LOVELY Adidas ad.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:07 PM
I went to a party, And remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mum
So I had a sprite instead.
I felt proud of myself, The way you said I would,
That I didn't drink and drive,
Though some friends said I should.
I made a healthy choice, And your advice to me was right.
The party finally ended,
And the kids drove out of sight.
I got into my car,
Sure to get home in one piece,
I never knew what was coming, Mum
Something I expected least.
Now I'm lying on the pavement,
And I hear the policeman say,
The kid that caused this wreck was drunk.
Mum, his voice seems far away,
My own blood's all around me,
As I try hard not to cry.
I can hear the paramedic say,
This girl is going to die.
I'm sure the guy had no idea,
While he was flying high,
Because he chose to drink and drive,
Now I would have to die.
So why do people do it, Mum
Knowing that it ruins lives?
And now the pain is cutting me,
Like a hundred stabbing knives.
Tell sister not to be afraid, Mum
Tell daddy to be brave,
And when I go to heaven,
Put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
Someone should have taught him,
That it's wrong to drink and drive.
Maybe if his parents had, I'd still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter, Mum
I'm getting really scared.
These are my final moments,
And I'm so unprepared.
I wish that you could hold me Mum,
As I lie here and die.
I wish that I could say, "I love you, Mum!"
So I love you and good-bye. i need to go to the library man. yup. anyways. i've been THINKING.
people here and there, once in awhile, tell me TO change.
but i think to myself. WHY.
one person's proud, is another person's OKAY.
so who's gonna be the ultimate person with the right to JUDGE what's proud and whats not proud.
well. i'll tell you who. GOD.
only GOD.
so yea. that speaks for itself.
and sorry to burst your bubble.
but NO ONE CAN PLAY GOD.and yea. i've said it once, i'll say it again.
i'm not gonna change for just four people.
four people whom i dont even know!
SHEESH la.okay fine, i knew you for how long? THREE MONTHS, tsk.
i'm supposed to believe their judgement because . . .. . ?
give me a GOOD reason and i'll think about it. but till then --
Is it not for our imperfections that make us unique?anyways.
went to chomp chomp last night for dinner! met Aunty Cindy and Cherese, they came down from KL. Cherese is the CUTEST ever! haha. i had to take her for a walk while the adults were eating, and i carried her, and she's like pointing at the sbs buses at the circle and all. and plucking leaves to tickle Zachary's face. SO CUTE. then we went to Pohpoh's house,then walked to uncle steven's house. on the way there. EW. there was a BIG COCKROACH. so i ran further up. then my sis was like, there's a cockroach and your arm! so i SCREAMED. flicked smth imaginary off my arm, and yea. screamed SO LOUDLY. and So happened, the house i was walking past had a BIG dog. so it started BARKING AND BARKING, giving me such a shock la. and further up. there was this other house with like 4 pomeranians. sorry la, but i just dislike small yappy dogs.YEA.

ME carrying cherese! she likes it when i carry her! :D
i shall end off with a few random facts.
- Looking at clothes and stuff on the Topshop webbie is SO FUN.there's this thing. that makes the stuff slide so smoothly across the screen. you can help but think-WAH.
- i miss CAP!
and Brendan in the glittery purple wig, making all of the sickies laugh in the OPS room. haha. oh.and david and his papaya picking.HAHA.and telling me that laughter s the best medicine. and giving postcards! yup. and Judith telling me abt her AEP days. HEE.I MISS it! - random stuff at ME.haha.
- - I can eat Long John's every single day and never get sick of it.
- -i have the adidas ad poster, but no space to put it up. sheesh.
- -i'm gonna go blog hop to find out who those idiots were, LATER.
- oh yea. i'm PHONELESS for awhile now. SO YEA. sorry if i dont reply your smses. i mean, i dont even have my phone.. yea.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls; Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
whoosh. i found this. EMO exists as a dictionary word. COOL.
Emo (slang)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caricature of stereotypical emo dress.Emo (from emotional) is a slang term used to describe a range of fashion styles and attitudes somewhat affiliated with emo music and its related scenes. The word "emo" may be used as a noun to describe a member of the emo scene, as an adjective to describe a certain style of fashion or music, or even to describe a state of feeling unhappiness, loneliness, depression or melancholy (to feel "emo").
