sprinkled in glitter.
8:43 PM
stargirlanother week OVER! which means, tmr's saturday! OH YEAH.
i love love love saturdays!
i just did some baking. the first tray ended up OH SO BURNT. LOL.
today was same as ever? mmhmm.
WHOAH. you so should have seen the class during hist. dr. foster had the teacher's induction thing. so mrs krishna sat in. WHOAH. half the class was SLEEPING. so funny. isabelle and her half awake face. we occupied ourselves with throwing bits of paper at mag, jannah and mad, who were sleeping. SHUCKS. then we went on to rubberband shooting. TSK.
YEA. other than that, nothing much happened! OH YEAH.
i was depressed man.
i lost my new eraser! after like two periods of physics! NEW ONE OKAY!
miss syde attempted making me feel better by giving me this smiley face thing, sweet of her la.
i got 23/25 for my physics test!
AHA. YEA! happy happy happy.
thanks to nat! haha.
then half way through maths, mr ng wanted to see me?
wah. i thought he found my eraser! BUT. he just wanted me to collect physics notes. shucks. why me? maybe cos i'm rather responmsive and participative during class.. aha, aren't i always?
ooh. i'm hooked on Runaway by The Corrs. LATER.
WHOOSH! eugene lee! faster come back from camp LEH!
sprinkled in glitter.
8:27 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
YAY. rahimah's out!i didnt know richard takes art!art rocks please.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:06 PM
There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.
So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.
I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope. i LOVE this song.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:00 PM
YESTERDAY was heaps of fun!
nat came over! she initially got lost! she got off the bus many stops too late. AHA. but! not to worry! i gave her directions over the phone! and she was soon FOUND! yea man. kudos to my sense of direction. LOL. we had fun talking and watching the parade and all. EUGENE LEE! we attempted chasing him to come to my house also. TSK. we even called his DAD to ask la please. of course we got pranked! AHEM AHEM! OMG.who's phone was THAT ! shucks. so we stuck to talking to him while painting.
eugene's on the line! haha. sweet revenge! attack of the thumbs.aha. and nat's phone had pictures of marcus tan! haha, you know the day we went to macs to have our milkshakes! the one where they were doing the fuzzie wuzzie thing, and black magic, and all? YEA. omg. the picture of marcus tan stressing cos he couldnt get the fw thing. LOL. marcus tan! haha, so retarded can. and eugene's hair! and the attempted photo of the SAD POUT ): HAHA. funny la. but nat's phone cannot infra-red! haha, SO SAD.
the floor got vandalized (:
we painted! my colourful colourful palette!

OUR MASTER PIECE CAN. so nice, we know (:see the red beads! aha.
the thumbs! and finger! SO CUTE. little blue and little yellow!
i can join the army. OH YEAH.she left at like ten thirty? round there. YAY for all the FUN! go see nat's blog for her post !eugene! group blog when you're back from National camp please ! oh, and happy birthday singapore!
just like the river which brings us life, there'll always be singapore
sprinkled in glitter.
1:06 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Making people happy, makes me happy.
Call me a happy meal (:
Its glad knowing that you’ve made someone feel better. Like, it gives you a reason in life (:
I’m SAD.
I cant go for linn’s much-awaited party. AW MAN. I was so looking forward to it la please.
And then i have to get like grounded. Plus i went out after school. So i cant. SHUCKS la, it sucks. MAJORLY.
Oh wells.
I hope Nat can come over! Yes! National day parade and cycling! And we can bake if we want (:
But i cant see Debbie! AWS.
Mmhmm. other than that. I’ve been in an effed up mood as of late.
Competitions coming up! Omg.
And i spent forty five minutes waiting for the fireworks at Marina Bay ytd.
Because, this idiot here had to wear a SKIRT. So duh i could sit la! Actually i could. But i didn’t want to. Uncomfortable man.
But yea. so i was feeling so fishy.
Then came the fireworks.
And i have to admit, they made the wait worthwhile.
Here’re some picts. My sis took them all though.
I was kinda preoccupied with SMSing ppl with my mum’s phone.

my favourite picture. notice it's uninterrupted by any heads.

