Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Helping my brother do stuff now... cant CHEW!!! sad.. gtg.. he's a nagger.nag nag nag...and thanks to everyone who TAGGed! love u guys tons..cya..SOVE exam tomorrow!!! Happy studying! and i gave that guy who likes me and i don't e's to save his own self from hust.. knowing the NICE me.hahaha.. see la Ena its ur influence//.heh.he messaged me wishing gd luck and i just HAD to tell him..he was like, Who's e lucky guy.hahahaha.NOooo offence...helping my bro look for pokemon picts for his screen saver a good sister.hahah.DnT was fun today! esp e bending..we got to bring our workpieces home..
SHINY]]* SHINY]]* SHINY]]* SHINY]]* SHINY]]* SHINY]]* SHINY]]* get the idae.. mine's a dolphin//. a blue dolphin with my artified swirls on em..nicee... well, gotta go look for a Metagross(a pokemon) now.....haha. Good luck to all u guys having ur exams consecutively! haha.look on e bright'll be over faster..unlike teeth really aching cos of the 5 bands the dentist put in//. well, @ least they're light blue]]]* the song on Jared and Eugene's blog rocks...Tesify to love by Avalon..lovely..haha.
Avalon - Testify To Love Lyrics
All the colors of the rainbow
All the voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
That reaches out to find where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation lives to testify
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart will speak what love has
the words nice also...cept some parts e guy cant sing to dream is a LOVELY song also..!!! and our DnT project so cute..on e towel..haha.very one else did like on those boards.. and my bro just loves the national day song..reach out for the he makes me sing all the verses cos he only noes the chorus,haha. so cute la he.. funniest time when he shone the torchlight into my dad's mouth and said, Daddy, where's your howadays..everything u don't give him, he says, I hate you......boys. and so naughty,.haiz...always trying to trick me...well, sick of typing..hand pain..teeth i love that song!!!For as long as I shall live..I will testify to love____byee]]*
sprinkled in glitter.
5:27 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
hihihi! just home from my extractions..had two today..wasn't pain la..all the people who said it was pain--IT WASN'T!lol.the dentist who plucked my teeth was very nice..the gel thing tasted nice..cherry flavour..the gauze is uncomfortable though.. and you won't believe who i saw.. of all ppl--jonathan level 4, thank goodness i my dentist got promoted and is now on level offence..i cant talk properly..the gauze so irritating..math still all numb--feels swollen..rather uncomfortable..but i'll have to tolerate it i guess....going to visit blogs while listening to dreams to dream...very nice sad//. but nice. i thought the eng exam was okayy btw..i did e descriptive (:
sprinkled in glitter.
4:45 PM
Monday, September 26, 2005
school was made me reflect//. today's prayer @ assembly was definitely a sign. I'll only take e effort to patch up, if she does//. I really ah..sigh. why does this have to happen. we were such good frens. and now this. and please don't ever say that i didn't give you a chance to change. please make it CLEAR to me why you said sorry to me, then later talked bad bout me to Ena. how m i supposed to accept ur apology if you're gonna be like that..aiyah..i don't noe who or what to believe're telling ppl different things.I'm clearly confused. make it clear. help me understand. listen to this lovely song. and understand this.//
As you go through life you'll see
There is so much that we
Don't understand
And the only thing we know
Is things don't always go
The way we planned
[But you'll see every day]
[That we'll never turn away]
When it seems all your dreams come undone
[We will stand by your side]
[Filled with hope and filled with pride]
We are more than we are
We are one
If there's so much I must be
Can I still just be me
The way I am?
Can I trust in my own heart
Or am I just one part
Of some big plan?
[Even those who are gone]
[Are with us as we go on]
Your journey has only begun
[Tears of pain, tears of joy]
[One thing nothing can destroy]
Is our pride, deep inside
We are one
[We are one, you and I]
[We are like the earth and sky]
One family under the sun
[All the wisdom to lead]
[All the courage that you need]
You will find when you see
We are one
sighh.i'll take one step closer to being frens if u take the first step. i certainly don't want to end this year on such a note//.call.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:02 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Photos courtesy of Laura TAN SU YING]]* thankies gal!
sprinkled in glitter.