Main article: Emo (music)
For more than a decade, the term emo was used almost exclusively to describe the genre of music that spawned from the 1980s DC scene and all of the bands inspired by it. However, during the late 1990s, as emo music began to emerge from the underground into popular consciousness, the term began to be used as a reference for more than just the music.
The origin of the word emo itself is unclear. In a 1985 interview by Rites of Spring in Flipside Magazine, members of the band noted that some of their fans in DC were starting to call them "emo", arguably because of the state of emotion that the band displayed during their shows. In later years, the word emo was viewed as a contraction of "emotional hardcore" or "emocore", which was the popular designation of the music genre. (One contingent of the scene insists that emo is a contraction for "emotive hardcore". However, no primary source has been found to confirm use of that term prior to the mid-1990s.)
In recent years, as its use has come to define more than just the music, the word emo has more often been viewed as simply being short for "emotional".
Bands like Dashboard Confessional began to popularize a more dramatic and personal style of "emo", which utilized lyrics that had a far greater appeal amongst teenagers experiencing life and love for the first time. As the lyrical content shifted and as the sound began to enter the mainstream, the term "emo" started to be used more often to describe what was perceived by those outside the scene as the overwrought melodrama of the music. The perception was that melodrama was simply an invention, an effort to display despression or dysfunction where it didn't actually exist. Popular comments such as "don't be so emo" and "cheer up, emo kid" drove home the belief among deriders that fans of emo music took themselves too seriously.
As major labels began pushing more bands under the "emo" umbrella, varying styles of music and dress began to be lumped in as well. The style of bands like My Chemical Romance, including their use of makeup (particularly black eyeliner) and longish hair covering the face, began to be associated with "emo".
Fashion and culture
There are two popular forms of dress associated with emo. The first is essentially what came out of the 90s "indie emo" scene, and has connections to indie rock and punk rock. It includes more vintage and thrift store clothing, typically for a well-worn look. Some of the clothing leans toward khaki colors. T-shirts are typically of smaller sizes and with random prints, often images from the 1980s. Bags and backpacks often have pins and patches of various bands.
The other popular style of dress focuses on darker colors. Commonly seen elements include dark colored hair, dyed either black, red, multi-colored (brown and black, red and purple, etc.), or an unnatural dark hue, males wearing pants tailored for females, lip, eyebrow, and labret piercings, and dark make-up on males and females (most notably black eyeliner, although red eyeshadow is becoming increasingly popular). A common accessory for both males and females are glasses with a dark coloured (usually black), thick rim, a style sometimes even worn by persons who do not require corrective eye-wear.
Converse All-Star style shoes are common amongst both styles of dress, as are Vans shoes.
Though the original emo scenes were not exclusionary, the modern "emo" scene has developed into a "gay friendly" scene. Though it's unclear whether it's related to the diminished "macho" elements of emo music or the "gay friendly" nature of the scene, it has become commonplace for detractors to use "emo" in combination with popular discriminatory gay slurs, such as "emo fag".
While "emo" is often used to describe the dress and attitudes of fans of emo music, it should be noted that "emo" as a musical genre and "emo" as a slang term are largely separate. "Emo" as a musical genre long pre-dated the use of "emo" as a slang term. At the same time, most current bands labeled "emo" are done so unwillingly, and largely because they share some of the fashion trends and attitude associated with "emo" as a slang term.
There is also a common stereotype that associates "emo" with self-harm, most notably cutting wrists, arms, legs, etc., possibly due to song lyrics associated with so-called "emo" bands, which often speak of acts of self-destruction. However, apart from the anecdotal, there is no significant evidence of any correlation between emo and self-harm.
