i made such a sweet post A-Zs of 2one o5..then it accidently got deleted...so sad!!!! ill have to do it ALL over again..it'll take sometime...aww man..
sprinkled in glitter.
4:52 PM
hey! yesterday was
SO SO SO SO FUN!!!!!Erica, amanda and I went Bowling!hahaha. damn funny.we went straight after school to marina Square..we saw Sha n her fren, steph anthony..and we observed ALOT of people with ultra ultra short skirts, nice/dry hair and this old man who was shouting vulgarities to the guy in the control station. . . . he was like you f***ing... go to hell la.. wow..yea, we did all that while waiting at the MRT.//
then we went bowling! and did a little
shopping..we walked round the whole of
Raffles City.. this shop HOMElife or sumthin had this really lovely cushion.. and tons of other lovely stuff...we tried nail polish @ Esprit--numberr 126 is the
nicest colour..i've still got it on one of my nails..-, and we tried the perfume @ Body shop//..we didn't like all of them..the only okay smelling ones were Citrus and Fruity.. the brown coloured one smell like chocolate..not that that's bad..but for a perfume. . . we put shimmer powder too..haha.
then we had a cookie each at Subway//.finally, we went
bowling....haha..they were playing nice songs--
but the techno versions..they spoilt the songs!!!!!! there was summer lovin, superstar and
more to life!the song on my blog..we were
practically singing--though it wasn't easy to hear the songs cos of the bowling balls dropping and the pins being knocked down and all..yea.. we wanted to go to the arcade opposite to play air hockey..but they didn't allow ppl in school u--duh..so yea.
We saw this GUY doing the para para thing. . . .

It's bad enuff when a girl does it..so funny. lol.
Miss Erica had like three striked in a row--for her last turn somemore. . .. her whole game had like 4 strikes and 2 spares..pro...haha. i think i only had like one spare....can't rmb.heh.very funny..we tried the 11pound ball-which was way way too heavy.. i used the 10 pound, the rest used the 9pound..i think it was cos it was
HOT PINK!!!they were practically fighting for it...lol.and it was the lightest too.//.when we were leaving, the guy didn't want to give manda her shoe.ahaha. so funny.
Then we were hungry..we didn't have lunch wat..so we went to
burger king..on e way we saw Yiping! and this
lovely installation..part of the --
TEASE ME.USE ME.DO YOU KNOW ME?thing. its called
imprint..by some lady i think..yea..it was SUPER nice la..we did this imprint os su anne.. tourists were like taking photos of us..lol.Mrs zailee was right!!! Installations really do get the public to interact with ART.. our fingers got a little dirty so we went to e toilet to wash our hands..the toilet, SO FUNNY..had double door?! (must be to prevent guys from getting into e female toilet--like the old man who walked past the male toilet and to e females..haha.i told him the male toilet was the other side.haha, either that or they had an extra door, or they want all e females trying to get out of the toilet to get hit by another female coming in..heh)
so we went to burger king..ahaha.and had a
HILARIOUS convo i tell you..we tried to make erica act out a lot of emotions..there was act like you're late for a date, umm.what else..act depressed, act like you're in love, in love with a straw!, like her mum just died
(TOUCH WOOD), dao, stressed, her reaction when she found something which has been missing for a long time--which was a
burger king french fry.haha and we asked her to act sick.haha.i noe what you're thinkingg...haha.
but nope..i mean sick as in ill.heh. and we asked her to act like a guy-with a . . . pick-up line.haha.i think that was e most hilarious..and i cried on demand..haha.i CAN!!! lol. i just need to think of a really sad show..and i'll cry..i haven't really thought a very good sad show wich maked me cry real easily though//..yea.we were
laughing and laughing away..ahahaha.
so fun i tell u..we
postponed our shopping date..yea.
.braces on MONDAY!!!and yea..then we went home..and that was like 4.40? around there//.
we all took e MRT
which didn't have a single dustbin!they want S'pore to not have litter but there wasn't a single dustbin in the MRT.we had to go back up to Raffles city to throw away the rubbish. . . .so silly.anyway we did..
