satin.
Her sapphirine eyes glimmered like a thousand stars. They were the crystals of both night and day – illuminating every inch of darkness in my life back then. The windows to her sight were precious gems able to shine even in the darkest hour. They resembled some fabulous dusky jewel too rare to find and twinkled like diamonds, giving her a regal air that was in keeping with the proud erectness of her bearing. Her eyes were my eyes and they held a rainbow, releasing a spectrum of splendour with her every glance.
I came home one forlorn day to find my only joy lifeless. Fallen from my high table top. Her bones were still brittle with youth. She was only a kitten, my Starburst, and she had fallen into the shadows. Her death lured me into a nightmare world of the occult. I could not handle it. Helplessly hypnotized, I plunged deep into a world of Ouija boards and Witch craft. Fallen into a black abyss from which there seemed no escape. I matured into what would have been an insult to transfiguration.
I began chanting over Starburst’s body. I put forth every gram of power I had at my command to bring her back to life, that being the supreme taloa. I concentrated until I thought my body was going to detonate. Then, I relaxed. The tranquillity of the moment had consumed me.
A phantom figure, her silver fur was now jet black. Though her air of magnificence was still there, darkness had consumed her, just as it had me. No longer my Starburst, she became a Mystery. Her jaws opened, resembling the nightmare of a smile as she let out a soft purr. She brushed her ebony fur against my legs. And I noticed.
All that remained of Starburst were her sapphirine eyes.
Love her//.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:30 PM
Oh ya, i updated my wishlist]]*
check it out.
BTW, some people really make my day.
Eventhough they don't realise it.
You might be that someone.
Realise it.
It could be you.
This needs something...
Ah yes,
Take a moment.
Realise it.
Are you realising it?
Are you?
Are you realising it yet?
Well, hurry.
You don't have all day.
I don't have all day.
I can't wait forever.
Is it you?
sprinkled in glitter.
3:45 PM
Hi! Iam still sick, if you're wondering. I was feeling so sick after Malay.I failed it by like FOUR FREAKIN marks.yeah.i was kinda redeemed with 15/25 for lit though.then was science, i was just in a sad mood, must be the weather.i left my wallet in malay class so i went to get it. then when i went back to the lab.i didn't noe what on earth Mrs Tay was saying so i just stoned.
And we were supposed to do the experiment and i was just so confused, messed up, screwed, whatever.yeah.and i just felt like crying.which i did.i just felt so lost.plus i was sick so that made me even more tired/fed up.Then Rach came over and gave me a hug.which helped alot.slightly better.then lynda was asked to answer some qn and she did'nt now what was going on--it seemed like it--so i just said the answer out loud.i was just in a sordid mood.and amazed at some people's level of unblurness.ugh.it didn't help that esti and sarah were talking about no eating in class and whatever rules.seriously, if i didn't control myself and preoccupy myself with looking in the tb for answers, i seriously would have shouted at them to shut up.it's just the mood.
Recess, saw ariel..who delivered some not-so-shocking news.i knew it.great.(why does stuff travel so fast around a school) why iam i always in a mess....ugh.those who noe.....sarah, rach, amanda...yeah.just what i need to bagag sagag hagag. thats in agag language--which rach and gill invented.take forever trying to translate it. its something to do with the <3. heartt.and breaking.guess yet?
after school i went to the art studio..submitted the diskettes--mrs zailee is nice again.and collected my thinking cap.thank goodness kongkong was picking me--plus with a bag full of soft tos which we used for our history play.yeah.came home blahblahblah.read jon's e-mails... made me feel better..and de-stressing by blogging now..well, going to rest now. just took medicine and it kinda made me drowsy...........................................
sprinkled in glitter.
2:57 PM
Monday, August 22, 2005
Heyy. Home today cos iam sick..had to wait ONE HOUR to see the doctor..So pohpoh and i went to aunty vivian's house.really lovely. i like e white carpet.haha.Just back from e doctor..three types of tablets and one liquid medicine.blurghhh.and no PE for the entire week.not again..my nose is so freakin stuffed up.and i have to go for malay oral after this.poop.yeah.at least i don't have to pick my sister today.tried drawing a colt yesterday and for once, the head was'nt too small, the body wasn't too short, the legs weren't too short.the eyes were weird.happy trying Samantha]]*
sprinkled in glitter.
12:40 PM
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Friends forever.
Has a meaning
A hollow meaning
Writing autographs. Notes. Signatures.
Equivalent to using invisible ink.
Irrelevant to the cause for which it’s used
Friends forever.
Commonly abused.
Incorrect and false
In every P6 autograph
Search yourself.
Look deeper. Reflect.
Friends forever.
You try to revive it
But it’s already breathless
You call.
The line is dead
A friendship lost.
A friendship extinct.
A friendship killed.
No such thing.
