post, cos i'm not gonna miss out any detail whatsoever.
we met at jurong east mrt at 2.45..of course, there were some late ppl whom we waited for, but when we left at 3.30, they still weren't there yet. . . . anyways, we walked to e was rather near to e mrt so it wasn't too's a double storey one with three aircons--acc to clare-i didn't bother's got also a fridge, tv, cd player, one long sofa, two small chairs, one bed, one staircase, a few windows//from the outside, it looked EXACTLY like e picture on e website..the diff chalets were all named after typer of wood that we learnt in DnT..jelutong, ramin, meranti...
then we watched a bit of our k2 graduation..hahaha.the memories//.
then laura and rach lee went to swim and the rest either went to play pool or bowl..
okay okay..the pool water was i changed into my thing and i still didn't want to go extra! anyways. i did in the end..the water was so nice--cept for the spoils ur hair...then rach n nut came and joined us in to pool..then tessa, isabelle, val, ena..and audrey, cept she wasn;t in the swimsuit.//.we were making fun of the guard and arguing with him kinda.heh.he didnt let us borrow this whale thing he said it was for kids BELOW twelve.then we were like, we're twelve!!ahaha.course, he didn't believe us.
we had fun swimming//.Vic was e official all e NICEE photos you see of us in the pool were take by the one and only VIC//.
so nice! ahaha. me, rach , nut.
making a splash.CANNONBALL!three in a row.
those who had FUN FUN FUN swimming.
the three of us again-nut, me, rach.acting cute//.acting//.
i love this pict! doesn't e pool water look SO nice....
then we came out, bathed, we did some fun stuff upstairs.we were practically screaming, funny n fun..we had fun..on the bouncy bed..
then we had a toast for ESTI! who's leaving IJ next year.sadness....then we went down when e bbq was ready//. the main bbq-ers were, me, vic, nut, clare, tsi yin.. we just cooked the stuff.which was mostly val's chicken wings..and 20 hot dogs..
the older guys next door helped us restart our fire when it started to die..we gave him a marshmellow later..they were nice..they offered us some of their seafood stuff..
so 5 of us did e bbqing.. my hands never got oilier before..and my phone
and i've mastered the ART of opening a hot dog bun WITHOUT a knife.i used my wasn't exactly perfect though..but still edible.haha.and it wasn't presentable at all.oh wells.
then we had to ration food cos there wasn't really enough..5 of us still hadn't eaten yet..then after awhile sha and grp went in, jeanette and grp also..
so only left the five of us and rach, gil, sarah..
some of em were SO irritating la..stay in e aircon room then once in a while come out to e pit and say, --i reserve two chicken wings hor.
then walk what la..
then later we gave em e burnt one and were like TY so sweet of u.
like . . . .
so funny.
we started marshmellowing first...after all our bbqing.i think it was only right that those who actually stayed there e whole while got to eat e NICE marsh mellows first. i think we finished one whole pack..Sarah was e best marsh mellow bbq-er//.
of course, i did the MASS MARSHMELLOWING.
i kept burning them on one side though..
then we had this sorta MUTATED marshmellow..
haha.quite got eaten by vic anyways.
yea.then me n gabby had to go..that was at like 9.30pm..of course sarah was like, 5 more mins?
so i said okay then went to e ar con room and relaxed..ryan called.everyone in the room by then--sarah, rach, gabby, nut. said hi..we were high on marshmellows i think..and tt partially explains all the noise..ahaha.then we left..said our goodbyes...hug here, hug there...smelled audreys body lotion.NICEE.//.yea..
.SO NICE! but it was a little loose..they were all glued to e tv donstairs..some chinese show..
sprinkled in glitter.
10:37 AM
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
This is enough to cause me to tear.Her hair was up in a pony tail,
her favorite dress tied with a bow.
Today was Daddy's Day at school,
and she couldn't wait to go.
But her mommy tried to tell her,
that she probably should stay home.
Why the kids might not understand,
if she went to school alone.
But she was not afraid;
she knew just what to say.
What to tell her classmates
of why he wasn't there today.
But still her mother worried,
for her to face this day alone.
And that was why once again,
she tried to keep her daughter home.
But the little girl went to school
eager to tell them all.
About a dad she never sees
a dad who never calls.
There were daddies along the wall in back,
for everyone to meet.
Children squirming
impatiently, anxious in their seats
One by one the teacher called
a student from the class.
To introduce their daddy,
as seconds slowly passed.
At last the teacher called her name,
every child turned to stare.
Each of them was searching,
a man who wasn't there.
"Where's her daddy at?"
she heard a boy call out.
"She probably doesn't have one,"
another student dared to shout.
And from somewhere near the back,
she heard a daddy say,
"Looks like another deadbeat dad,
too busy to waste his day."
The words did not offend her,
as she smiled up at her Mom.
And looked back at her teacher,
who told her to go on.
And with hands behind her back,
slowly she began to speak.
And out from the mouth of a child,
came words incredibly unique.
"My Daddy couldn't be here,
because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be,
since this is such a special day.
