sprinkled in glitter.
9:02 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
walk the star-dusted road
feel the path and see how it winds
touch the gravel, kick the sand
try to do all you can, while the sun shines.
see the sun setting
hear the fluttering of wings
sense the rush to go somewhere safe,
to where no one knows, while the sun shines.
you wonder why
ponder your actions
plan the next course of action
and run, while the sun shines.
the sun, just a little more before it's gone
and the silence creeps
a silent scream and a haunting weep
wishing you weren't here, while the sun still shines.
the darkness hastens
its chilling demeanour terrorizes your footsteps
from long strides and leaps to small baby steps
all these after the sun had shined.
you see your impending doom
an arrow of hate and death shot from a bow
you feel the pain, the hurt. and go down and hit the floor hard, cold and lifeless
writhing in pain, while the sun died long before you.
feel the agony
touch death's hand
but it goes away, refusing your hand
and leaves you there to live on.
you must wonder why
and i wondered just as much too.
a choir of angels
they hear your agonising cries
pick you up and heal your wounds
just like they healed mine too.
that's not how it ends
you awake from it all the very next day
to think it was all a dream
but you receive a half a million smses on your handphone
and all of them seem to say: take care yeah? hope you're better now.
you realize that those angels you saw
weren't really too faraway
in fact if you can recall how they looked like
you'll know what i mean.
they looked a lot like your buddies in school, your pals at church, your old classmates, your newfound friends, your girlfriend/boyfriend and all.
while you're lost in your train of thoughts
all of them in that mental image of yours seem to smile for a split second and then the picture stays the same for eternity.
you treasure that moment,
that dream and hope that it will last you a lifetime.
and now you wish that you could make a difference in their lives too.
but fret not for it is never too late.
sometimes all they need is a listening ear, a helping hand or just your prescence alone will do.
and there's God too. He'll be your friend, till the end of time.

FRIENDS are the ones that will hold you together. when things get bad.
when you are in your darkest hour.
treat them with respect,
love and care.
and you will deserve the same.
never abandon your friends,
for those moments will live on
in your heart.
quote Alex.
i never knew he was such a strong writer.
i dont know what i'd do without my friends
they make up the stars.
i'll be going for OBS soon.
i'll miss so many people!
take care (:
and pray i dont have to kill a wild boar for food.
and congrats to melvin for guessing my CCA.
HAHAHA. i shall list what, marcus, marcus and melvin guessed.
4.Martial arts (!?)
i almost died. thanks for guessing, melvin! HAHA.
i shall now blog abt YTD!
the art thing was SO SUPER FUN.
once in a life time chance.
never in my life have i wasted so much paint, or had so much fun!
rolling in red paint to create this masterpiece with tsi yin.
and lying on paper laid all over the floor and painting our outlines with brushed the size of broom sticks!
major paint wastage.
no grades.
no prep.
pure expression.
tsi yin and i walked round toa payoh with our painted t-shirts.
this person in NIE asked to have us photographed. LOLS.
catechism then mass.
THANKS MARC, MELVIN, JARED and EUGENE for all touching the obs stuff eugene helped me get..
special mention to jared- for waiting for me? haha. OOPS. sorry la.
and melvin- who told me how to use all the stuff.
i still think i'll end up burning my finger.
stood outside macs for quite a long time. deciding what to do.
he came for mass.
to see me.
and like.
i didnt ask him to come.
and i told him i couldnt go for dinner with him.
not cos i couldnt.
i didnt want to.
he told me it's alright.
so we left. marc, yen yen and i.
and i realised.
it's too much.
i cant take it.
not anymore.
no more loves.
no more <333
no more (:s.
frankly. i put it across.
SORRY. no.
i told him hes been nice.
but i dont feel the same way.
crushed in less than a minute.
i feel so mean.
you have no idea how awful it feels.
how guilty you feel.
how much you feel like crying.
you feel like the person you rejected.
he said he'd take it slower.
to not rush.
he asked for another chance.
to give us another chance.
but NO. SORRY.
so it ends.
there goes another heart.