Alternative uses
The term "emo" has also been used in recent years on the Internet as a form of derogatory insult, especially toward those who appear emotionally unstable, or those who talk about issues in their lives to people in public forums or chat rooms. Similar to popular curses, it tends to be used as a general insult even when it is not directly applicable. Phrases such as "cheer up, emo kid" are used frequently as a quick brush-off in this context. Some use the term "emo" to describe a feeling of depression, harking back to the association of depression with the Emo subculture.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:15 PM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
yay. fixed it. for the password, its so i can say stuff i dont want some people to know? yea. oh wells. yea.
people keep telling me to change.hmmms. yea. i need a whining session soon. its like. people judge people so naturally, they dont even realise they're doing it.sheesh. oh wells.
for fun.
Three Names You Go By:
SAM. branson! Samantha.
Three Parts of Your Heritage:
chinese, peranakan, portugese-eurasian--with irish blood..
Three Things That Scare You:
INSECTS. esp cockroaches. STALKERS. busting my curfew. and anticipating the consequences of it.
Three of Your Everyday Essentials:
handphone. earrings!Smth to wear on my left hand when i go out.(bracelet)
Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
res house fbt shorts.underwear? duh.
Three of Your Favorite Songs at the moment:
Open up the Gates, Running after you, ermmmm. For the Beauty.
Two Truths and a Lie (in any order) :
i have 60 pairs of earrings, i wish i had an elder brother, i have a pet crocodile.
Three of Your Favourite Hobbies:
reading, using the computer, using my handphone.
Three Things You want really badly right now:
To go for choir! to go shopping for more earrings and bracelets! and to go cycling..
Three Places You Want to go on Vacation:
HAWAII. Melbourne. Los Angeles.
Three things you want to do before you die:
erm. have smth named after me! hahaha. make NICE cookies. get my first kiss!
sprinkled in glitter.
4:53 PM
NEW skin. haha. like finally.. yea.
haha. the colours dont match though.. i'll fix it up soon. yeaa. and its like aligned to the right.. mmhmm.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:36 PM
hii. its sinking in. HOLS ARE ENDING. oh man. it's like. so faaaaaast.
yea, really. mmhmm. more camps than anything. yea. haha, sheesh. there's nothing to say. oh well.hmm. i need a new skin.
just cos you dont acknowledge smth, doesnt mean its not there.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:29 PM
Monday, June 19, 2006
At the request of christine fernando.
what are you doing in Secondary School?
post-it wasting during ss/hist!
buying food! -baked rice! mmmm.
Five of your favourite bands/singers?
black eyed peas
lindsay lohan
hilary duff
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
splurge :D
donate to the SPCA
donate to the Cat Welfare Society
buy my brother what he wants (i spoil him man.)
travel the globe.
Five bad habits?
procrastination. definitely.
talking too much.
using the phone too much.
doing things half way? sometimes.
wasting pen ink on doodles. haha.
Five things you like doing?
reading, but only fantasy or sci-fiction.
using the computer! (msn, friendster...)
TALKING! (on the phone, over lunch, ANYTHING!)
messaging! haha.(when i cant talk.)
Five things you would never buy/wear/get?
pink hair dye. (ew. it just screams ah lian--noo offence)
leopard print slacks. (OMG. so aunty)
blue lipstick. (errr.)
black and white striped STOCKINGS. (it seriously screams ah lian.)
anything overly lacy and erm. ah lianic.
Five favourite things?
only FIVE. awwww. well.
my RED BEADS! (so matches the red dot shirt and the denim skirt :D)
my GUESS denim skirt :)
all my 60 earrings :D
Five people to do this?
DEBBIE! (when she's BAAACK)
erm. i cant think of anyone else who's free enough? haha. yea. anyone who actually WANTS, tell me. yea.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:51 PM
do you want the bad news first? or the good news?
okay. bad news is HOLS are ENDING!
badder news is i still have homework!
GOOD news is i dont have THAT MUCH homework left
best news. i HOPE to go out again! haha. last shopping date. yup. oh, and there's e catechism class bbq! and choir. YAY.
i cant find anything for AEP! hurr hurr. have to go to the library on thursday. or sometime between now and thursday. haha.