after watching all of that, and hearing numerous WAHHHS from all the small kids, i decided i want to be a PYROTECHNICIAN. (sp?)
And then yea. i shall blog abt the outing with the CLIQUE!
The clique went to watch CLICK (:
It was supposed to be a comedy! and there was loads of laughter. BUT.
I cried like shit.
The part where he kept rewinding and ff-ding the I LOVE YOU SON part. WAH.
And the part he was in the hospital. And he knew he was going to die, and yet he ran off after his son. In the RAIN! And OMG. It was so touching. And the note he gave his wife—I’ll still love you in the morning. OMG. I cried like SO MUCH.
Yea. mostly guys were watching the movie. Anyways! Can you imagine! I’ve never had someone in the family pass away. Cept my great grandfather, whom i rarely saw. I’d CRY SO MUCH.
yea. Oh wells. I was out with my family just now. I made my mum pay for all my stationery. TEEHEE.
And for my sweets, hawflakes, drinks and chips. Oh and my cookie mix.
Yup. Congrats to Jon! The CSM.
Aha. Yeaa.
Thanks everyone, for understanding. Love you all loads.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:03 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
pray for your enemies please.
i know i will.
i had a total change of mind when we had catechism.
mmhmm. maybe God was speaking to me, through my teacher. PROBABLY.well, for starters, they're not my enemies.they're just people who have a problem with me. i'm praying for them.
Love is patient; love is kind
and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, not quick to take offense.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith,
its hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things
that last forever: faith, hope, and love; --God said, LOVE your enemies.he didnt tell us to LIKE them.he said to LOVE them.and what better way to love them, then by praying for them.especially, if you cant face them.for reasons unspoken.perhaps, when you see them, it just makes you recall the impression they have of you, and come on la, who on earth doesnt mind or likes people having a bad impression of them hmm?yea, it just turns down your mood volume.perhaps i've felt so sad at times, i dont want people to be sad or upset over problems they've had.YEA, thats just it.but the greatest of them all is love.
sprinkled in glitter.
7:53 PM
School!Physics test! Wah. Like for once, i’m actually confident of passing la.haha. YEA MAN.like how amazing is that.that shows that impressions CAN change! yup!national day celebrations tmr! GAH. SJI's AP! i want to go, but i'm not sure if i'll be allowed.. MMHMM.chess today. shucks. we're having handover SOON. and i'm actually NERVOUS. oh yeah.other that that, nothing much happened today! and the clique is pretty much in the national day mood! we were saying loudly and not exactly in tune all the previous years' national day songs! all the way up. from the canteen till class. WHOAH, everyone we passed must be thinking we were like weird. yeaaa. prolly towning tmr! along with the rest of the kids from all the schools in singapore.WAH. it's gonne be a sea of RED in Orchard at around 11 tmr man. i'm so changing my t-shirt.oh, i doubt i'll be online tmr. SO.HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!it's not my fault everything about her screams AH LIAN.
sprinkled in glitter.
7:43 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
the best day of the week.
i can testify for that.
and so can Nat
i love physics now! thanks to Nat.
she'll make a GREAT physics teacher can.
ANYWAYS. i shall blog in order.
st. mikes carnival! met audrey and ann-marie! omg. anne's brother is SO CUTE.
then we walked around.saw loads of ppl.. ben, marc, jervis, gerald, chris. the sji bagpipers played.
met amanda! WHOAH. too many tickets to use! see eugene. you should have come. shucks.
then they had ben&jerry's (:
i ate six fishballs.
LOL. saw steven with josh and nat also..and aunty debbie and uncle terence.
then left to STUDY at macs! we didnt study in the end.. cos it was TOO TOO crowded.
so he came to church! and Nat also ! talked awhile,the nhad to go for cat class.
then choir, and mass!
aha. dinner! i studied! omg. damn retarded. we ate at the bak chor mee coffee shop. haha, melvin's retarded! shucks.
i ate my kangkong !
then we left for macs. marc and melvin vanished.
so i studied! nat taught me physics! all the C, c, latent heat of fusion and vapourisation and all! and i did the practice questions! and i understood it! OH MAN! and i got the answers right! YAY! i was so happy right eugene! haha.
thanks thanks thanks nat!
AHA, oh man.
i like banana milkshake beacuse it contains bananas!
HAHA. eugene's banana milkshake. quite okay la.
then we left...aha.but not before taking photos! Marcus was photography practice target this week.LOL.

