sprinkled in glitter.
1:14 PM
25 days ago. i said this.
to make someone feel better.
re reading it now.
i'm like. WHOAH.
i never realised how reflective i can get. i guess it's like that when i feel strongly about something. yeah.
have a re-read too.
This is an exaggerated version, but it makes it more obvious. Mhmm.
Girl meets guy.
Guy meets girl.
He thinks it's love at first sight.
she just has this feeling when she's around him.
After a few meetings, a few hundred smses and many phonecalls.
They're an item
Two weeks of meeting everyday.
One month of increased phone bills.
Then after one month and a week.
He thinks. YAWN. She's getting boring. Hey, that new girl I added on friendster looks pretty fine. Hmmm. I suddenly don't like my gf anymore. I'll brak up with her tmr la.
POOF. They break up.
The result, one broken heart and one guilty guy- if he's even feeling guilty.
So why'd they even get together! Oh yeah, he liked her-at that point of time.
I guess when teens get together. It's cos they just have that feeling for each other. Mmhmm.
They never really know the meaning of love.
love does NOT equal to like.
And for those who're are attached and acknowledge the fact that they don't LOVE the other party-hey, it means you realize that by getting attached in the first place, you alrdy understand that it's only a matter of time either of you find someone new, and decide to break up. Either that or you understand that there'll be a day when you realize you don't like him like him. (a.k.a. get bored of him)
With that being the case, TECHNICALLY, you cant really blame the party.
But then again. If you still like the other party, and you've no one else to credit your sadness to, it's natural to pin the guy -in the case of a girl being sad.
Come on.
If some guy dumped me cos he got bored of me, I'd feel sad, think he's an idiot, and blame him for everything.
What else is there to do.
I'm human.
When I like someone.
Get close to the person, it's only right to feel sad when the person has to leave.
And it hurts more, when to person CHOOSES to.
Life is full of choices.
No one can help you decide which choice is best for you.
Or determine the consq. of each choice.
Only you know.
It's YOU.
YOU know your capabilities.
YOU know how you'll react.
YOU should be smart enough to realize how your words and actions affect another.
Nothing we ever do doesn't affect others.
with that in mind.
people still get attached.
every sally and every peter think they'll last forever.
no one gets into a relationship thinking 'hmm, i'll break up after five months la'
break ups just happen.
it hurts a lot.
i cannot stress how much it hurts.
and well, i'm gonna make this personal. on one incident.
i feel like i'm too weak.
too weak.
not strong enough to get over him.
not strong enough to get back up after tripping.
not strong enough to forget about him
i'm once thought--
'i liked him so much. why'd he have to do that. didnt he mean what he said when he told me he loved me. does he realise he's hurting me. doesnt he care. he said he cared. HE SAID HE CARED. he said he cared.' didnt he mean what he said? the list of qns go on.
well, i'll tell you now.
to spare others from hurt.
dont say what you dont mean.
dont lead a guy on.
dont lead a girl on.
it hurts terribly.
and hey, its terribly ironic that i'm saying this but.
you're never too weak.
you're never not capable of getting back up.
remember why you cared about him in the first place.
because you saw smth special in him.
and it's still there.
he's just buried it away.
and i'm not saying you should force it to resurface.
we cant make people change.
and i absolutely HATE it when ppl tell me to change.
do you want to know how much i hate it.
if anyone ever comes up and tells me to change.
i will get SO mad.
ppl change cos they want to.
not cos you make them.
people always say things they regret.
we can take back what we said.
but what we said would've alrdy made an impact on someones life.
and it's too late to take back.
girl and guys all around end up getting hurt. and it just hurts seeing them get hurt.
why'd he have to do that.
why'd she have to do that.
why cant things go the way I want them to.
no one governs our choices.
thats why it's a CHOICE.
when someone breaks up.
it's cos someone made a choice to.
and sometimes, we think it's totally unfair.
it probably is unfair.
but someone made a choice.
and we've no choice but to respect that.
in which case, it's best to forget.
no one likes to remember a rainy day.
i'd much rather recall a rainbow.
relationships, as much as they seemed two sided, are rather one sided come to think of it.
one party always intitiates smth. and they other agrees or disagrees. thats it.