OMG. my impression of people tend to change when they use the wrong words intentionally. like READED. come on! the past tense of read is still READ. sheesh. oh well. some people.
and i'm glad to know that everything's OKAAAY :D
i'm too much of a worry bug. and people tend to make me PARANOID real easily. yea. haha. i realised that while writing in my diary. MMMHMMM.
hahaha. I'm browsing people's friendster accounts now, and i think its quite amazing how evreyone you know somehow knows people you slightly know. haha. YEA. well. yeaaa. i pissed someone off cos of my paranoia? maybe. haha. oh wells. and OMG. i SO need to find out who that Altar boy serving at 11.30 mass at christ the king is, yeaaaa. HAHA.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:31 PM
Friday, June 16, 2006
no matter how much it feels that the whole world's against
it could never ever be, I PROMISE.
i'd chase after you,
just to tell you , i'm on your
sprinkled in glitter.
1:11 PM
Supposed to go East Coast Beach today. but its RAINING. so not going. YET.
i SO want to cycle for one and a half hours.
from one end of east coast to the other and back.
thats alot.
but i love cycling.
all the more with the sea breeze in your hair.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:36 PM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
hey. so life's been good.
other than a few blemishes in the painting. yea. i can like cry so easily now. yea. i've just gotten in touch with this more EMOtional side of me, i guess. yea. emotional maturity? who knows. crying to my pillow isnt a choice though. yeaaaaa. OH MAN.
sprinkled in glitter.
10:13 PM
Monday, June 12, 2006
A stack of photographs.
Sam on a skateboard.
Sam’s mother cuddling a baby.
A blonde-haired girl smiling beside a snowman.
She wore bright yellow mittens and a pair of shiny red shoes.
Then she remembered (the deaths)
The faint sigh of a ‘no!’
‘Not too far, sweetheart.’
A blue butterfly.
Beautiful and strange amidst the chill of winter.
She rushed onto the frozen lake, determined to touch the winged beauty fluttering abouve the center.
‘Look!’ she cried ‘See!’
then the ice cracked and the butterfly flew away.
‘they all dies because of me.’
‘no, they loved you very much.’
‘But that doesn’t matter. None of it does.
Not love, not anything. Everything is lost.’
She looked up at the huge letters carved into a grey stone.
Tears flowed from her eyes till she could no longer read the words.
‘Know this, love cannot be destroyed.the things that mattr will stay with you always.’
Jack Palmer
Sally Palmer
Samuel Palmer
Poppy Palmer
fell through the ice
31st December 2005
-Suffer little children to come unto me-
A solitary teardrop falls.
Sense the subtle hint of frost from the melting snowdrops and the lingering dismay of a little girl.
Hear his words.
‘Just because something changes, doesn’t mean that it is lost.
Like melting snow, it simply becomes somehting else.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:06 PM
i've got two new poems. though i'll only type one out. yea. its inspired by this book i read. and i cried la! its amazing how the storyline and language can build up enough emotion to make you cry. yeaaa. okay. poem LATER.

now SENTOSA! i HAD to go there so like yea. for this Nick kicks thing. organised by nickolodeon. yeaa. my brother and sister were participating. so i was dragged along. at least it was by the veach. did abit of tanning. got sian of it after this giant patrick came near my groundsheet and this CRAZY lady who was chasing him to get a photo kicked sand ALL OVER ME. WTH! i got like so angry . cos this boy kicked sand earlier. i'm like. HELLO. the beach is so big. go kick sand somewhere else la! haha.yeaa. of course i didnt SAY that la. ahaha. a few pictures. lol. i wore this red, black and white (LOVE! i'm into those colours now btw.) cross back top. with my bikini under (i dont have a one piece suit! so yeaaaa) so in some of e photos its UNDER the clothes i'm wearing. HAHA. i got obsessed with drawing in the sand. till it started raining. and this whole family and other ppl decided to flock to our sheltered thing. so yea. they messed all my drawings in the sand. the stupid lady. she was like a giant walking mothball. mmhmm. my tanline's STILL uneven. sad to yea. pictures speak a thousand words, and I've got FIVE pictures. so yeaaa. off to blog hop. CHAO.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:40 PM
TAN! (laura tan) made me do this. SO YEA. ahaha)rules of the game:
1. come up with 8 qualities you want to see in your ideal lover.
2. do indicate the sex of your ideal lover, we'd dearly love to see if you're straight.