We IJ girls don't litter--esp not in uniform//.
we saw this lady with a
really short skirt.. . . . and i think her bf was late so when he came she gave him a
really dao look which we tried to do.haha.but it looked like we were giving a bitchy look.haha.
while waiting for the train erica and i were trying accents..you know me and my british accent..hahas. charming.. and erica was trying japanese..lol. in the train miss ahma erica had to sit..lol. so we daoed her for awhile--which didn't last very long..haha..
erica and i are both going to speak with accents for the from e start of school to recess...haha//.the
poor 2/1-ers.hahaha.i'm gonna bring my
sister's cam..to take photos!!duh..what else does a cam do.. my beloved desk with ll the scribbling want o rmb what..when we finally went in e train, after a few stops, manda saw colin...as in the colin in sailing..yea.haha.
they both saw each other then looked away.. and then we started laughing//.
-->sounds familiar eh......you know who . . .yea. haha. that's all abt our super fun day @
Marina Square and Raffles City//.I SO cant wait for the next shopping date.
(thats e three of us!!!<3love.)p.s. I changed the song (: to More to life by stacie orrico
sprinkled in glitter.
10:51 AM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
heyy, now i also got e same song as on eugene's blog.ahaha. sorry//.its a NICE song la..so thats
self-explanatory.yupp.either that or great minds think alike.heh//.jk.byee!
sprinkled in glitter.
3:39 PM
heyy.science was okay la..slightly harder than maths//.came home soo early..the 156 was so empty..if only it was always like that..and i'm so lucky..lit i didn't study hibbert and trotter and they didn't come out..science i only red throught the last chap and didn't majorly come out..so funny.. and i crapped up stuff abt the red blood cell.hahaha.i didn't noe tt it didn't have a nucleus!!! so i wrote a whole lot of nonsense... . . . yea..MCQ was okay.. for the potati strip qn i put longer, longer, shorter.. the middle one, soaked in salt solution i think its longer cos the concentration of salt in the solution is higher so it will diffuse into the potato strip..the paper had quite a few errors//. mrs yip and mrs fam were so funny//. mrs yip was like."GIRLS!stop laughing! get into the exam mood!"we were laughing cos there were'nt enuff foolscap and clare was being v funny..she was like--hey, not enuff, i need 2.then l;ater she was like..now got 1 extra..haha.v. funny.mrs fam forgot to collect our qn papers @ the start to give to us..so she had to go..haha. so funny. then the paper is 2 hours right, but cos yesterday was maths and they didn't clean e board and it said 1 and 1/2 hours..then mrs tan aye leng came in n told mrs yip it was 2hrs..so mrs yip cleaned the 1 and 1/2 hrs off..then mrs tan looked @ her and said "the time is supposed to be 7.45am to 9.45am..NOT 10.45(mrs yip wroote until 10.45am)//.so funny. and there she was telling us NOT to laugh.... . . . the two of them..so funny.noo offence//.
i'm going camping again! @ e end of the month..but for one night only..@ east coast.. yea..hope it'll be fun.
IAM SO GONNA BRING MY PILLOW this time. byee.going out for lunch with mum n dad soon.cya! <3
sprinkled in glitter.
11:41 AM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
hi! redid my skin! as u should be able to tell..haha./ love it!haha. maths was okay.not as hard as expected..that's probably cos we expected it to be E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y H-A-R-D.
yea..and i forot to bring my jacket..thank gdness chrys lent me hers..thanks!
and Debra and i were in the bus and we heard this grp of students talking:
"Is it yellow(ya-lo as in halo) or yellow(yeah-lo)?"
hilarious.we were controlling our laughter..nooo offence.
two more exams to go!!!Science and History!
and take note of this evil message.hahaha.really made me laugh.made me forget the boredom of studying actually.
Good luck for your exams!No matter how tough or stressful it is, just tae a bit of time to remember...____'s exams are OVER and ____is enjoying himself.
haha.thanks for taking my mind of the BOREDOM of studying.hahaha.
HAPPY STUDYING! and to those who's exams are OVER. Happy playing.heh.Watev--(haha--erica!WATTe(V)!)
sprinkled in glitter.
12:13 PM
Monday, October 10, 2005

this is how my dear desk looks like//. when its TIDY.hahaha. see the notes on the table! Ive been studying!!!haha.
