the quote of the day is......drumroll please......
sprinkled in glitter.
2:27 PM
this is weird.i'm way i have resulted in doing time-consuming such.such as THIS (((:
In no particular order,
list down--
-3 people you talk to online,
-4 people you see at school,
-2 teachers,
-3 people you love going out with
-3 people in your sms inbox
1. Amanda
2. Eugene
3. Jon
4. Sarah
5. Sonya
6. Denise
7. Amos
8. Mrs TAY
9. ENA
10. Nut!
11. Gerald
12. RACH!
13. Chris
14. Mr. MUS.
So what do you think of number 4?
I LOVE her!!!babe.not in the les way duh.
How would you feel if number 4 slapped you on your face?
ummm...slap her back?ahaha.
How nice is number 6?
On a scale of 1-10, rate how good looking number 5 is cuz? 10?haha.
Will you ever fall for number 11?
haha.gerald..u seriously coincidently came up as no.11.haha.
alrdy did ONCE..
Honestly, if number 8 met with an accident, what would you do?
ummm.make her a get well soon card?
What sport would you play with number 12?
pickle ball!!
What if number 1 got a boyfriend?
support her..oooh i wonder who.
Do you hate number 9?
How much do you like number 2?
enough...he's a nice guy.
Will 13 and 7 make a good couple?
THEY'RE BOTH GUYS!so no...but never noe..
Would 14 one day kill you?
MR mus???haha.god knows.
Who do you like more? 3 or 10?
get five people to do this thing.
AMANDA!-so you'll BLOG
RYAN-smth to do..
ENA!-when u come back la..
sprinkled in glitter.
1:56 PM
I wait for the postman to bring me a letter
I wait for the good Lord to make me feel better
And I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders
Family in crisis that only grows older
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I am broken, but I am hopin
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I am crying, a part of me's dying
And these are, these are the confessions of a broken heart
I wear all your old clothes the polo sweater
I dream of another you, one who would never
Never leave me alone to pick up the pieces
Daddy to hold me, that's what I needed
So why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I don't know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father, daughter to father
Tell me the truth, did you ever love me?
'Cause these are, these are the confessions of a broken heart
Of a broken heart
I love you
I love you
I love you
I,I love you
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I don't know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father, daughter to father
Tell me the truth, did you ever love me?
Did you ever love me?
These are the confessions of a broken heart
Ohh yeah
I wait for the postman to bring me a letter
sprinkled in glitter.
1:43 PM
hi! just watched some SFOGS crazy! and played with my bro just CRAZY man//.. going to blog hop now..chao!and write some testimonials..tag and i'll write u one!ahaha//.loves!
random factONE
this is a short post.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:08 PM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
bored//.nowadays my sis is SO rude respect for her elders.hmph.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:02 PM
The University of Blogging
Presents to Samantha Ann Branson
An Honorary Bachelor of Gossip
Majoring in Babbling
Blogging Degree
hahaha.this webbie is so hilariously lame..
sprinkled in glitter.
12:55 PM
Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan! |
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind! |
hahaha.thats me (((:
sprinkled in glitter.
12:51 PM
S | Sappy |
A | Awesome |
M | Mischievous |
A | Accurate |
N | New |
T | Tough |
H | Huge |
A | Ambivalent |
sprinkled in glitter.
12:45 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
heys..was @ my grandma's hse last night..with my cousins!josh and fun!haha.son and i were like laughing SO much..we need to go do our nails together cuz...when u come back..
and here's my reflections..can i just ask ONE favour;
--for those who don't get it, DON'T ask.for those who get it, don't care.
CASE're NOT always right.NEITHER am I.2.don't waste ur breath3.forget it.I'm wasting my breathCASE TWO
2.I genuinely do.
3.and ur honestly one person i can turn to.and vice-versa.know tt.
CASE THREE1.sighs//.its hard.2.i don't know why i'm like this.i don't know why i'm acting like this.i don't noe why i'm feeling like this okay.don't ask.its makes it worse.3.i can't lie FOR NUTS.4.sighs.5.i'm so sorry.i am.we're drifting.somehow or other.CASE FOUR
1.its not my problem ur having drastic MOOD perpetually.
3.didn't even tell me yourself. why?cos u didn't dare.shee-sh.ask someone else to tell me.
4.there wasn't even a queue FYI//.and ten to twenty mins is a LONG time.FYI//.
CASE to tell i even want to.CASE SIX(me)
1.ahhh.shoot.i'm gonna cry.
did i mention that i won my chess comp on saturday! i won the ladies prize!i had e highest score out of all the females i got $50 bicks..clarisse also!!
P.S. Sorry if any of the above hurts u in any way whatsoever.its just smth cathartic which i need right now.when i've got no one to turn to.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:39 PM
HEYS.I'm back!!!haha.since last night actually..we were back in s'pore at like 11pm.round there...
i've been keeping track of what i've been doing here's e update and some picts of my trip there!happy reading.i predict this gonna be one LONG post.then agai.i large num of my posts are long, so it doesn't really make a diff..heh.DAY ONE//.on the bus at 9.30am..left singapore...