As friends forever.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:58 PM
School was okay..Last nights medicine definitely worked//.Though Iam still ultra sick now, my voice is way better now though..Found my sketchbook!haha.happy.Car for art turned out alright..Chess was fine..Rainy morning..
CAs OVER!!!!!!!!!Exams coming up though..
Inter-class drama comp is coming!!that should be interesting..
Hope 2one wins.haha.]]*
sprinkled in glitter.
12:32 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
In comp lab now..So freakin pissed.She comes and tells us today that its due today.then after buying the diskette, she says since there's a lot of technical problem, its due mon!!!!???
?!#*$%@!!And some people in our class!!!AAh their driving me mad!Mrs Z was sitting at my seat and they had to say, eh, thats our seat!!AAAAHHH.morons.damn pissed//(one
* = pissed).thats all.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:21 AM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Tried putting the
Far Longer Than Forever lyrics.but could'nt play the song..so i was like, for what? so yea.. if anyone wants it, tell me then I'll get it..just this thingy with the lyrics which flow......yeah.And oh ya!
we beat 2/2!!! haha. by like 0.4..We had 40.8 for our class average (out of 50) and they had 40.4...our class was like happy happy joy joy.haha.clapping, screaming--
typical display of two one happiness.you can imagine.yay.happified]]*
sprinkled in glitter.
6:12 PM
This picture way rocks.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:41 PM
Hi! Sam here. Short for samuel.lol//. My voice totally sounded like a guy's today.lol.thanks to my horribly SORE throat.. Supposed to be writing a nice and sadistic poem now..But, the sadistic side of me does seem to be working at the moment.I'll just be spewing crapp.lol. oh wells, call me
samuel the crap spewer if u like :) hahaha.
(but don't)
In a dismal corner
Sordid and squalid
Clouds are shadowed
Lightning flashes
Thunder booms
Raindrops fall
She cries
Flow freely
Moist cheeks
Spores could grow
Dampening her pillow
Clinique mascara wasted
A black river from her eyes
Soft pink cheeks now pale
Sorrow lingers.No comfort
Nothing at all.nothing.
No pity.No joy
Penknife out
No one
Okayy.Thats not the best see the one on Chrystalle's blog it rocks.Must be my sickness getting to my head thats why my brain cant function.either that or i haven't got a trace of sadism in me--which is impossible cos almost all my descriptive essay are about sad stuff...dismal stuff, sordid stuff squalid stuff.you get the idea. yea.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:13 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
HI! Doing science project in the library haha.
reallyyyy. almost everyone here is ether at a blog or checkin e-mail.if not both.the party on sat was good..talked to josh and tim..so funny. he was disturbing me bout the poll..and they were stealing his sunglasses..i tried them on.so funny.they're listening to some thing with two pigs talking.haha.too bad i cant understand a single thing the pigs are saying.after all, i dont take
pig language.hhaha. well, now everyone's doing science project--before time's up.including me.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:39 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
Left school early..test was good..dental was okayy..nothing much--a few x-rays, made e mould and some other stuff.. next appt. is 27th sept (Amanda's birthday!) for 2 extractions.......then 4th Oct for another two....then 11th Oct for the braces!!!haha.have to wait till late sept cos my dentist is going oversea for like 3 weeks.....have to go pick my sister soon..Cya]]*
sprinkled in glitter.
2:01 PM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
We won THIRD!!!
dead happy.competition was tough this year. Coach happy that we won..sad we were strong.haha. played four games..won 2, lost 1, drew 1.
First game was
Nanyang team one. We only had 1/2 a point in the whole team.
I cried and cried after my first game.
I was totally up by a QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then cos of some rule, I had to sacrifice my queen!!! damn pissed with that girl/idiot.
Second game was
St. Nicks team 2. Drew with Bernadette Chin.she was up by a queen. good for me.
Third game I took a break..they played
Nanyang team 2Fourth game played
SCGS.Won. Lovely endgame--though coach said the starting was horrible!!!For white(me!), two rooks one passed pawn. for black, one rook two pawns.traded one rook for her rook and two pawns.ended up queening and thus winning.
Fifth and FINAL game,
RGS!!! Won hands down. She lost her bishop in the first three or four moves so i think after that she was sad--played real bad. Forked her queen n rook with a bishop --she could have taken my bishop free!!!but she moved something else.So i took her queen(her rook still under attack) again she made some other extra move..took the rook.By then i was already way up by material so I WON.
So, we won third.ultra super duper way totally happy.nice medal.rather heavy.THE AFTERMATHIam suffering from the following symptoms;
-Horrible headache
-Eyes can hardly stay open
-De-hydration from crying
-Horrible headache
-Horrible headache
-Horrible headache
Started at 9am ended at 6pm+++. saw michael(the ri one--he's taller than me now.at least) and alex, and benjamin.and jamie.and alexandra too. Kept seeing alex.haha. he congratulated me..saw aunty cassandra's Aaron as well..
rather fun, but tiring.......