3. tag eight other hapless victims' blogs and beleague them with this quiz.
4. second-timers don't have to do it.
GUY OF COURSE!This is like gonna sound SO CLICHE and all.. but haha. bear with me yes? message me everyday to ask me how my day is and stuff. yea, i'm being real specific. hahaha. it just shows how
concerned he is about me and stuff.
2.he's got to be
SWEET! like call to see how i am when i'm sick and all.. yea.
ROMANTIC!i mean. come on.. Valentines day only comes once a year, so make the BEST out of that ONE day. yeaaa.
4.He's got to like my family.. that isnt exactly a quality.. but heck.
5. high tolerance level(for reasons unspoken) is a must! hahahaa.
6. not too corny please. YEAAAA. i just cant take all the lovey-doveyness. YEAAAAA.
7.he has to have the ability to understand me. girls dont always say what they mean.. so he's gotta be good at reading signs. haha
8.HE CANNOT be an ah lian magnet. that would mean that i'm an ah lian. and like?! hahaha. NO WAY.
i'm done! ahaha. now for the EIGHT PEOPLE. must do OKAAAAY.
I'm running out of people! haha.
wait first. i'll continue this later..
got new poem to type out and stuff. yeaaa.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:16 PM
Friday, June 09, 2006
terrific towning today!
aha. whats up with the alliteration. ANYWAY. i watched Xmen3 tonight, like FINALLY. yeaaaa. it was good. Angel's wings are like SO FREAKING cool. MMHMM. then i got my red beads back! but not before buying green beads, a red bangle and a stripy black and white bangle from SIX! haha. I'm officially BROKE btw. YEAAA. like OH MAN.
anyways! it was fun! yea. shopping with Amanda! then we were on the train at Cityhall. and HURR HURR. got off at Somerset and took the train back to Dhoby Ghaut, just to pick up my darling red beads---the ones with the INTERESTING history hurrr--- yea. i think i was on the verge of getting pissed? hha. but i'm NOT now.. yea i dont think i ever majorly was? yeaa. then they came. WTH! jared. DAO like shit la! hurrrrrrrr. you totally looked at me, then like walked into ps.. and we ended up going ALL THE WAY UP to the cinema ticket buying place. HURRR. i'm seriously amazed at your inability to spot me! like OMG! hahahahahahahaha. you make me LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH (you're always like influencing my feelings! omg. like with gerald (?!), the failed match-making, the PRANK! --i didnt CRY okay. i TEARED, and now this! waha. very fun right!HAHA) YEA. so we caught the beads. and WHO's that guy who said "-- - - - - -"(you KNOW what) like WTH? lucky i was in a rush to go home la! hahahaha. seee. GIRL POWER.
like HURR? nothing else better to say ah! -------
hahaha. oh man. what's his name!
sprinkled in glitter.
9:43 PM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

-my lovely earrings! the ones Marc wanted to pay for. haha. SO NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE! omg.
i'm home! as usual. lol. BUT! i'm going out on FRIDAY! haha. i cant wait. movie and shopping! YES YES.
apple or pear. aha.its like i've reached this stage when i dont know which to do! lol. so i have to resort to the apple and pear questions. hurhur.

see those two mirrors, i did the frames! out of paper! haha.
nice nice nice! yes. they're two different ones btw. i should ask Linn if she likes! haha. easy to make. and i feel like making, cos the products comes out so NICE! hees.
yeaaa.hummm. bored! bored. bored. bored. i shall leave you with a poem! haha, its not new, but i like it! It was SUPPPOSED to be made into a song..haha. but i never got to hear the songs? HURR HURR! but yea... and photos! okay, here we are. happy reading!
We’re rippling like liquid silver, beneath the summer nights.
Scent the subtle hint of frost, as tears drip from the crying flowers.
The midsummer’s breeze whispers in his ear.
Its chill caresses each strand of my hair.
The trees let us pass beneath their watch.
We’re so beautiful in our dismay.
And the flowers start to cry.
The stars weep in silence.
Invisible tears slide down, the potential glisten.
The glimmer of light in his eyes, no more.