"you realize that those angels you saw
weren't really too faraway."
you made me realise that.
and moved me with those words.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:24 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
OMG. and cikgu said i got like around 28 and 30 upon 40 for my malay oral.HAPPPPPY.last time i had like 24/40. so like improvement.and i found it quite amazing that she said the examiner said i talked A LOT.HAHAHA. for english, it's understood la, but MALAY! LOL.even in malay!unbelievable!tsk, i cant believe it la!haha, it takes me like five seconds to form the sentence in my HEADDD though. HAHA, yea. and i couldnt even remember what GRASS was cos i was so nervous.it's rumput! SHUCKS.and a lot of other words.for security guard i was like. orang yang menjaga tempat itu.instead of like penjaga -.-"i just thought of that.LOL.and like yeah! but i did talk A LOT. HAHA.at least i got a good grade..
sprinkled in glitter.
9:19 PM
MAG USED TO WASH HER BARBIE DOLLS' HAIR-.-"like i promised, it made the headlines for todays post. TEEHEE.School was pretty much normal todaaay.
Nothing much happened.. yeaaaa. we had a war simulation during history, well, at least thats what i called it. shirin shot a rubberband at me! so like, WAR!made paper bullets, and had FUN during history. damn funny.me, manda, su and jess against mad, shirin, jannah and mag.so funny can. the just kept taking the ammo we shot at them, cos they didnt have any rubberbands, and they didnt know how to shoot -.-"we won la duh. TSKKKK. shirin screamed so loudly when i fired the first shot.
Going for OBS the whole of next week! So this might just be my last time online for the next seven daysss.
Mmhmm! I kinda cant wait. Plus! Eug said we’re going to be with SAC!
omg. i asked audrey and she's going! so fun man. we haven't seen each other in AGES.
anyways. had maths lesson on binomial theorem.
like er?
i didnt know what miss krishna was teaching and she didnt really care so i managed to finish all my hw, plus copy what she wrote on the board-which was a lot- in like TWO HOURS.
for those who havent done the physics w/s, it's DAMN EASY.
and chem also, EASY.
and i did all my maths hw-which doesnt need to be handed in- FOR ONCE!
all okaaaay.
on binomial expansion somemore.
it's quite FUN actually. once you get the know it. yea! ubt makes you SIAN very easily.
i was supposed to get my earrings! but my brother didnt want to go to raffles city. so like. we're stuck home. which is SO ANNOYING CAN.
YEAAA. and we were all dressed up.
so that kinhda pissed me off.
i have yet to pack for obs. though i wrote out-a very detailed- pack list..
yup. i'm gonna be SO BUSY tmr.there's art from EIGHT till TWO THIRTY.then catechism from 3.30 till 5pm.and choir from 5pm till 7+pm.haha. SHUCKS.OMG. i almost forgot.i cut my hair!haha, it's quite short when i tie it. but when let down, its like slightly below my shoulder..mmhmmm.i quite like it.it feels so much lighter. and like. its so flickable, hahaha!cos like, i've got a fringe at the side. cos the hair's slightly shorter! YEAH!i've come to the conclusion that i still do.and oh, i'm kinda in a dilemma. so like YEAH. TSKKKKKK.
i dont ask for it okay! i dont even do anything.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:14 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
hey hey.
today was retarded. haha.
i was practically being stalked?
but haha, it was funny.
they followed me all the way hme, then they were like. look beihnd you -.-"
HAHA. yeaaaa.
talked on the phone for almost two hours..
omg. STINCH PENNY played today.
they're from aussie. yeaaa. Geraldson.
they play better than sitting in front of the class during CME la. and they played Blessed be your name. which made me HAPPY.

tim! guitarist!

Mike! guitarist tooooo.

Asher! guitarist tooooo.