--sleeping beauty on the bus//.
Not sure exactly what time we reached Bukit bintang in KL but it was round 3.30//.the bus was quite comfy..i slept most of the way..the showed Domino on the bus..i sat with Zac,he had the window seat..unfairness.oh wells.checked in the Concorde hotel..NICEE.
went shopping at MUCH SHOPPING! most of the stuff there was branded stuff though..we went to Sasa.//.and they had SEVENTY percent of the Bloom make up.this person here went crazy.unfortunately, my cash only allowed me to get two..eyeshadow--green and eye liner....super nice.the GIRLS shop was nice too.super pinkified.and ex.i
got a nice pencilcase from there..though i fear it might be a little small..
and i saw ruth toh and family there...small world..had genki sushi for dinner..and i saw my hp model on sale there for RM999//.crazy.its like worth only 89 dollars in singapore..
went back to htel at night...had a nice bubble bath....slept at 12.30//.watched america's next top model..
who on earth puts chips in the fridge??and our frisge was leaking water out of nowhere....

-the stuff i bought(((:
DAY TWOhad breakfast at 9.50am..went to....
ha baskin robbins ice cream.which so ROCKS!it beats
ben n jerry's..
TWO earrings..and a nice t-shirt..from
FOS.(factory outlet shop)dad was working so we went round there just with mum..
had A&W for dinner...and my hair was CURLY the whole day cos of the room aircon and smth to do with mum was trying to explain..didn't really get it though//.
and i injured my toe.the stupid glass door sensor wasn't working..closed on my long cut..
bleeding tons..its fine now though.. watched lindsay lohan's video--confessions of a broken heart..Mum bought two pairs of ELLE shoes...which i also can wear(((:
same as yesterday..had sausages, eggs, hashbrowns.. took the MRT dwn to the bukit bintang area;sungei wang plaza and berjaya times square..
FOS again, Maui and sons at metrojaya,
i bought TWO
TEENvogue mags for RM10.crazyyy//.
had Nando's for dinner..the
mango sorbet rocked..then haegendaez ice cream..mmmm//.
back at e hotel//.applied my new make-up for fun..the
pistachio green and the
brown goes SO well.see.

chronicles of NArnia at the cinema there..cos its out in kl alrdy.super nice...i cried.haha.not even 10 mins into the show.hehh.
it was GOOD.i love the gryphons.
had dinner at the little penang cafe..the dessert was u can see..

(my dad spoiled e pict...)
then went back...cant rmb..what i did is written in a postcard in my room..too lazy..oh ya! we went to chinatown..mum got a handbag, the two of em got watches..
DAY FIVE -- LAST DAY!The twin towers were covered with clouds..we had a view of them from our hotel room..

we went to bukit bintamg again..and, tab and i sat on the roller went upside down like three times each ride..headache..
then by 4.30 we were on the bus again..and on the way back....
I missed singapore!the taxis there.....
and on the way back, the korean president passed by our hotel..his whole
convoy had like 13 cars and a few policemen on
i'm gonna catch up with some ppl now..take care.byeee.i'll be
busy today...chess comp from 2-7 and choir from 8-10.chao.shoot i'm gonna be late!! byee//.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:27 PM
Friday, December 02, 2005
whee.i've got a new skin.recognise e pict?i LOVE it.its me!hahaha.with a few other ppl in it.hope u guys like e new skin as much as i do.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:55 PM
wheee.i'm home!haha.
had meeting just now..discuss discuss discuss...
came home..
chicken rice for lunch..yup.
going out later..
supposed to be working on an art piece now...hehh.
i'm in the hyper whatever mood now.
I'm going shopping ((((:
byee.and on the next day after i come back, i've got chess comp.from morning to night//. . .
hyper sam says BYE.
or wait.
i'm not going yet..
I've been thinking. christmas deco on Orchard Rd is getting worst!
its all sponsored sponsored sponsered.
why do u think robinson's has M&Ms?
so funny.oh well.cheapos//.
random 1--my mum's teaching K1 and K2 CARE next year (:random 2--i've got ONE mosquito bite on my arm!random 3--my printer is out of ink!!!
sprinkled in glitter.
2:43 PM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
sprinkled in glitter.
8:49 PM
heys.friendster is so slow sometimes...
yup.i'll be sending out my cards soon..before i go to KL..
FIVE DAYS!shopping galore.
happy happy happy.
baked cookies today (((:
was nicer last time acc to mum and all. but it still tastes e same..only its a little too hard.i over baked it i think.ahaha.
so i woke up, baked, had lunch, watched harry potter and the chamber of secrets, talked to chris, helped mum do her school stuff...and now on the comp..yup//.
i had a weird dream last night...oh wells.i put aside my stuff for the trip next monday already!haha.mum said to, in case, they don't get bcak from the wash in time.yupp//.LATER.
random point 1.--my brother is SO CUTE.he fell accidently on his castle yesterday and got hurt..he was crying and crying.i was like, 'what do u want me to do to get u to stop crying?'and he's like"HEAL MY BUTT..."SO CUTE.haharandom point 2.--friendster isn't exactly fast//.i wish it was as fast as blogger..random point 3--Amanda had MSN! add her please amanda_amah@hotmail.comrandom point 4--I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE!chao.
and i'm still thinking of someone.
stop it already man.
dont ask.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:34 PM