Furthermore, you never really waste your chances, or screw them.
you just overlooked a factor when you thought about the future consquences.
and hey, as time passes, you'll find yourself smiling.
and as much as you tell yourself to forget.
as much as your friends help you forget.
you never can.
and there's nothing wrong AT ALL with that
you were happy with him.
you were happy once.
and thinking about smth happy, is happy itself.
forget the break up.
rmb the happy times.
tsk, as much as i just typed that, it's easier TYPED than DONE.
From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem 'In Memoriam:27', 1850:
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
well, it's not really love. though you think it is. mmhmm. but yeah.
HAHA, with that (all the above) it sounds like i just broke up la. but haha, if you're wondering, I DIDNT! mmhmm. i'm just blogging, and thinking bout stuff. yes.
with that. i'm gonna talk about what happens when guys like girls and the girls DON'T like them back.
it hurts. i imagine it to, i mean only a sadist'd enjoy seeing other ppl sad.
and i'm not a sadist.
i always want the ppl i like to like me back.
but hey, it took me so long to realise that the guys i've rejected are the thinking the exact same thing. the EXACT same thing.
and thats the worst part.
the worst part.
it's beyond awful rejecting a guy.
hey guys,
we know it hurts being rejected, but it hurts when we have to reject you.
it hurts being the source of someone's sorrow.
it hurts more when you know you could have avoided that by saying you liked the person to.
but you never say what you dont mean.
cliched, but yeah.
what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger.
at the end of the day, no matter how rough things get.
no matter how much you wished ppl'd stop judging you.
stop calling you a bitch.
stop dissing you.
stop gossiping bout you.
stop eew-ing at the sight of you
you cant change that.
what more the attitudes of people.
you cant just erase what you dislike in life.
you cant just correction tape away your sorrows.
but hey, pick up the seven coloured pencils of friendship and draw a rainbow over all those mistakes, all those muddy grey areas.
and once you're done, you wont be able to see whats under.
cos all you'll notice it that lovely rainbow you've drawn.
that LOVELY rainbow called friendship.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:09 PM
omgggg.did you read the article in the Sunday Times forum.this lady wrote in complaining about noisy handphones in buses in trains.and as a solution, suggested a ban of handphones and trains in buses.i read the article and i was like.WTH!handphone's aren't exactly and essential! but!banning them on buses and trains.buses and trains are major modes of transport in singapore.and people need their phones to call clients, etc.it's just one of the things that you feel more secure with.no handphones on trains.that would mean that, for someone who solely takes public transport, (eg. a student) the only place where you can use your phones would be at home!?you cant take it on the train what.or the bus.heh.okay nvm.if there's a bomb on the platform.all someone needs to do, is dig for a ten cent coin in her purse.if she doesnt have one. run around from commuter to commuter asking who has two ten cents and eventually exchanging it for your twenty cent coin.ruch back up to the gateway.tap her ez link.and rush to the telephone.by the time she reaches there and dials 999,KA-BOOOOM.bye bye.take another example.you're going for a very important meeting.and you're in the train.you need to call your client to tell him that you'll be slightly late.but noooo.you cant.why?one reason.you dont have your phone with you.it's so nonsensical!haha. if you talked to me recently.i prolly would've spent at least three minutes complaining to you.TSK LA!no wonder she's not married. HEH.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:48 PM
heart dont fail me now.courage don't desert me.don't turn back now that we're here.people always say.life is full of choicesno one ever mentions fear.
sprinkled in glitter.
10:51 AM

my ankle is officially swollen.oh wells!that's prolly cos we walked around so much ytd. HAHA.met Marcus, Ian, Eugene and Nat at tp..trained down to cine, caught THE GUARDIAN exactly the time we reached there (:it was a good show !yeaaaa. i still think the guy should'nt have died.I cried. HAHA.as always....none of the guys did!ahaha, TSKKK guys.umped into jon and his two cousins (i think?) after the movie. when we were freezing like how the guys were freezing in the guardian.HAHA. yea. PLUS! i was wearing a skirt.then, eugene had to rush home to finish packing and all, so we said byeee.wahhhh.he's gone for ONE WEEKKKKKK.it's been less than twenty four hours and i miss him alrdy!haha, someone once said we feel for each other like twins.okay. can accompany each other.hmm, thanks to jared! for wanting to prank me. haha, that's how i first go to meet him.and since then, we've been friends since september last year.ya don hate la.HAHA, yeah!retarded.anyways. one more week till he's backkkkk.aw.sympathise.i think i'll die from a lack of retardedness.yea mannnn. shucks. anyways! haha, i wrote this in my diary once.WHOAH. YOU MAKE ME THINK.you know when you realise he cant always be there.and then you think.why'd you choose him anyways.and when you want to find someone new to take his place.you cant.you really cant.partially cos you're telling yourself you can't.but more so because you know there's no one out there who'll cut close to being just like him.like the one person i can whine to.i miss my pretend.
sprinkled in glitter.