Jarred! drummer!SO PRO can.
ZAC.lead singer. haha, HOT.other than that. nothing much happened today.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:57 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
=Deveryday =DTag me if you wish and:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory about you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. You must post this on yours.
here's what iddie said (:
Sam Branson
1. You're a really sweet girl (:
2. I challenge you to... smile like this: =D every day!
Red and
yellow4. You say 'hello' out of the blue and it makes me smile :D
5. Some girl from Risen Christ, heh.
6. A mouse!
7. How'd you get to know me?
and she just made my day man. <333
sprinkled in glitter.
7:39 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
i'm a failed chemist man.TOTALLY.yea. no hope.YEA.shucks.but i wasnt as depressed as i was when i didnt get my redox.i started tearing la.and when i tea, it's actually considered as MAJORLY crying.cos i'm holding back tears, so thats why i only tear, and not turn into a human hosepipe.MMHMM.i guess someday i'll know that i really study very hard, and deserved to have passed, then i'll cry for chem.though during chem tosday, when i got back my paper (i failed btw)i recalled how much i cried during mid-years.I CRIED LIKE SHIT LA.ans when i cry, my ears shrink and turn damn red. so yeah.it was like that man.and i was whining.i failed both my sciences ):my dad's gonna make me quit choir.and we're getting A maths next ):i know i failed that.it's gonna make me cry more ):i failed by ONE MARK okay.one freaking mark.one freaking mark.i couldve passed.I COULD HAVE.I COULD HAVEI COULD HAVE.and i realised i was just making myself feel worst.and i was just saying all that to give myself more reason to cry.and i just realised that today.four months to realise that crying cos of your studies isn't really a good reason.even if you strongly feel you didnt deserve that grade, well you got it.and nothing you do or say can change it.but you COULD HAVE done better.COULD HAVE.you can change anything before it happens again.YOU CAN CHANGE ANYTHING YOU WANT.COS ITS YOU.and yea. i feel really strongly about people when they're sad or down.i can't take it.esp if they're my friends.i'd want smth done about.and i'd do anything to make them happy.and i realise that.hmm.perhaps i should be like a councilor or smth.YOU CAN CHANGE ANYTHING YOU WANT.ITS JUST UP TO YOU WHETHER YOU MAKE THE EFFORT TO.and i'll help you paint that rainbow.SO YES sam.you can pass anything you want.it's just up to you whether you make the effort to.but sometimes i'm just not strong enough.i'm lacking in the department of persistance.I should learn from the elephant who sat on the egg.oh, and i miss NAT.and all the fun we have every saturday with the legion guys man.no homework again.but i need to do art.and i'm still sick man. shucks.yea.I KNOW YOU KNOW THAT I KNOW YOU KNOW that i sound like a BIMBO. and i scream like one. and i'm gonna sound more like one now. but ah, what the heck.i'm having a bimbo moment here and now.. so yeah, bear with me..
i want my new earrings SO BAD. raffles city, i'm coming this week.I SO AM please.its LIKE OMG.I SO should have bought them on saturday.LIKE YEAH!why didnt i!oh man.i so should have la.haiyo.now i have to waste time and go there JUST TO get them.OMG! what if it's SOLD OUT.wah. i'll cry la.hmm. it's a sign from GOD that i shoudnt give up THIRTY FOUR bucks.unless any kind soul wishes to SPONSOR them.HAHA, then i wouldnt be BROKE.but nah.i'm getting them by hook or by crook!I WANT my earrings SO BAAAAD.really man.yeaaaaaa.OKAY.Now that thats over, you can call me a bimbo. TSK.
as eugene would say- CHEAP THRILL LA.
sprinkled in glitter.
6:39 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
my dad restarted and rebootd the WHOLE thing.so like yea. all my NICE photos for msn are gone. cept for the fact that luckily, i saved them in a CD. cept that i cant find that cd for now. SO YEA. all my data is LOST.yea. LOST.yea.st igs confi is over! so faaaaast la.and yea.i'm sad i couldnt make it.looking for st igs confi photos now. i want to see vicky in a skirt (:now i cant wait for my confi (:19th NOVEMBER 2006yea. nothing much. i finished mugging chem.i made a table on excel with all the air pollutants SO. if anyone wants it. ask me yea?dont waste time typing out one yourself..yea.shucks.HAPPEEEEE FIFTEEEENTH BIIITIIRTHDAY EUGENEEE!another year older, another year wiser (:glad you liked the present! HAHA. i did too.he'll still be cute in the morning.and the next morning and the next morningand every morning after.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:40 PM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
OMG.i cant change my dp.or my msn name.AH.anyways.IJTP won the bible quiz (: so happy.peter mark dispensed my number to his friend.who has since been flattering me.HAHA. YEAH.and yea. jon and eug like their presents! so i'm happy.-eugene!the present really can drink the tea!it's super ex mango tea.and it's not expired. real one. i took from my mum.yup (:and haha yea (:i'm happy!i'm gonna get my 34 dollar pair of earrings from accesorize (:i'm happy.oh he's still be cute in the morning.i'll post longer tmr of smth. i'm too happy to type now (:
sprinkled in glitter.
9:25 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006
HOLS are ALMOST OVER.TSK.but today's friday! HAPPY HAPPY.happy birthday clarissa!though i doubt, you'll be seeing this.haha. i won't forget all the times we used to write to each other in primary school.. YEAA.another year older, another year WISER yes yes. (:loves.Nat's coming OVERRRRR soon! i can't wait please.and Amanda's coming later (:meanwhile.i shall daydream about that HOT guy.sighs.so hot.really man!OH WELLS.i'm speechless.(:another SJI guy.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:24 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
HAPPY FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY JON! Because you are my friend,
my life is enriched in a myriad of ways.
Like a cool breeze on a sweltering day,
like a ray of sunshine parting glowering clouds,
you lift me up.
In good times, we soar,
like weightless balloons
over neon rainbows.
In bad times, you never fail to make me SMILE
I've learnt so much from you;
you help me see old things in new ways.
I'm a better person for knowing you,.
May your life be filled
with blessings,
just as I am blessed
by being your friend.hapyy fifteenth! (:you'll get you present soon. on sat yeah?i'll get nat to pass it to you, since i cant be there ):i'll tell you what is is, since you'll be able to tell what it is before even opening the double layer of wrapping paper.it's a BOOK.but it's a special book. teehee.i seriously dont think anyone else will get you what i did. YUP. happy birthday again!you're my sunshine.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:14 PM

random photo. i LOVE this case thing i have la. haha. YEA.
i am happy today, despite the fact that i'll be staying HOME AGAIN and thati'm grounded till saturday.
1. dinner on friday'll be SO FUN i promise.
i'm flowing south today!(okay, you didnt need to know. but..) WHICH MEANS. i wont get it during my OBS. YES YES YES! SO FREAKING HAPPY CAN.
3. i'm gonna cut my hair next WEEEEEK. so i'll have less hair to wash during obs. haha.
4.my curfew's ALMOOOOST over.
5. eventhough i'm sick, so many people are so caring.. asking me how i am and all. makes me feel, er, cared for? or about.
6. it's JON's BIIIIRTHDAY. aha, your present IS SOOOO nice man. soryy it'll be a belated present.
7.i'm seeing NAT soon.
8. i just realised a hot guy. WHOOTS.yea man.hahaha. sighs. hot.
haha. random fact. Sara and Kari from top model are HOT.

sprinkled in glitter.
11:42 AM