2:44 PM

Erica and me with our thinking caps and handmade costume! hahax. so funny.i was supposed to put this photo ages ago]]*(i'm on the left btw)
sprinkled in glitter.
2:42 PM
Love this!Taken at the inter-class thinking cap design comp//.me applying shimmer eyeshadow. on myself.gosh i looked scary....
sprinkled in glitter.
2:39 PM
hi! yea, laura's post is good. sort of summarises the whole issue and analysises it.. gd//.typing out D&T project. don't forget guys.. english exam on tues!!!!!!! hapy studying!
the john little's sale rox...haha.bought a skirt. it's a children's day present according to my mum, but it's a belated youth day pressie to me. haha. got my cousin's birthday party later, so i'll be wearing it.haha.
just checked out the art thinking cap design comp photos..TAN!!!!very funny captions.ahem.some of em are nicely taken thanks to the photographer. will post e nicee ones.haha.going to upload em on photo bucket now then..byee, stay tuned//.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:23 PM
Friday, September 23, 2005 was good..talked alot.
Cried, ... blahblahblah. didn't feel like talking much after malay
.@ all..
Thanks for letting me use the markers partner!
CME was funny.haha.
sha, sha, sha..
And every morning in the school bus, I'm
sandwiched between this two pairs of sec ones
...torture. front pair talking bout ancestry and lame jokes..and the pair behind talking bout calling this boy and ... who i happen to know. e boy i mean.i don't know him
personally, but i
know who he is..yeah.
and my brother keeps begging me for my
suicune card!!! he's like everytime i come home, he asks and asks and asks.irritating.
Gosh its so majestic. sighh. hahax.going to town later. (: cya!
sprinkled in glitter.
3:26 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
heyys..haven't blogged for was good for the past two days..weekend was new clothes :) haha. and i fgot a new sim card!!! happy...
school was good..guitar lesson yesterday was funn--the talking bout totally non-related stuff i mean..and today mrs stephens wanted a photo taken with our funny//. hahhah. recess was normal..
TO ENA: (i really wanted to say something...--but i forgot....oh mann)
Some people were POW obsessed!!!noo offence but some people in e (shan't say what school--but quite obvious--mr mus' ex sec school) *** yearbook look like POWs!!! gosh. It was the 2003 yearbook though, so you weren't in it//.
and ange won't pester me anymore--hopefully.thanks mr mus--i owe you.
and i made a record for the most number of english essays read in succession by one for all the chimo words..Laura , your essay rocked..Yiping--have to say, yours too--even though it was a little insulting and as a result i had trouble readin you could tell..
'How on earth could u say your daddy died of lung
cancer?!he took his life!!! I can sue mr mus for telling him abt harakiri & thus allowing that to be the actual cause of his death... ' quote, A concerned widow (?! or husband apparently died.gosh i've been seeing his ghost in school---NO EATING IN CLASS!!!shivers.freaky....)--a.k.a. Samantha Branson
I think i'll be needing you tie
darlingg]]*TO commit freakin suicide!!!! haha.
Joking joking.haha.even though it would stop ange from urgghhhh.. change subject.
The 156 was soooo crowded.this lady was trying to squeexze downm the freakin narrow isle. and just as she came behind me, she stopped.i was freakin sucking it in!!!!tiping toes too.and she just i just came back she's sooooo slim.
ugh.irritating.and my mango tops are nicee!!!!haha.fits well.and i got a Stila brochure..wayy nice.
hahaha.talked to clarissa..gosh she has a way of making you say stuff....haha..that's not a bad thing btw. good for her.haha.
BEWARE]]* (that is NOT a threat)
sprinkled in glitter.
5:18 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005 this from an x-men comic...
probably gonna be a blog skin..too many nice picts la...haha.esp the roxy ones.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:48 PM

I LOVE this pict!
sprinkled in glitter.
5:37 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
hihihi!Back!!!!i can DIE w/o the computer//.Got ALOT of blogging to catch up with..Lets start with East Coast Beach on the Sunday till Tuesday of the hols.
It was G-R-E-A-T!!!First day rach and chrys were there..bad weather though quite wet...none the less we swam in the sea.. then we had a bbq, other ppl were there of course...the toilets weren't that bad..rach and i used the public one to shower.haha.very heater...