10:25 AM
Monday, October 30, 2006

so pro.
haha, i've got more songs stuck in my head.
HEH.i'm not unhappy, but i'd take the train today. if you let me.they may be clapping for me, but i'd wait. for you to come get me.ANYWAYS.ytd, i went cycling!did twenty km (:haha, i was damn tired.and! i fell damn like three steps when carrying my bike back home-.-"my ankle hurts like shit now.and! i've got like an abrasion on my palm.hehhh.not to mention bruis.ed knees!HAHA,i guess i'm just injury prone la.mmhmm. well!i want to go out!hehhh.anyways.i hope it doesnt rain today.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:45 AM
Sunday, October 29, 2006

See the contrast!
the fist picture was taken when it was raining SUPER heavily one day last week. couldnt see the whole of ang mo kio la.
i took the second photo this morning.
i promise you it's not photoshoped or edited.
i havent seen such a blue sky in ages!
mmhmm (:
prolly going cycling later!
havent gone in ages.
hahaha. i'm feeling happy happy happy today.
maybe it' the sunny weather.
i've got Crazy for this girl stuck stuck stuck in my head.
this is getting terribly random. hmmms. oh yes. dinner ytd!
he went for mass! HURRRRRR.
i got kinda pissed and annoyed. oh wait.
KINDA pissed and annoyed is an understatement.
YEA. luckily i found my pretend after mass so at least i had some cover. HEHHH.
the things a girl needs to resort to.
that reminds me of ONE reason why i need a bf.
and reminds me of an advantage of having a guy that fits the statement
more than friends, less than lovers.
so i wont get stalked, or yeah! you get the picture.
well, the ironic thing was, i was wearing my
smiled or rather BEAMED to eug bout _____. only he knows :D
haha, eh, i never knew red ruby was water chesnut!
hmm, i still dont like the small orange and green balls!
yups. rushed home, and made it back slightly later than eight.
my heels were breaking so that was my excuse. teehee.
they were breaking really!
melvin's amazed how girls can walk with heels so high. HAHAHA.
She was the one to hold me
The night
The sky fell down
And what was I thinking when
The world didnt end
Why didnt I know what I know now
sprinkled in glitter.
5:32 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
i'd paint a rainbow in the sky.to mask your sorrow.i'd make it all right.if i could.it rained so heavily just now. will post picts another day.HAHA.been on the comp practically the whole of today.so i should be off now (:dinner calls.phone calls later too.dont worry, thing's always work out somehow or other.keep the sunlight :D
sprinkled in glitter.
7:26 PM
you're everything i know that makes me believe, i'm not alone.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:55 AM
i suddenly miss CAP.nadiafahdlyjudithbrendan and his glittery wig!LT13.the canteen.the dorms.everything!
sprinkled in glitter.
11:36 AM
take my quiz please! http://www.quizyourfriends.com/quizpage.php?quizname=061026224550-433226&
sprinkled in glitter.
10:53 AM
May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love, that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.
no more haze.I'm glad the sky is painted blue.
And earth is painted green.
with such a lot of nice fresh air
all sandwiched in between.

GREEN GREEN TREES. when all else is black and white.NO SCHOOL TODAY!ytd was officially the last day.but we still have school next week thanks to the headstart thing. HEH.next year i'll be sec four.OH NO.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:57 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
jealousy was never an issue.the haze is gone (:
sprinkled in glitter.
9:50 PM
when you're down and out.
and your world's all upside down.
look up in the sky.
you'll see a rainbow smiling.
cos a rainbow's an upside down smile.
i just realised that today.
when i got SABO-ed by MAG AND JANNAH.