And so the colors slowly bleed.
We were so beautiful in our dismay.
But no more.
Our shadows slowly fade.
The faint moonlight dominates.
Puddles watched us, under a canopy of stars.
We were like, meant to be
The stars told us we could stay forever.
We’re so beautiful in our dismay.
And the flowers start to cry.
The stars weep in silence.
Invisible tears slide down, the potential glisten.
The glimmer of light in his eyes, no more.
And so the colors slowly bleed.
We were so beautiful in our dismay.
But no more.
Moths fly vainly upward, only to drift, spiraling down.
In my eyes, he’ll be forever there.
The smile in my memory.
A solitary tear runs mascara down my cheek
I’m so beautiful in my dismay.
And the flowers start to cry.
The stars weep in silence.
Invisible tears slide down, the potential glisten.
The glimmer of light in his eyes, no more.
And so the colors slowly bleed.
We were so beautiful in our dismay.
But no more.

WAHA. the randomness. SJI! lols.

MY EYEEEEEEE. hahaha. SO NICE, haha.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:50 PM
Monday, June 05, 2006
i'm deprived. sometimes. yea! oh man! debbie knows!
sprinkled in glitter.
8:56 PM
i'm good at over reacting!
and false alarming!
and getting myself all paranoid for the wrong reasons. or for no reasons!
other people are good at saying i like a certain someone! which gets so pissifying. yea. dont piss me off. i'll start whining.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:47 PM
blogging! aha. okay. i'll do dance night, then botanic gardens! HAHA
dance night! aha.
i saw debbie!and alot of people.. soo yea, i cant possibly state EVERYONE.. yea. took photos! eugene! should have gone la!the breakdancing was cool.. haha. mmhmmm. jerome! he didnt say HIII! or bye! HMMPFF. maybe he didnt see me. mmhmm. and i got scratched by a chair! YEA! like one big mass of scratches on the right side of my right knee.. YEA. and gerald chan. he went! wah. so funny. manda was like looking for him. and i was helping her look la. then wah piang. i looked right in his face! then i looked away!yea. hmm. dance night was GOOD! yea. st nicks lived up to their CHEENA image.
haha funness. crapping on the bus! LIONEL! keep suaning linnette la! YEA! hahaha. then we reached... played a few games. haha. gerard! tsk. then our groups for the day! hhaahaha. WAH THANKS AH LINNETTE! i had both peter mark and marc in my group!!!!!!!! hurr hurr hurr. like how majorly erm. suay(?) can you get in ONE day. so yea yea. i survived! we managed to do alot of things. including getting sunburnt. okay okay, thats what i managed to do. like yea. i got SUPERLY SUNBURNT. mmhmmmmm. yeaaaa.
oh. and i realise marc and I argue ALOT.
like really.
yeaaaa. haha.
its locked!
no it isnt.
it SO is.
no it isnt!
it is la!
okay i bet you.
it is!
HAAAA see. i told you it isn locked, cant you see! there's e bridge thing.
yea, i said it wasnt locked!
NO you said it was locked. HURRR. dont change your words!
hahaha. typical argument.
and about going to watch the Omen. HAHA. you set the date and then just ask me out laaaa. haha.
i bet HE wants to come also. HURR HURR.
yeaa. then we lunched.. and played with denise's dog's tennis ball. we played captains ball. but with the small tennis ball! haha. then we took PHOTOS! haha, gerard like pushed the people at the back! Hahahas.
yup. then we went back to church.. my family was out, so i had like one hour to kill. marc, james and I went to slack in macs. so COLD AND NICE. then we went to play LAN on top. hahaha. i died a record of like TEN TIMES! thanks to james la! haha. kept coming and killing me! so fun to see me die. haha., i think i was whining alot cos i kept dying. HAHA. yeaa. then i came home one hour late.. mmhmm. i'm surrendering my phone.. my parents want to discipline me, cos i'm changing plans. haha, so yea.. msg my other number.. my pohpoh's phone.. ask me on msn, or send me a friendster msg if you dont know the number. yup. gonna blog hop and testimonial write now. LATER.
sprinkled in glitter.
7:47 PM