And though you cannot meet him,
I wanted you to know.
All about my daddy,
and how much he loves me so.
He loved to tell me stories
he taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with pink roses,
and taught me to fly a kite.
We used to share fudge sundaes,
and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him.
I'm not standing here alone.
"Cause my daddy's always with me,
even though we are apart
I know because he told me,
he'll forever be in my heart"
With that, her little hand reached up,
and lay across her chest.
Feeling her own heartbeat,
beneath her favorite dress.
And from somewhere here in the crowd of dads,
her mother stood in tears.
Proudly watching her daughter,
who was wise beyond her years.
For she stood up for the love
of a man not in her life.
Doing what was best for her,
doing what was right.
And when she dropped her hand back down,
staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft,
but its message clear and loud.
"I love my daddy very much,
he's my shining star.
And if he could, he'd be here,
but heaven's just too far.
You see he was a policeman
and died just this past year
When airplanes hit the towers
and taught Americans to fear.
But sometimes when I close my eyes,
it's like he never went away.
And then she closed her eyes,
and saw him there that day.
And to her mother's amazement,
she witnessed with surprise.
A room full of daddies and children,
all starting to close their eyes.
Who knows what they saw before them,
who knows what they felt inside.
Perhaps for merely a second,
they saw him at her side.
"I know you're with me Daddy,"
to the silence she called out.
And what happened next made believers,
of those once filled with doubt.
Not one in that room could explain it,
for each of their eyes had been closed.
But there on the desk beside her,
was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.
And a child was blessed, if only for a moment,
by the love of her shining star.
And given the gift of believing,
that heaven is never too far.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person
an hour to appreciate them,
a day to love them,
but then an entire life to forget them.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:58 PM
hi! i've been reflecting...some ppl, say they hate b***hes and all and they themselves are one..its so funny..just like ppl who say the hate poseurs..and all..same thing.sheesh.
in one month n two days (((:
choir last night was fun much//. den's real, trini adn deb were laughing a whole lot over some rather funny stuff during the whole prac..SHE actually went--aiyoh talk talk talk like train like that..of course she didn't hear me say that a train does stop at every station.oh well.
trini had this CUTE animal ice tray.!! so nicee..haha.den had specs with holes at the side..SO NICE..deb and all were like, eh must return to e shop n ask for hole! hahaha.
then @ nine we combined with the altos to practise all e songs..
their room was stiiiinky!
don't noe why..
haha.and it was cold..deb put the air con at TWENTY-EIGHT was so stuffy we turned the air-con up..
then we sang..sop twos..haha.i think we lost our notes..i did..
then we left at round 9.45..
From today onwards, i shall post a few random facts on my blog..
- -random fact no.ONE
my dad thinks that it's an ij girls thing to roll eyes
- -random fact no.TWO
this is adapted from Ben n Jerry's website--
Learn to say I’m sorry. Learn to mean it. Learn when to say it and use it. These two simple words can prevent violence and save relationships.
- -random fact no.THREE
you can't touch your nose
(from this really funny book from border's--white lies to tell ur kids/sumthin like tt)
sprinkled in glitter.
2:38 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
my friendster is fast again..
ITS FREEZING!!!super cold weather...
anyways, went to get my passport photo changed yesterday..cos the previous photo was like since my kindergarten took ONE hour! then we just saw this lady for like abt five minutes!she just glued the photo in with normal glue and then just scanned ur picts in.//. thats it! lol.then we went to Bugis for lunch..we had Macs......
then we went shopping..mum got me this Bloom lipgloss keychain! which is NICE x)
we went to
Accesories..Mum got bronte her birthday pressie..which i super NICEE.they had this LOVELY necklace...for like abt 3o bucks..i'll go to KL first..still have cash then can nice..its a UK brand thats why everything in tt shop is SO ex.BUt SUPER DUPER NICEE.
then we went to according to my brother--for those who don't rmb, or don't noe his name--Zachary, 'kuni-kuniya..which is his way of saying you funny.
they didn't have what they were looking for..then we went to this collector's shop..they had these pokemon holographic cards..wee ended up getting all the shops packets.....for christmas also..the other two don't was so sis didn't believe tt they didn't have anymore..which was true! i told e lady not to tell her that actually, i got all...ahaha.
then we went to MAcs AGAIn. for ice-cream--zac had a mc fluffywhich is his way of saying mc flurry.he doesn't believe us tts its mc flurry...loser..AND. did i mention i was wearing a white t-shirt.and the ice-cream had to DRIP.onto my white t-shirt.sobs. wasn't that bad since i had a jacket..then we went to Chia nephews which was opposite...then we went back to Bugis to meet Daddy..we went to seiyu..the only Bloom counter in the whole of singapore//. then daddy came..went to the fountain to meet him..we walked round the hangbag section....mum was seriously looking for a bag.yea.then we went for some hawker centre.and i was
FREEZING.//.it was super cold.i was wearing my jacket! in a hawker cantre! call me crazy, but it was cold..
then we went to OG....walk somemore..