Like some miss universe questions answering thing la!
coach barry.
i had to answer the question -
if you found out you only had six months to live, what three things would you do.
i was like.
spend more time with my studies,
and more time with my friends.
and another qn.
i cant rmb.
but i said smth like.
i'd prefer to be less academically driven, and yea. basically more fun la.
and he asked me if family meant a lot.
and i was like YES.
and i meant it.
and then he was like, when you see your friends successful are you happy.
and i was like yes.
and inside, i was thinking.
i cant bear seeing my friends sad.
it's just smth in me, that cant stand that.
which is the reason why i'll go all out to cheer them up.
and yea.
even if it means making their sorrow my own.
it's a sacrificed i'm called to make.
and the guy said that was my dream.
to make people happy.
to make sure no one around me's sad.
when i see someone sad, even if i dont know the person well, or at all, it's just in me to make them smile again.
and when i was in the hall, i was so concentrating on telling mag and kannah i'm gonna kill them, that only now i realise.
that's my dream.
to make people happy.
it's so happy seeing people happy.
it's a feeling you can't buy.
it's a feeling no one can give you.
it's a feeling you reap.
it's a feeling that makes me happy.
and making people happy is my dream.
thanks man, that guy, for helping me realise that.
sometimes, when i cry, it's not cos i'm sad.
it's cos i'm happy.
and i'm just like yea.
now i realise.
when i watch movies, and cry,
it's not cos i'm sad for the characters.
it's cos smth in me just realises how grateful i am for everything.
when i said i want a rainbow on my wedding day, i meant it.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:18 PM
the rain kinda turned the mood down.
but yeah!
it was alright.
we were kinda appalled at ____.
i guess it just gave me a whole new bad imp.
like WTH la.
we put in so much effort into organizing the thing, and they just like dissed it.
what does that say abt them man.
not meaning to sound stuck up or anything, but yeah.
more than anything.
and i'm proud of that.
we put in so much effort.
and if that wasnt enough, then
sorry if we didnt meet your expectations.
the decorations were ruined cos of the rain. we spent so much time on them.
and wouldnt you feel awful if all your effort went to waste.
and wouldnt you feel worst if your guests come and further diss it?
no empathy on the their part.
wth la.
we were like pissed.
THANKS to the ACS Barker guys.
for helping us clean up and all.
results were okay only.
there's no lighter note, sad to say.
Huda's pink baju kurung which i wore was NICE NICE NICE.
it was so confortable, and yeah (: only thing was it was hot.
as in WARM, yeahh.
haha, cikgu said i looked nice.
lesley was like HOT.
as in not the warm hot.
other than that.
nothing much.
if you call my home phone now, i'll so bitch to you about that school.
if you want to confuse a guy, put him in circular room, and tell him to go to one corner and relac.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:08 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
when I close my eyes it's you I see.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:26 PM
and seeing one little girl smile.seeng her happy.it just touches me.school today was nothing short of retarded!
we had TWO fire drills in one day.
hurr hurr!
the first time we took like 8mins to settle, wah, we woul've been burnt to death.
jess, su and i calculated, and figured we walked up or down the staircases (FOUR STOREYS)
ELEVEN TIMES. not counting anything after going up after recess.
haha, yeaaa.
the shoebox thing was fun (:
our boxes turned out pretty great.each was like approx forty five bucks la!it makes me smile knowing that one little girl out there will open the boxes we made, and be happy.mmhmm.the council meeting thing seriously impressed me.they painted a really clear picture, and put ahead a vision of what to expect, if i accept the position.the exco layed out the roles of their comms really well, and spoke really well.so yeah, i was really impressed.they were convincing.and made it clear, and like i said, painted a good picture of what to expect.it'll be a great idea to give the talk to the whole school.they made it really clear that there would be pressure, and we have to be able to manage between the position, academics as well as our own time and stuff.yea.i was really impressed.aha, no matter how many times i state how impressed i am, i wont be able to define it, yeah!with that said, the servant leadership thing kinda reeled me in already.but being chess president, i've alrdy loads of things to handle.with relatively low attendance rates to manage, discipline's always been an issue for the club.i'm really aiming to PUSH the club.there'll be NO space for slack next year.i'll make sure the comm makes sure.yea.so yeah.it's gonna be hard deciding whether to take up the position.i want to serve, it's just thinking whether i'll be able to handle the pressures atop being president.plus, i have to consider the fact that i won't be in the class comm should i take up the position.so yeah.hard la.anyways.tmr's the malay hari raya thing!the deco comm's really worked hard!i've got like 100 more tags to make after this.yeah.it's gonna be GREAT.anyways!the council thing really impressed me.i never occured to me how (gah, i cant find the appropriate word) well the exco planned ideas and all.they're really good, and i guess i have this newfound sense of respect for them.yup.It's gonna take some time, to realizeBut if you look inside, I'm sure you'll findOver your shoulder you know that I told youI'll always be pickin' you up when your downSo just turn around
sprinkled in glitter.