Next day Rach ( she stayed over) and i went cycling( and tab too.) so quite a lot of Vs i messaged my cuz and he was like--I am having prelims la..haha.yeah..swam again later..the weather was Wayyyy better//.
Then after lunch rach went home......sadd. didn't do much..went cycling again..this time i cycled all the way rom one end of east coast to the other end and all the way other words, i cycled for 1 and a half hours without stopping once...cycled bout a tan from cycling..race was sunburnt cos when we swam earlier i forgot to put sun tan lotion on my face..
Next day, we went cycling again!!!haha.I took a tandem bike with zac...quite lazy to cont' typing la...
Wed on the hols was Clarissa's Birthday! Had a wedding dinner at Royal China at Raffles hotel..lovely food..
oh ya, forgot to mention that i received a call from jon..and we then on his b'day for 1hr and 14mins..haha.nice guy.talked to jared too/// ah........haiz...haha....
tired of typing..gonna go read blogs//.
My hand phone not in use cos something happened with the sim card so it got rejected.........!!!ugh.lucky i wrote all my numbers in my phonebook on
P.S. Did i mention i was in the matchmaking mood for a certain someone that i noe......haha.byeee.what happened today with the leaning on the shoulder thing was HILARIOUS. Who started it? Wasn't me.......surely.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:05 PM
Friday, September 09, 2005
this is samm's personal assistant/agent blogging for her.
haha this bloggie will be dead for a while coz her comp crashed and died. awwwh *pouts*
yea yea yea. so this blog will be dead till her comp is fixed and when her internet is up and running. so, i think i shall hold back my idea of pixillated undertakers, until samm comes back.
lotsa lovve...
agent/personal assistant
sprinkled in glitter.
1:39 PM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
hey! finished all of my maths cept half of paper 2 of the IJ paper!!!haha//. going to East Coast tomorrow!!!for three days and two nights.gonna have funnn]]*went out after rehearsal on fun!!!hahahaha..i wonder what we did--right guys.haha.there's a new blog too//.not sure whether to link or not..check with the others first//.going for catechism then mass..
see you guys @ 2.30pm tmr!
sprinkled in glitter.
1:54 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005 was okayy.D&T was okay.Rehearsal was okay.Chess was okay.Rather moody idea..maybe iam just pmsing..(and hey, how would you feel if someone bought the exact same stuff as you when you go out?)went for lunch with rach, gil, chryz and amanda…we took LOVELY neos!!!so nicee..then chryz and I went shopping…but we had to go soon…cos I began to feel uncomfortable… mann… my earrings though..gonna wear em on Sunday—at the beach..enjoy your hols!
Crap//.I forgot the stamp for Jon's mail!!!!!ahhhh.screwed.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:49 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005

Two lovely Halo screenshots from the truth and reconciliation]]*
The upper one is the gunner turret and the gravity lift and the lower one is the sniper rifle scope aiming at a Hunter. beautiful//.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:16 AM
Happy Teachers' Day!
Mass at School was okayyyy. The singing was...well...lets just say...we were counting down the number of songs left for the girls to sing.nooo offence..
The best thing was the dedication song which they chose..thanks for playing the cd and not just singing it.phew.
Went back to primary school!!!!!Saw Nicole neubronner and a few other ex-girls not from Ij Tp//. saw cikgu, Mrs Ho, Mrs Niedu and ALOT of other teachers who amazingly recognised me.haha//. Gabby and I went up to the hall and saw the teachers day banner.OMG!It was the one me, rach Goh, Lesley and Nicole painted when we were like in pri 5...the nostalgia]]*
the PA system still looks the wasn't locked watch is still in the i never got my lovely art folio back.sadd]]*
got hw was it ah guys?okay right...and maths...also okay right?
and if you're too too free, check out this song by Aselin Debison--Somewhere over the rainbow.her vocals are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.byee. going to look for more pictures to infrared to my phone..tell me if you want any...then i can infrared them from my phone to yours...
Oh ya, i played Halo last got past the Truth and Reconciliationn.
I love that level!!!!
sprinkled in glitter.
10:51 AM