FREEZING STILL.then we finally got a cab was freezing still.
went home, read my mag for awhile..ryan called..talked..sarah called..talked..
went to sleep..only at like round 12..i was getting msgs...haha.yea.which i had to reply too.
and! when i was writin my second last christas card.....
my pink pen ran out of ink!!!!!!!oh wells. gotta buy a new one today before i send out all my has to be in THAT ink.yup//. i've got choir can drop by Popular.yup.
lets end of with soon...
soon is such a nice song to sing..from thumbelina..i know there's someone somewhere..someone who's sure to find me soon..after the rain goes, there are rainbows..i'll find my rainbow soon..soon it wont be just pretend..soon a happy, can u hear me, if you're near me.. sing your song, sure and strong//. and soon..
sprinkled in glitter.
10:53 AM
Sunday, November 20, 2005

my darlings! always got some problem in one part...
ONE day i'll get it ALL right x))
sprinkled in glitter.
4:45 PM
sorry bout the old one guys..some person titled the song but it was a different one from what it was titled..which explains why it was so WEIRD...pls music taste isn't THAT bad.ahaha.
doesn't this song remind u of the chicken little ad? numa numa iei...haha. (((:

i'm in the photo posting mood thanks to chicken little..
sprinkled in glitter.
4:16 PM
hi! went to town that day//. with FUN.
i still haven't watched harry potter!
i shall post this for the delight of some people--
Cedric Diggoryis SOOO hot!we were having choir, this insect was flying round deb and gerard like claped his loud.that was during a song
so funny..
then we had dinner on our own..went home..yea..
went to e library on sunday, thats today, borrowed two bks..wanted to borrow four..but didn't want to carry em.ahaha.
i've got a good connection now//.so gonna go write some testimonials and stuff.byee!!
sprinkled in glitter.
3:37 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
this was a horror typing..not to mention adding the colours....haha.enjoy reading x))
i have a cell phone.yup.and I doubt I could live w/o it//.
i have friends that use me. Not that I know of, no.
i am an only child. Nope.
i love dangly earrings. I LOVE LOVE LOVE dangly earrings!
i love cold weather. Not really..
i'm obsessed with the computer. Haha.nope.
i have shot a gun before. Does a toy gun count?
i can't live without music. yeah sometimes
i have no tolerance of ignorant people. I do..
i have ridden on a motorcycle before. Nope//.
i'll be in this town forever. Is S'pore a town..i thought it was a country..anyways, Possibly.
i've been to 5 other countries. Nope, but close... johor, penang, LA, San diego, KL
i get annoyed easily. Sometimes.
i have neat handwriting.yea, duh//.when I’m writing something I like ya.
i have more than a few horrible memories.NO
.i am addicted to chocolate. nope not really.
i love airplane rides. Not really.
i love taking pictures. yeah
i hate people who are fake. yeah totally
i can be mean when i want to.OH YA.
my parents care about my grades. yeah
one of my best friends is a guy. er. Not sure bout that..
i have way too many purses erm..maybe
i'm obsessed with lip gloss. Hahaha.yea.
i am easy to talk to. VERY
i would never eat raw fish. Eeew.but never say never
i cry easily.super easily!
i hate when people are late nope .YES! I’m always early
i procrastinate. Not normally
i have too many clothes for my closet/dresser. Yea man.
i love to sleep I sleep cos I need rest.yea//.
i wish i were smarter ..who doesn’t?
i'm afraid of flying. no .
.i hate drama. i love it except the kind of over drama like Sharon au on tiramisu
i bite my nails. NO WAY//.i’ve got lovely buffed nails x))
i have been on an 8 hour drive.yup..from LA to san diego
i never fight with my parents RARELY
i love the beach I LOVE the beach SOOOO much!
i have never had the chicken pox.i have p6
i have gone out in public in my pajamas…nope.
i can't control my emotions. i can
i have a best friend yupp.
i have moved more than once yeah, I think I’ve moved bout five times//.
i truly love my friends of course
i have braces. Yea, I do//.
i have never broken a bone. Yup.i’m still in one pc
i hate my computer. nope
i love guys that play the drums. Haha.not really.
i state the obvious. sometimes
i'm a happy person :D you can’t tell?
i love to sing. I love singing!!!—dreams to dream in the dark of the night..when the world…
i love cleaning my room no no no.
i tend to get jealous very easily. nope
i love night better than day. Not really.
i don't like to study for tests. Of course must study..but I don’t like it.who does man?
i have been on the phone for over 5 hours. Nope..
i think my max is two hours plus.i am too forgiving. Oh true.
i have horrible sense in direction not at all.
i'm a daddy's girl yea, I think.
i love the color pink I don’t mind braces are pink.
i become stressed easily nopei hate liars def.
i love my family- ALWAYS
i hate needles. They’re useful
i always wanted to learn to play the drums. Not really.but I wouldn’t mind learning.
i hate the feeling of failure- yeah
i have friends in other countries- yeah and cousins too.
i know how to cook yeahi can be quite selfish. Sometimes, maybe
at times, i still act like a little kid. yeah
i love to read yupi wish i were more motivated for school er.. not really.