8:09 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
i dyed Hickory purple.now he's truly the GAY zebra-cross horse (:
sprinkled in glitter.
1:53 PM
let the photos speak.

sprinkled in glitter.
1:51 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
Turn it inside out so I can see
The part of you that's drifting over me
And when I wake you're never there
But when I sleep you're everywhere
You're everywhere
Just tell me how I got this far
Just tell me why you're here and who you are
'Cause every time I look you're never there
And every time I sleep you're always there
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I recognize the way you make me feel
It's hard to think that you might not be real
I sense it now, the water's getting deep
I try to wash the pain away from me
Away from me
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I am not alone
Whoa, oh, oooh, oh
And when I touch your hand
It's then I understand
The beauty that's within
It's now that we begin
You always light my way
I hope there never comes a day
No matter where I go
I always feel you so
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I catch my breath it's you I breathe
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
You're in everyone I see
So tell me
Do you see me?
sprinkled in glitter.
6:35 PM
watch this video
it's kinda hard to get, but it made me tear.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJJDncNMO1where in heaven
sprinkled in glitter.
6:18 PM
hanselplaying in the haze is harmful to your health.HAHA, but if you really want to play soccer.. lols.nothing gets in the way i guess..edwin lowsmile okay!take care edwina (:eugenesize M ah?NATmiss you PL!Edwin Tanhaha, i cant believe i haven't bumped into you around the estate
sprinkled in glitter.
5:59 PM
three three is love.
interclass dance comp today was okay.my socks were too slippery though.i almost slid out of amanda's grip.TEEHEE.3/9 deserves to win! they were GREAT.the one you love, but your relationship can never work.
HAHA! jess made us-me and su- do this thing. lol.
it wasnt true!
how can it be! HAHA.
maybe cos the people who designed the thing never thought that girls can have close friends who are guys..
mmhmm!i can smell the rain now.i have this thing with smelling rain.it's like.makes me feel sad!and HAHA.okay, nvm.it's gonna rain.
random photo of Hickory (:he helps me sleep at night.esp when i've smth on my mind..on another random note, these lyrics have been stuck in my head.
cos you're everything to me.when i close my eyes, it's you i see.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:47 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
dinner ytd was fun as usual.
all the random things we talk about.
from exam results to patrick and gloveworld.
from breast cancer to the haze.
from NCC uniform inspection to spectacles.
from Dead Or Alive to Days of our Lives. (MELVIN!?)
from milkshakes, to being neighbours to highlighters.
yeaaaa. tsk.
eugene, alex, melvin, marcus and me.
WAH. i think we made a lot of noise.
my foot got stepped on THREE times. hurr hurr.
haha, yeah.
what is it with me and people tagging wrongly on my blog?
HAHAHA. oh wells! no worries!
the malay hari raya celebration thing is coming up. ANTON! aha. yup.well, for now.a few things are on my mind.why'd she do that.why cant he just say sorry.why cant things go how i want them to.but oh well.guess it's life.omg.just popped by charissa's blog.her dog is like, SO CUTE.haha.oh mannnn.dont tell me i'm a bimbo! HAHA! i seriously wonder WHY people think i'm a bimbo! tag and tell me please! random pictures coming up.
OH, and i figured randomness is gonna drive me nuts one day.
my print!

i made this postcard at the start of the year! i've no idea who it was for. kinda freaky la.hmm, guess i just found someone to give it to :p

i personally find it amazing how boys can glue their eyes to the tv screen.
and focus all their attention on HALO 2.