And Eugene: Plain Popiah skin is a LITTLE little salty-- but ULTRA unhealthy!!!haha. and haha.yea..at my church choir isn't baddd..like some places. no offence to those some places...haha.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:00 PM

in the photo posting mood.haha.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:54 AM

lovee this pict!which i took of my earrings..well, abt 1/5 of all the earrings i have.haha.my fave is the second one from the right..lovee!!!<3.HAHA.i owe some people testimonials..so i've got to get typing..yea.lit was okay btw..dear rach used 13 pcs of foolscap!amazing..yea..gonna go type till hand pain now..byee..<3
sprinkled in glitter.
11:23 AM
Saturday, October 08, 2005
hey. i did history last night..studied till like wow..almost 12..by time i slept it was 12.30am..was messaging.lol.gonna do some stuff on friendster//.i've gotta a new account btw..so add me.. and to the rest of the world, don't fall for the crush 007 thing..byee.happy mugging 2/1-ers!!! the criteria for a lunch date with Mr Mus is full marks for MCQ and a1 for history!!!aim high.heh.
add me on friendster//. please and thank you]]*
sprinkled in glitter.
12:42 PM
Friday, October 07, 2005
it was easy pie.haha.manageable la..paper one was way harder//.yea//.and last night while studying, i made a poem! haha. with reference to the cover design of elizabeth goudge's The little white horse. Its a lovely book for those who enjoy reading fantasy(such as myself).. happy reading..i'll try to get a pict of the cover up..yea..
The Little White Horse
Black leaves rustled in the trees, like stippled leaves of a paintingBarks of mere black strokes emanated a soft darknessStygian gloom stencilled the shadow of the forest and all was surrounded by a dark abyssDark shadows softened the corners of stones, with lighter areas where the moon shone inThe faint moonlight streamed throught the clearing, like pale morning sunlightThere it was.Loomed out of the cottony mistsA silver shape in the moonlightHer silky mane rippling in the moonlight like liquid silverThe tendrils of mist seemed to bow to herThe magnificent creatureIts smooth velvety coat the colour of the moon that shone that very nightPhosphorescence from her moonlit horn seemed to illuminate the nightFrozen in the soft grass,the white colusses had a light in her blue eyes which shone like snowfireThe edge of her elegant horn as sharp as a mid-winter blizzard,the tip pointed like a thistle spike'Its every movement as light as the touch of a butterfly's wingThe white beauty, the shining purity, the still prideAn air of mystery in her enchanting eyesA mere chimera.haha.tell me what u think of that//. and okayokay.i've go friendster now..add me.and write something.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:46 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
sprinkled in glitter.
12:24 PM
GEOG is OVER! It was okay la..the amt of time was just nice..i did qn 4 and 5.. luckily we asked Mrs Tan abt the formation of floodplains adn deltas.that EXACTLY came out.so lucky.. so i'm done with all 4 of my extractions! and the dentist put some metal stuff in..its uncomfortable but tolerable..haha..i cant wait for the exams to be over! haha. who can? lol/.gonna go visit other people's blogs now! cya!
sprinkled in glitter.
11:39 AM
Monday, October 03, 2005
So funny..today maths lesson..whole of 2/1 squeeze into 2/2 classroom for maths lesson.haha.,so funny..did this,,Erica la..ur influence.heh.jkjk.so funny. Made this poem on this paper.haiz..so messy.This stupid poem.hahaha,the maths qn was on area la..
Area is area.
But an area is a space
Area is lb
Or 2/3 pi r cube
Area is 4/3 pi r cube
But area is a space
Is area 1/3 pi r cube
What about base area time height?
Is area really area?
My name is Area]]*
Haha.so hilarious and nonsensical..
And the dinner party at the Carriage bar last night was good.. Sarah Jane was there, Andrea Anthony and Shaun(?how to spell?) yea.. the only BAD thing was the cigarette smoke..ugh.my hair reeks of it.haha//. All my cousins were there too//.
and earlier on had mass..haha. so funny. Clarissa and Tatyana..SO distracting.lol.
I ROXY sk8ter boys//.hahahaha.lame.
Gtg now..will try to post e pict of that pc of paper.hahaha.
Cya. And check this song out..On my father’s wings/.it’s from Quest to Camelot.really old but really lovely show..it rox.haha.
Glowing like a coiled tungsten filament]]* Sammie:B
sprinkled in glitter.
7:04 PM