i have problems with letting go of old feelings. NO.
i hate being alone. yeah sometimes
i love the weekends- SO MUCH!
i love black eyeliner its good.i type with one hand. Nope//.
i live in a one story house- yeah
i wear make-up. Lip gloss and sometimes eye shadow?
i have never rode on an underground subway. MRT counts right? Yea//.
i can't swim.i can’t..but if u throw me into the pool, I won’t drown..unless its super deep
i have bad memories- not really bad.
i go to church. Yea, every week
i sing in the shower. alot
i hate cheerleaders. nope
i usually get what i want--sometimes
i have been on stage before. Of course!
i love roller coasters. Def.splash mountainin Disneyland and ghost rider in Knottsberry farm themepark ROCKS.
no one knows my full story of my life my parents do..i am close with my parents relatively..VERY compared to others yea.
i don't have a curfew. i do. It changes an awful lot with regards to were I’m going..
sprinkled in glitter.
1:53 PM
heyyy.had chess today..
i wanna be like other girls by atomic kitten is SO nice!!!!
choir was good last part of Hallelujah.....
so HIGH!and sops have to split like so many times....haha.yea..
then jil actually came SOOO early.and when we were talking, she was like 'can you'll listen?'wow.
she actually said that.ahaha.
it was fun..we learnt basic noted and stuff funny..
from the ritard note to the upside down hat to the cyclops..hahaha.
yupp.then we went home..talked on the phone to ben and sarah awhile...then had to'd messaging till like almost 12!!!!crazyyy//.
yup.sji and ij got combined prefects camp today...haha//.have fun guys...byee.going to blog hop now..i bought my school books today also...
$149.35..yea... kay..going now..chao!
Good luck for your O's for those who're taking em..yup..byee!
sprinkled in glitter.
1:08 PM
Monday, November 14, 2005
had comm meeting today.. was good.. then came home...use comp..stupid connection!!!
played tic tac toe with jon like a million times..all the games either i lose or we draw. . . .haha.he's like wow...
PRO at
tic-tac-toe.hey, that
if anyone ever wins him consecutively, please tell me who.//.
yup..going to write some testimonials now..yea//. byee.
p.s. the song, Like other girls from Mulan 2 so rocks!
sprinkled in glitter.
1:51 PM
Sunday, November 13, 2005
got this totally amazing thing from Ena's should try it out..1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column
2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.
3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite>sex
4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots
5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11
And now the key for the game--1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game
2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love
3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out
4. You care most about the person you put in 4
5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you fairly well
6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star
7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3
8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7
9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind
10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life
it was mostly true..cept for two things..the one's with the star**- five
- eight
- **this didn't apply.which proves that i don't like anyone now.
- amanda!
- ben m.
- ryan
- I shan't say.but ahem.
- Dirty little secret
- Paperheart
- **Tomorrow
- Reach!
i care most bout you manda!ben! noe me fairly well.. *ryan!--my lucky star*
i'm an optimist! song in life is reach out for the stars...climb every mountain higher..and when that rainbow's shining over you..thats when your dreams will all come true//.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:33 PM
hiya! haha..
recently, i have begun to think i'm a centre for bored
haha. its good though..(((: i like talking.haha//.and i talk ALOT.
eugene's like...prank me!--i don't have two phones btw..i have three (((:
--but only one sim we did! but duh he guessed..i mean, you're like alrdy suspecting it..ahaha.must try again...hmmm..
haha..talked to manda for soooo long..then talked to ben for soooo long also..
haha.thats what people do when they've got nothin else better to do--like me x)
i was supposed to know, some ppl very shy.haha.
FORCE me to next time!and pls keep ur promise...haha.
and i'm going to KL!!!!!!i'll do
lots and lots of shopping.yupp. byee.
shoot me if i don't//.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:27 PM
Saturday, November 12, 2005
ex class comm went out!
WE WENT TO PLAZA SING.. we watched Just like heaven and walked all around the place aimlessly cos we had quite a lot of time to kill..yea.didn't count the number of times we walked up and down though..we ate at long john's..went to quite a few shops.. the 77th street mannequin had quite a resemblence to someone i know...hahaha. we all lokked at it once and all started laughing//.we took neos..but esti refused to... .. so we didn't force her..quite nice ones too.. then we went to watch the show.. rachel and i shared nachos..we saw ashley shanti and her frens//.
nut came just in time...for once the whole comm was present for the outing.. the show was so SAD! but it had a passe happy ending.--it wasn't a disney show.hahaha.
you should have seen my eyes after the thing//.they were like
SO red. my goodness///.so red i tell you..
yea..then rach had to we brought her to the taxi stand//.
nut was colour blind!!!hahaha
MAROON car. haha.i love nut's rainbow coloured braces though.
then we went to MRT///hehehe//. we talked, did some stuff... we were talking and laughing SOOO much..people at the MRT must have thought we were psycho or something.ahaha..i'll recount this again hilarious..we missed two trains doing what we were was very crowded anyways.
saw beatrice and gretch..
oh ya, btw, i got into 3/3!!!18 girls from my class practically half the class next happy! (:
amanda, su and erica..all three three..cept sad..can still stay friends anyways.
yupp.going to check out my friendster acct now..byee.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:54 PM
hi! at my dad's office now..
at parkway parade//.just got a pair of charles and keith heels x)
so happy!
got choir and mass after this...
my sister's nagging me off now cos i gotta take my brother to MPH..yup.
yea . . .
saw sonya, and unlce kevin and bianca just now sister spotted them..when i was trying on shoes..yea. byee!
sprinkled in glitter.