NEXT UP:Maths test n Dental appt.
well done for now..
sprinkled in glitter.
8:12 PM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
HI! Eng CA and Lit CA overrrr!!!! Did the descriptive duh.. And guess what, I finally got my dental appt.! Wanted to keep it a surprise..but haha. you guys guessed. !!!! So I have to take the math test first period and leave straightaway..yupp :) I get to miss geog!!haha//. Got this month's TeenVogue and it totally rocks. Daddy kinda made me get it cos it had the Givenchy ad and he said to get it if not I'll be bugging him for it.haha.Haven't had the time to read it though..Gonna watch Lost tonight. Today totally feels like a Monday man//* Get to wear class t-shirt tmr!!!haha.
To All 2-oners--WEAR YOUR CLASS T-SHIRTS!!!!Cya tmr..
sprinkled in glitter.
3:13 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Almost won!!! I had the same number of points as jesmine and Clarisse who won. just that they won the tiebreak cos they had harder opponents.. So sad. Met a few nice people.
Jamie for Nanyang, Kleff from Chung Cheng, Benjamin from (can't remember) and Justin from an international school and Alex for not sure which JC. Had lotsa funn! So funny.. Kleff and I were teasing benjamin the whole time cos he asked for sumone's number but she did'nt want to give it to him.. So he was like
'haha.Kena rejected....' seriously hilarious..the chief arbitor, Michael was very nice to..the primary kids were adorable!!! haha.okay back to...And cos Ben had this card with Thierry henry's pict on it and it was supposed to be his lucky charmm..he left it on the table and Kleff went to put it next to this girl he supposedly liked..hahaha. she was my fren by the way.haha.then Mr Tu introduce us to Justin, who he trains privately..nice guy.
so Jesmine, Clarisse, Justin and I played transfer..So fun. haha.
And cos Alex and I finished playing our game and he was like
'You have a very unique name...' In a sorta weirddd way. and i was almost short of saying--there are two samantha's in my class!!!But of course,
nice me (or is it TOO nice me?)..I did'nt say that--I just said.okay, thanks.haha.JC one somemore....then after the comp, mr tu was encouragng Jes to get Justin's number.haha.she ran all the way after him!!!then she messaged him, asking him to come support us this Saturday...haha. Don't noe the reply though.
Kinda hoping.haha.Bye.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:14 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
sprinkled in glitter.
8:48 PM
sprinkled in glitter.
8:35 PM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
HI! Went to Secret recipe for dinner last night..Yum--had no space for dessert.. Watched
Lost today on AXN..The 5th last, 4th Last adn 3rd last episodes... Sawyer and kate kinda make a good couple..The
4th last episode was good..It had a lot of
Kate in it.. So sadd--her past...Cried quite a bit for those episodes...haha.
Home from catechism..Gave back the yearbook. Pat did'nt come which made the class better//.Mel and sara were putting bubble gum in each others hair..Mel actually had to cut her hair//. and Ada helped Sara get the gum out..Looking for the
Givenchy ad with Liv Tyler..If I find it, I'll post kayy..Worst come to worst, I'll just post a pict of Liv or Kate.. Or both.And try and answer this question:
You're driving in a car and you only have space for one more person..You pass by this bus stop and three people are there--Your best friend, the girl of your dreams and a dying old lady. Who will you take in your car??? Tagg your answer...Will give the answer when there are enuff answers on my taggie..Cya!
sprinkled in glitter.
6:23 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Iam wayy too free]]* lalalalala
sprinkled in glitter.
4:58 PM
A beautiful appaloosa//*There are some appaloosas with half spotted coats though..
sprinkled in glitter.
4:50 PM
HI! had
22/30 for class test descriptive.happee.The first time I was a guy in my essay.haha.I wrote 1127 words! and Mrs s wrote under my remarks--Write more. haha.Had
4 free periods today!haha.Thanks to Honours day.. Came home at 2.56..saw him when I was at the shelter nearest the bus stop//..Sending his sis for piano.. anyways, justin wants to give me a ticket for e St. Pats band concert..
So ultra sweet.. But doubt my parents will ever allow me to go. sad :'( PE was fun too..CAs coming...Oh mann..Time to hit the books all over again..
sprinkled in glitter.
4:00 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Managed it//.LOVEE]]*
sprinkled in glitter.
8:41 PM
Hi! School was good..had a kinda pathetic 26/30..But it was alright.. Ena was doing some stuff with glitter today..Our desks are
currently super glittery..And my pinafore and especially Ena's!In debra's words--
'You're so dazzling!' At least the glitter is
nice and pink//.**[So glittterfied]]* English presentations were good..Came home at normal time..Sang the
cadbury song againn//.Asked Gillian about her
MAGIC turban.haha.she had no idea what we were talking abt.haha.Will be staying back tmr..And i just love the
clinique ads!!!Esp e lipgloss ones.Check this out..