-my bro and his friends.
how do you capture the wind on the water.how do you count all the stars in the skyhow can you measure the love, of a motheror how, can you write down a baby's first cry.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:29 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Tell me i should've joined debate."I am sick and tired of sticking out and trying to help people. You never get any thanks and practically no one cares. I am past the half way point in my frustration already, and when I hit 100% I refuse to care anymore. From that point on, the only thing that matters will be ME. I listen to MY wants, MY wishes and screw anyone who stands in my way. "THATS all about you."I do regret what I said to you. But I don't regret doing what I did before."and average of TWO I's in each sentance.no one ever really ASKS for help.people CHOOSE to help.YOU ARE SO DIGRESSING PLEASE.the main thing is.i told you smth.you promised you wouldn't tell ANYONE.and you did.out right betrayal of my trust.and by saying you didnt do anything wrong,it's even worst!because it means my trust is SO insignificant to you, that betraying it means NOTHING.so what if you had my interests in mind when you asked her. YOU WEREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE! let alone ask the person who told me what you asked.i made it so clear that i trusted you.that if you told anyone, i'd never talk to you again.i said that.and wanting to help me as the reason for which you asked her, doesnt change anything.it doesnt CANCEL out the fact that you betrayed my trust.one wrong doesnt equal to a right.so doing smth to compensate for another, doesn't and WON'T work.how on earth is what you did lessening the stress on me.think abt it.MORE stress on you and me.and have you ever thought why my posts are in such strong response to what you post?and i can always fault smth you post?maybe it's because, i know i didnt do anything wrong.you sound as though you're making excuses for what you've done.oh, and the best part is,IT ISN'T WORKING.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:03 PM
THE AEP open studios was great.
the guestbook was hogged my all the aep girls -TEEHEE.
guilty party.
i was like doing duty at the table whattt.
Mrs Lee brought her two kids !
Rachelle and Renee. so adorable.
quite a few teachers came..
saw laura, sarah and my sand animation (:
HAHA, we cant believe we got highest for ours. LOL.
well, we did redo the same thing approx three times-not counting the numerous reshots we took.
mr wilkie tan came! HAHA, all the girls were SCREAMING.
well, i'll let the photos do the talking.
tsi yin, me and her chararcter design-the shiny brown thing.
me and su's character design-ALGAEE ! -i named it (:

the photo i took (: see who can guess where along Orchard it was taken (:
another one that i took out out of the two displayed. guess where itwas taken along Orchard and tag!

If that isnt PRO, i dont know WHAT is.
Laura at Chere's work. -teehee. she secretly WANTS to sit next to the doll.joking!
the food su and i designed!-for miss low.she ate it ! HAHA.it was GREAT.some la selle professor wanted to BUY gil's FYE artpiece. WAHHHHHHH.oh, the whole family came. HAHA.and after that we left for CHOMP CHOMP, for dinner.SO HOT.amanda came to meet meeee.so we talked for awhile.i know the drink stall guy in the middle of chomp chomp likes me!i ordered the lychee drink in the huge cup, and he said he was gonna give me more lychee.then later i wanted to refill with more drink, he gave me MORE lychee! i only wanted the drink. and hey, he only charged me ONE DOLLAR.HAHA.yup.then reached home, got a call. here's what the caller said. WAH. sounded so pro la.hello. this is michelle from the executive committee of the student council.i am please to inform you that you have been selected as a student councillor.there will be a camp from the 21st to 23rd nov (er. i cant rmb, I THINK that's the date)there is a meeting next wed in the AVA at 2.30pm for the new councillors. you will also be receiving a letter in the mail soon, to inform your parents.smth like that la. HAHA, WHOAAAH.AHA, i wasnt expecting it AT ALL. i mean.i'm already chess president, class vice-chair.now councillor?may be a bit too much la.anyways, it's only another year.and i might be dropping chem.yup!(:i was so chocked, i was speechless la.all i said was, OH OKAY, thanks.and i asked if amanda was in, and YEAH.haha, she'schoir president, class chair, and now selected as councillor.mmhmm (:HMM, we really do do everything together :Dyup! cat class and choir today!((((((:follow your heart.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:34 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
it's not always all about you, you know. haha, you mean you know you were doing what YOU considered to be the right thing.even if you did have my interests in mind, whatever you did can still be wrong.know that yeah.nothing's gonna break my mood (:i've enough happy to last me till my confirmation.TRA LA LA LA LA.cos you make me SMILE. -smiles.aha, or so i hope.
sprinkled in glitter.