12:14 PM
Thursday, November 10, 2005
hi!just home from lunch..
met mum asked her bout the going out with guys and girls..she's like ask ur dad.
hahaha.she ALWAYS says that.
and heyyy. i might be going to KL after december..for FIVE days(((:
see how.we have to check if the hotel we want has rooms..cos five of us cant possibly stay in ONE room.with ONE bed.yea.
i'm getting bored of singapore too.yea..going out tomorrow! lol.
ahh.i'm getting bitten by mosquitoes.
We're talking again//. thanks man.watev u did//.helped MUCH.
did i say i saw mrs stephen's again!!!lol.when i went to pick my
yea..thinking of mrs s reminds me of english lessons in 2/1..i shall recall...
haha.never do english essay on the salmon--the summary! have to sit outside class..'i want to see you'll back in class in ten minutes!', rach, su and MANY MANY others.hahaha.sit out there and just copy parts of the passage into the space for summary to make it look like there're ALOT of words.hahaha.after almost half an hour--of talking outside class..trying to sleep..we tried asking other classes if they had the compre but they didn' funn.
girls walking to the toilet see this whole group of girls sitting outside class and talking/slacking/(i was eating my breakfast i think) hahaha.those were the days..
who was it ah? i think rach or su..hit her head on the fire extinguisher..haha..
funny mrs stephens.yup..
i miss retreat friggin fun!!!
--the ouija board;freaky..
--ghost story with everyone screaming and huddled together
--the hugs..
--the songs...
When the world, leaves you feeling blue
You can count on me, I will be there for you
When it seems, all your hopes and dreams
Are a million miles away, I will re-assure you
We've got to all stick together
Good friends, there for each other
Never ever forget thatI've got you and you've got me, so
Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your hearts desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true
There's a place waiting just for you
Is a special place where your dreams all come true
Fly away, swim the ocean blue
Drive that open road, leave the past behind you
Don't stop gotta keep moving
Your hopes have gotta keep building
Never ever forget that
I've got you and you've got me, so
Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your hearts desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true
Don't believe in all that you've been told
The sky's the limit you can reach your goal
No-one knows just what the future holds
There ain't nothing you can't be
There's a whole world at your feet
I said reach
Climb every mountain (reach)
Reach for the moon (reach)
Follow that rainbow
And your dreams will all come true
Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your hearts desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true
Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your hearts desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true
Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher [fade to finish]
so sad.i'll miss
two one greatly.
and i mean greatly.we were so united.even though less than when we were in 1/ was stil alot.i'll remember 2/1.Whos's the coolest of the cool?TWO ONEWho's the best among the rest?TWO ONE.Who dares to mess with us will be chaotah!Who dares to mess with us will be prata!nenenenenenenenene!GO TWO ONE!nenenenenenenenene!GO TWO ONE!we rock!!!!!haha//. for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.
and nothing is ever gonna change that.
TWO ONE05redefining unity.
the colours so rock right!!?? not like the normal ones..i used my own html for font color..check this page out..its useful. really good//. got TONS of different colours.yup.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:16 PM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
wow.check this out abt their logo..haha.i tell you..i'm WAY too free.

Along with the new identity, we have also adopted a new logo to reflect the values of our Club. The three chevron-like veins on the leaf represent the three services of the SAF. Symbolic of life, the leaf depicts a Club that seeks to provide a vibrant and relaxed environment for the members and their families to unwind and interact.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:55 PM
CLASS CHALET!!!on the 24th of Nov
-- 3pm to 25th Nov--by 12pm
its @ the Chevrons Club Chalet [(C cubed)hahaha]
somewhere in Jurong east
IMPORTANT!acc to ange, our bowling reservation is @ 2pm..we check out @ have to go have lunch somewhere, then go back for bowling.yup.we cant push the reservation earlier cos its FULLY booked.yupshe's not sure how many lanes though...
check out e webbie-- are supposed 6 chalet bungalows..we're not sure which one we booked as yet..
here's the stuff each chalet has--acc. to the website--
Facilities and Amenities :
- Fully air-conditioned
- 1 attached bathroom (with water heater)
- 1 microwave oven and 1 refrigerator-
1 colour television and VCD player
- 1 safe box
- 1 telephone
- 1 BBQ Pit Per Unit
- 1 complimentary parking lot
Here're some details on how to get there..we could probably meet up..will work that out on friday (:
there are these buses..
from Jurong East Bus Interchange-105
from Boon Lay Bus Interchange-502 ( Express Service )
from Clementi Bus Interchange-99
from Clementi MRT Station-105
from Choa Chu Kang Bus Interchange-188
by MRT..