This lustrous new lip gloss - with great shades ranging from pale Beach Bunny to deep Crushed Opal - delivers rich colour, a lightweight, non-sticky feel and ultra-shiny coverage.
What makes the gloss in these sleek slimline tubes so glossy are special high shine polymers that create a 'wet' effect, so lips look soft, smooth and all-out luscious. At the same time, emollients and skin-conditioning factors make the formula creamy so it moisturises and conditions lips.Would put a pict if i knew how.Will try..
Loving my new phone....*smiles* Watched gladiator today as well. Lovely plot.So sad.Real good acting from Russell Crowe. Rnjoyed it thoroughly--though half the time i was probably covering my face with the 8days cover with Johnny Depp's face on it. Cos of the fighting and blood splattering a.k.a. violence.. The ending was sadly happy.haha.The music was so so GOOd!!!!!I heard the songs when I was half asleep in my room.You can imagine how Loud the sound was//.Cried at the end till I had a slight headache.haha. i normally have a headache when or after I cry//.Was also reading the write-up on ten hot men or something.Not surprised Howard Shan Lo was one of them.He's so nice.Some of his answers were G_R_O_S_S though. Oh well--he's a guy.Competition coming in exactly
a week.7 days. 168 hours.And after that, four more days to the next competition.Total of !#(13) rounds!!!At least its rapids..I'd just die of nervousness if it was Blitz.haha.Got D&T tomorrow.Yay!Oh great.Just remembered, I finished everything--cutting, filing, draw-filing..Got polishing left//.Well, Cya til the next time I post. And btw, I've got another big family gathering this Sunday.Cant wait to see my second cousins..Wonder what to wear.
Big party=More aunts and uncles=More pple going 'So big already!!!'=Great]]*P.s.Poll results coming soon..
sprinkled in glitter.
7:31 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005
5 signs that you're hitting on a guy1. You think about him night and day2. The mention of his name makes you smile :)3. You perpetually wait for him to message or even call--would'nt that be sweet4. You ask your friends if you like him or not5. Finally, you cant tell if you're hitting on him or not
sprinkled in glitter.
9:04 PM
Hi! You probably would've guessed what Iam doing now..Yeah--blogging.and being lame.haha.Ena and me feeling real pissed at a certain
irritating sumone..aahhh!!!lost the geog debate..the
case was flawed! You cant saw Alternative energy resources is the PERFECT solution...there ARE advantages too! Oh well..We're conducting this poll..
To see whether guys noe what gals really like..So far, most pple said
100% attention from the guy she likes for just a day--NOTE:Is that too much to ask for guys?lol...And u noe the Crocby from Justin's class, I was right! He was from my kindergarten! And the new msn is so cool! U can draw stuff and all..wow//.
Chryz and I were singing Ultimate todae.Love that song!
You're the kind of friend who always bends when I'm broken
Like remember when
You took my heart and put it back together again
I've been wasting time with clueless guys
But now it's over
Let me tell you whyI'm through
I've meet someone new
Who's just like you
You're itYou're the ultimateIt's automatic. I'm sure of itNo lieSo don't even tryTo tell me that you're not the guyCuz I've been waiting all my lifeFor someone just like youBut you're itYou're the ultimate, youYou're the kind of guy who's hands and mind send shivers up and down my spine
You took my heart and put it back together again.
You're the kind of guy that blows my mind
But now it's my turn
You've been right in front of me
Everything I need
Why didn't i see
You're it
You're the ultimate
It's Automatic.
I'm sure of it
No lie
So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy
Cuz I've been waiting all my life
For someone just like you
But you're it
You're the ultimate, you
Its currently not workin on my blog now though..Sad..Had that and the
Cadbury song(would'nt it be nice if the world was Cadbury....) and the
toys'r'us (I don't wanna grow up! iam a toys r us kid, there are toys at toyr r us, That I can play with!!!) song stuck in my head!Stayed back to do filmin.So fun..
Did filming during recess.Took this particular scenes a million times.So funny! I had to hold onto the Father Barre statue and talk to it.haha.pple must have thought I was going nuts.
So hilarious..I was like
Blessed Nicholas BLLLarre father, CUt!!!!haha.
downright funny.u should have see us laughing..and miss koh was so stressed, she walked out of class, and almost cried when she came back...and the whole class said sorry for bein so noisy..yeah//.came home at 5, went to sleep, till 6.30 then bathe then dinner..soooo busy huh...lol.well, cya till the next time I post!
P.S. Trying to come up with 5-12 signs that you're hitting on a guy. Processing.Coming soon.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:27 PM