eugene and his thumb !
marcus and my cat pouch !
-SMILES. guranteed. (:
sprinkled in glitter.
3:25 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
sorry the song's quite muffled sounding but YEA. will do la.
i like.
the song that is.
oh! school today!
generally a slack day. we got out E maths test back. WHOAH. i didnt fail! (: and we had the SMALLEST handwriting competition! i won. TEEHEE. you cant beat me at writing small la please. come challenge me. small handwriting is OH SO FUN.
i like banana milkshake because it contains bananas.
thats what we had to write for the comp. it was during maths btw. i think miss syde was like, WAH-ing. INTERNALLY. AHA. cos she was like amazed at our retardedness. then we took photos! haha, jannah and shirin with the shiny GREEEEN purses!
physics was same as ever. Mr NG.
he was like.
okay is there anything in the chapter that you dont get?
and i was like.
HAHA. shucks. i think i made him WORRY.
then we did types of WAVES!
- Sound
- Seismic
- ultrasound
- radio
- ocean
and somemore which i cant remember. MMHMM.
st mich's carnival tmr! i'm bringing my brother. though i get the feeling he'll suddenly tell me he doesnt feel like going tmr. yea.
tsk. my brother.
we're both gonna wear our Oscar the grouch t-shirts (((:
i'm changing after that though. i mean like. you cant expect to wear the same t-shirt from 11.30am till 10pm? especially not if i'm going for a carnival--think HOT, PERSPIRATION. YEA. my new fcuk t-shirt! haha. its white and it says in black--
which doesnt imply anything, EUGENE. haha.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:59 PM
MY ISLAND HOMEThis is my home
She's everything to me
Grace and beauty
In all that you see
My island home
Wherever I may be
I never will forget her
Nor will she forget me
Chorus ^
And I will sing
A song of home
A land of peace
Where dreams are born everyday
My home
Wherever I may be
I believe
You will always be a part of me ^
My island home
Home of my family
This is my future
Where I want to be
(This is my future
This is my home)
Repeat Chorus x 2
My home
Wherever I may be
I believe
You will always be a part of me
A part of mesung by Kaira GONG.whom until now, was unknown to me. HAHA. the video i weird man. but the song is nice la. MMHMM! Grace and beautyIn all that you see.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:48 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
oh how we've grown.when i lost hope, you were there to remind me, this is the start.
for the joy of human love.brother, sister, parents, child.friends on earth, and friends above.for all gentle thoughts, and mild.Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:34 PM
Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There’s always one reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight
In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There’s vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
You keep on building the lie
That you make up for all that you lack
It don’t make no difference
Escaping one last time
It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees
In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here WHOAH. this song maks me think of that hot blue shirt guy o the Kindred Spirits night. OMG. yea man! TSK. it is better to have loved
and lost.
than to never have
i'm sorry i'm migrating to India. ):OH MAN.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:53 PM

a little girl.
wearing a pink jacket.
and carrying a pink bag.
a little boy.
in his kindergarten uniform.
he goes up to another boy in the same waiting room,
and tells him not to eat the chocolate biscuit that he's eating.
they are afterall, waiting for an appointment with the dentist.
then he goes up to the girl.
and sticks his hand in huis pocket.
he fishes a bunch of three stickers.
he chooses one with flowers.
and sticks his hand out the little girl.
he's giving her a sticker.
little kids are never strangers to each other.
they can smile at other kids whom they've never even met.
they share and give to little kids whom they dont even know.
they hold the hands of their kindergarten partner,
on the very first day of kindergarten.
with their sticky hands from having eaten ice-cream.
but no, they dont bother.
everyone's a friend.
when they go to the beach.
all the little kids.
they build sandcastles,
they're so carefree.
they dont care if they dont know the other little kid.
like i said, everyone's a friend.
and that's just what makes them so cute and innocent. mmhmm. thats what happened when i was at the NDC today.. school was normal.. OH MAN. my poor brother's got sore eyes! thanks to my sis la! TSK. i hope i can still go for the carnival with him man. mmhmm!YEA. its just one more day nat! HAHA. PL! HAHA.-SAMBALLS !in case you cant tell, i'm in the retarded mood.oh ya. i screwed the E maths test today. SHUCKS.the qn on bearings was like . . . OH MAN.anyways! i'm happy! haha. TSK.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:34 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
hey hey (:chem was good. our blue salt crystals turned out t be anhydrous though. so yea. we didnt get nice shiny crystals.HAHA.then AEP !rach and gil didnt come.. we did Study Of Visual Art.. OH MAN. abstract art analsing for our Ca2. shucks. hard describing absract stuff. HAHA.then the usual stuff. got home at like seven thirty.. SO TIRED.st mich's carnival on saturday! i'm bringing zachary.. yup.Audrey's gonna stalk me on that day. TSK.then there's mass! NAT (: sit on the RIGHT side okay okay! <3s.eugene! group blog!
you people make me SMILE!
sprinkled in glitter.
8:32 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
If you said goodbye to me tonight
There would still be music left to write
What else could I do
I'm so inspired by you
That hasn't happened for the longest time .haha, that song's been stuck in my head! shucks.school today.. normal..THEN. haha. did my chemistry homework at the double storey macs!i actually understood it! and taught amanda! HAHA, she taught me stuff too la. and! i found out that she has my practical worksheet which i was looking FOR!!!! OMG.we were waiting for jared to come collect linn's card! YEAAA. wah. supposed to meet at 2.45pm. he came at like 4pm? HAHA, with DEREK. WHOOSH. continued doing chem and then wrote amanda's SPEECH. till we left at like 5+? YEA. they left awhile earlier than us. MMHMM, so we saw jared at the bus stop still. OHH. and i saw someone else too (:aep tmr! YAY. something to look forward to (:other than SATURDAY!wow. i got complimented on the cam-whoring pict! HAHA, my orange shorts! :D
about the tissue holding the cam, my sis had sore eyes, and she touched the camera. SO YEA. just a precautionary measure. LOL. call me paranoid.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:43 PM