Jurong East (within walking distance, approx. 10 mins)
Shuttle service between Jurong East MRT and THE CHEVRONS is also available during the weekend (Fri - Sun), from 1100 to 2359 hrs at every 20-min interval.
by car or taxi..
easily accessible by major highways, PIE & AYE
from City / CBD-Approx 20 mins
from Changi Airport-Approx 35 mins(haha.not like anyone's coming from there..)
from Tuas Second Link-Approx 15 mins
here's e area map... (the stars are the bus stops)

and some picts of the place..this should be it..its from the website..though maybe its the wrong one..but i doubt so..if it is..don't blame me..haha.yea

looks GOOD.
i cant wait!!!!!
see you guys on friday, then we'll work out greater details from there.yup.byee!
sprinkled in glitter.
2:23 PM
heyy.didn't go for chess.not feeling poor head.and this is just after Ryan tells me to take care...--'YOU better take care'//.lol.sighs.

eh..eugene//.cut and use this photo instead
i look kinda GROSS in that one u used,
though it doesn't really pls?ahaha.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:18 PM
heyyy.choir ended @ like n i thought we were gonna be late..then @ like 6.45 Pauline came to Macs..turns out she was supposed to meet steph and sam @ the other they came here, then they went to eat @ the grotto..then sarah me n tab went to st matt's with her....we sat..trini n deb came..sat next to me..we just sang..
gahh.the Come and worship, come and
so ugly la the note...we did that part over and over again..another part also..cant rmb..only 3 sop2s were present..sounded off.but it was supposed to sound like was fun.
everytime we hit the wrong note..we'll all give each other the look, then burst out
SOME ppl kept talkingg..and not listening...Andrea was like 'Maybe we should set a good example to the newer ones..'
haha. x)))
she's GOOD.yea. haha.we did 2 and 1/2 songs..the night that christ was born.whoa...
the last note...we have to hold it for like
16 counts.SIXTEEN! lol.we all cheated la.ahaha.
the come and worship part took us the longest to get though..yea.but we managed to..we did the songs quite a num of times, till we got it right..yupp.
the altos had sectional prac also..could hear their guitar from upstairs..
then they finished slightly they were looking through our window and
smiling... (((:(i got PINK PINK PINK PINK!!!)
yea..then we finished..mum came to pick us..we gave pualine a lift home..said BYE to the rest..will be seeing em again on sat and next tues..yup.looking forward actually..
sprinkled in glitter.
10:27 AM
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
tomorrow...omg...its such a LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY song!i can sing it over and over and over..i can reach e note of e last tomorrow!!! x)i'll try to get that as my blog song.. ((((:The sun'll come out tomorrow
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
they'll be sun
just thinking about tomorrow
cleares away the cobwebs and the sorow'
till their none
when i'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely
i just think of my chin and grin and say oh
the sun'll come out tomorrow
so you gotta hang until tomorrow
come what may
i love ya tomorrow
your always a day away
when i'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely
i just think of my chin and grin and say oh
the sun'll come out tomorrow
so you gotta hang until tomorrow
come what may
i love ya tomorrow
your always a day away
i love ya tomorrow your always a day away
gotta go pick my sister from school now.. . . . dunno whether to take 238 or 139..see how lazy i'm feeling la.choir tonight//.me n sis going for dinner..@ Macs.haha.just opp church what..yup.byee.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:59 PM
I've got a new
black skirt!!!(--skirts are NOT a rip-off.ahem ahem ahem.)
super nice i tell you...
its black and the pleated one i have,
but like
SUPER short..
as short as the drama night @ sji one...yea.but the bottom isn't the same as my denim one on drama night so, its more comfortable..
manda, erica--shall we all wear skirts again (((:like on drama night...niceee..
and i wore a skirt after like to get back into the habit..
its like SUPER short..i wore it to my sunt's hse..its PURPLE(((:
--you know the one debra used for cheerlaeding @the soccer comp--yea.that one..
its like freakin mum's actually asking me to wear my skirts.
and i guess i'm getting BORED of jeans..
wonder when to wear the new skirt..
NOT to church.NO WAY.
how bout..on the outing!!!!!!!yea.
amanda, erica..skirts? pleaseeee.i haven't seen manda wear a skirt to go out since drama night!!!
what do i have to do to convince you?
sprinkled in glitter.
12:29 PM
hi!no need to wake up early today..finally! but..i have to pick my sister today..i think..and we've got choir sect. prac later tonight..
yea.looking for picts've got NICE ones..
i'll post a few if i can..
i've got a poem..which i wrote LONG ago too..its quite strong..i'll try ta post it..
hmmm.i'm feeling random
- you know, the chicken little ad, the song--Dragostea Din Tei only the chorus parts are really numa iei.....haha
- i played Halo on th Xbox last night!
- i LOVE the sniper rifle!!!i love it i love it love it
- the coke with lime ad is NICEE
- ah lian neoprints are hilarious
- do you think 30 bucks is ex for a halter?
- chinese carrot cake with oyster omellete chilli sauce(the sour one) so rocks.
- i haven't had an overnight school camp since pri 5!
- singing rocks ends my randomness.
gonna visit blogs now...byee!
sprinkled in glitter.
10:46 AM
Monday, November 07, 2005
this is called, self-defence.and it is NOT not not not not not biased.
nowadays.people are
OH-SO stereotypical.being in chessSO doesn't mean i'm a nerd...hellooo.
get the definition of nerd right!
unless it means a nice girl(lol), who last minute studies, who is also in choir, enjoys going out with my friends and shopping x)]
don't call me one.
thats being so stereotypical. and it clearly displays
LOW quality thinking.other than the fact that the person is being so
NON-analytical and is a GENERALIZE-r//.
its beconme so common today(stereotyping).
even when i was in the dentist plucking out my tooth the dentist was like--my sister's in handbells.she thinks its quite a loser cca..all the supposedly 'cool' girls are in sporty ccas//.
see what i mean..
being in chess, doesn't mean i'm a nerd&being in a sporty cca doesn't mean you're cool don't anyone assume anything.its what inside that makes up a person! not what CCA she's in.
sheesh.i hope i've proven my point.heh.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:45 PM
hi! just got home..
manda waited for my chess to be done so then we went to j8..showed her the lovely halter!
which costs like 30 bucks..
and we decided to watch Sky high on our outing!!!lol. 2 vs 1.ahahaha.we took neos!!! so nicee.i tell you.esp one of them..haha.which i was forbidden to post.
i'll post em .. see see see

then we left j8..we were plotting..hehe.haha.our neos SO nicee i tell you..we took like so long decorating them though..cos we had so much extra time..yea..gonna go write MORE
and we got an Xbox!!!but i haven't got a chance to dd and brother..glued to it!!!lol.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:51 PM
Sunday, November 06, 2005
hi! had choir yesterday..waited for trini//.dono why her class ended SO me n steph went first and that was like @ 5.40pm?lol.went in..just did two songs..went to the loft..i'm sitting on the 3rd highest bar, nearer to the right side..i got in sop.haha.quite sis also..
yea..we didn't do intros though..but, i got to know a few ppl--plus ppl i alrdy knew//.
with the
cute spaced out look//.aha.not naming names..too bad. our CDs--to practice singing..
we're doing midnight mass for christmas i think// (: prac on tues..@ 7 right? should be..
and after mass, we met Rosanna and Russell!!!like from when we were neighbours/friends from WAY younger!!!so Mona's fren helped us take photos..yea.i'll add em on my friendster..
yup..tts abt all..going to my aunt's hse for dinner @ her new hse.. Gary and Sherry are going!!and hopefully Jazlyn too (: byee!
sprinkled in glitter.
1:36 PM
Friday, November 04, 2005
i'm SO for some a few..but too lazy to copy the person quoted..only some la.ahaha.enjoy!It's the good girls who keep the diaries; the bad girls never have the time. [i have a diary :))]
There are so many girls, and so few princes. -liza minelli
Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can't get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb.
A girl is Innocence playing in the mud, Beauty standing on its head, and Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot.
"Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you."--kirsten dunst ( true eh?)
Does feminist mean large unpleasant person who'll shout at you or someone who believes women are human beings. To me it's the latter, so I sign up.
If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.--Margaret thatcher
haha.and quoting miss chong--
'boy's are useless!they cause trouble only!'ahaha.point of quote--concetrate on studies(maths)hahaha.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:32 PM
gonna change song soon..probably to..'re few options..see what u like.. and tag ur choice.. thanks.
Ultimate by Lindsay Lohan--nice...the video for e song is good!
I'll be there for you-friends themesong.sweeeeet//.
Crash world-hilary duff--nice song to sing also..they're all nice to sing la.
Your crowning glory--from princess diaries 2
Strangers like me--from Disney's tarzan
Tomorrow!--from Annie.its a good song to sing while reading my blog..although, you might not be able to reach the last part//.[i can x))))]
White houses!--by vanessa carlton. NICE NICE NICE song to sing!!!but what e song's abt. . . .
So little time--you know..that song on Mary-kate and Ashley's So little time..nice verse to sing also..
Stacie's mum!--nice to sing also..esp the 'we can hang around by the pooooo pooo pooooL'ahaha.madness.
The Pokemon themesong!?--my brother made me do this.
Stories!!!from disney's beauty and the beast enchanted stories....lovely sweet..nice to sing ALSO.
Somewhere over the rainbow by Aselin debison.AMAZING vocals! absolutely amazing.
kay.i think thats WAYY more than enough me choose??? thankies. *LOVE MUCH*
sprinkled in glitter.
3:05 PM
done baking..though, it wasn't really a brother said it
beats the subway cookies!!! x)) not bad eh.. considering tt i haven't baked in ages.. i put them too close on the tray though..who new they would
expand SO MUCH?!
one cookie is like practically the size of my tastes different though.
we went to Holland V last night..had the
XO fish soup for dinner. it was good! no, i didn't get drunk..the XO is cooked alrdy la.. the fish pieces were BIG.and it still had fish sking on it.gross//.
then we walked mum said holland village is a really
'sikit atas' (for those who don't know what it means--it means up-class) place.who saw tons of caucasians...haha//.some rather good looking.if only the place wasn't so
uluated--no offence to those who stay there..
there was a factory outlet shop there..not as big as the one in Johor, City square--but still big.. me, zac and tab tried on clothes..the jeans wouldn't fit her properly--too brother got some army print pants and i got a NEW pair of jeans! haha..wearing em tmr.they fit perfectly i tell you...haha.
so, anyways..i washed up ALL the utensils and bowls i TOTAL, i used like 3 knives, 2 forks, 1 spoon, 4 bowls, and measuring cups, 4 measuring spoons, scissors, a lot of tissue, 2 towels, water--to wash up duh, 1 big tray, 3 small trays--for cooling, two cloth gloves, 3 chairs, a watch, my hand phone, the kitchen clock, the oven, and all e my
random note book:)) the recipe was in it! haha. so much right.ahaha.
i think next time, i'd be better of just buying the cookies.Then again, the fun is in the mixing and beating and creaming and making a MESS of the kitchen table top isn't it?
sprinkled in glitter.
2:23 PM
Thursday, November 03, 2005
hi!i painted my reindeer yesterday! i'll post a of what it looked like before..and one after..super nice!!!


took me ages to get it noe me..always trying to be perfect...ahaha.
haven't thought of a name for it!!!oh ya...tag some suggestions yea guys?
thanks! love much!
i've got a new poem too!i shall type it's rather sketchy though..the lines don't really connect.but still, its something..and i'd better just say.the previous poem on girls, it doesn't apply to all girls.but tt doesn't mean its fictional x) haha.yupp.
the title of this one is--
What is this world coming to?
Murders.racial prejudice.distorted truths.
evident in today's society.
pearls of justice formed out of shape
leaders being biased
teens not knowing the meaning of LOVE
knowing not what it means to be in a relationship
children left in the shadows
by parents with affairs
in an indifferent society
we care not for the needs of others
only ourselves
me, myself and I
the 5 Cs
Condo, cash, credit card, car, career
But care, concern and courage?
missed out in the count.
Being unable to control and discipline ourselves
Working for rewards, not our own own knowledge
Watch the world from a gypsy's crystal ball
gloomy mist fills the sphere
dark, swirling smoke
beneath the wisps,
the gypsy glimpses green.
done :) the last para requires sister douldn't get it..haha.its rather abstract...
yea. think...tag and ask me if u don't get the last bit...and comment, as always.thanks!
choir starts on sat..kinda cant wait x) byee!
wait.i'm in the photo posting mood now! look out for more picts!
see u guys on the 11th @ 9am..byee!
sprinkled in glitter.
2:55 PM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
i'm gonna try baking!
hopefully, i don't blow up the whole kitchen..
gonna look for a recipe...
somewhere over the rainbow by aselin debison so rocks!
her vocals are like amazing.
hope u liked the poem..
i'm feeling random now..
liquid silver is a lovely phrase for description! love it!haha
poems help you reflect and think!
helium balloons rock!
i found my randon notebook!!!!!!!!i did! so happy.
famous amos cookies so make my day.
if i was crying.and sad.and if i thought nothing would make me happy ever, you wouldn't have to give me cookies though.just a hug.
her royal highness' randomness is shocking.
better go before it stays permanent//.
another poem!
this one's lousy though...nonetheless.enjoy!
help you think.
they open a door
into a world
a world we otherwise cannot find the key to
they give you a chance to be
a sadist
a gay
a horse
they honestly help you think.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:27 PM
The opposite of BoysGirls. females.
The more dominant sex
To experience what boys don’t
To bitch, to gossip
To shop, shop, shop
Make-up obsessed.
Eyeshadow, blush
Lipgloss, mascara
Dancing, singing
We think soccer gets you all dirty
Opt for cleaner sports
Like netball
Handbags, shoes,
We’ll never have TOO many
The classic girl colour
When you think of pink,
think girl
When you think of girl,
Think females, the more dominant sex..
another poem..wrote at night, not very gd..yea.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:07 PM
hi! i'm getting a new e-mail soon..hahax.bored of the current one..sick of it i'll do all the u guys just don't block me..yup//.
new e-mail starts with if someone with an email starting with L adds you, its ME!
don't block kay..haha.
i got in the choir x)haha.amazing man..i really kinda screwed e auditions..oh well..starting this sat//.my sister got in too..yea.. steph said there's a new member in descant..i don't think its me..tts like the highest range maybe it was tt girl before me...
went to plaza sing yesterday...the new email page is taking AGES to load!lol.
yea...maybe this is causing it..better close this window..byee x)
wait.its loaded!ahaha.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:45 PM