6:27 PM
TRAFFIC JAM & BREADWrite a description of the rush hour
The sun touches the west horizon, sending slivers of pink and gold across the blue sky. It is six ‘o’ clock on a Friday night and the familiar sound of beeping Mass Rapid Transit entrance doors reaches my ears, from the top of the tall escalator, bringing me closer to the underground transport system. A myriad of colours fill the City Hall Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Station. Tall figures clad in suave shirts linger around the notice boards in the station, probably awaiting their dinner dates. Hear the numerous clicks of heels, as the female working population seeks to leave the station. See a confusing array of escalators, each leading to a different MRT line.
The speed at which the crowd moves quickens, as the digital board, stating the time at which the next train arrives, changes to two minutes. Commuters rush, jamming up escalators while others walk swiftly down the staircases to reach the train platform. Amidst the chatter of colleagues awaiting the arrival of the next train, slogans and unique tunes can be heard- coming from the television screens situated at the station. As crowded as the platform is, each individual has on his mind has plan for the coming weekend. Each working adult finds a different object to sub-consciously focus on while awaiting the train.
Females glance at reflective glass doors, checking to see how tired they look, or how messy their hair had gotten. Amongst the crowd, a plump man dressed in a poppy red shirt speaks loudly into his mobile telephone, attracting stares from the other commuters in the area. A woman carrying a butterscotch briefcase catches sight of the headlights of the oncoming train and takes one step closer to the doorway. The more impatient people ignorantly block the doorway by standing right in the middle- leaving no space for the alighting passengers. Bodies brush against each other for a brief second as people pack into the train. One can no longer scent the smell of her fragrant new perfume. Briefcases in the hands of a working adult are a familiar sight, though the train in undoubtedly full. The woman standing closest to the door of the train feels most uncomfortable; she has little space, and lesser still to keep her balance. Tolerating not the stale air she receives, she pushes her way through impatient commuters as she alights at Orchard MRT Station.
The crowd at Orchard Station is no less than at City Hall Station. Most adults enter the station and fewer in number are the families alighting to proceed to dinner at a nearby shopping centre. As the woman travels back to the ground level, with her butterscotch briefcase still in hand, she sighs in relief- glad for the fresh air. She pauses for no more than five seconds, and then heads for the nearest taxi stand. Her nose scents the hint of exhaust as she sees the metal plates of cars jammed up on the road. Every evening, the same scene repeats, each car is like a beetle, scuttling home. Headlights cease to move as the traffic light turns red. She crosses the road with haste rushing to keep up with the fast pace.
All around her is the sight of many things and crowds of people. The flow of people heading for the MRT station seems unending, as is the bulk of cars heading out of Orchard Road. She observes the fashion of the people around her, as she steadily heads for the taxi stand. Her heels begin to give her blisters as she finally reaches the taxi stand. A long queue of people allows her to reach home later than she had expected, yet earlier than usual. After almost half and hour of fashion-observing while waiting in the snake of the queue, she enters the comfort of a taxi. Her watch beeps seven ‘o’ clock and she finally scents the smell of soothing lavender air freshener. In the calm of the taxi, she gently touches up her make-up, purposely ignoring the traffic jam outside. The rush hour had yet to be defeated.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:56 PM
the learning journey today as okay la.
our class was like worst of all the express classes. 24/41 girls came la!
we went to four places.
Sultan Mosque, Armenian church, Sikh Temple and Chinese Temple.
was SO tired by the time we reached the chinese temple la.
attempted to sleep on the bus, but failed.
saw a lot of japanese teenage tourists at the mosque.
OOOH. cute jap guys.
HAHA. we were like. HAHA. okaaay.
went back to school at 12.30 and discovered that we had to wait in school, and leave at 1.50pm! HURR!
so unfair, considering the fact that the other classes were let off.
being as GUAI as we are, (we meaning 3/3) haha, we waited. in the canteen. slacked.
su and I enjoyed the lovely air con in the Mac Lab till we re joined the rest of the clique in the canteen at 1.20pm.
slacked more. HAHA. tsk.
so boring. but we were all damn tired.
went home.
oh, and i found out i had to type out my english essay and mail it to Miss Chow by tmr! haha, tsk. since i have the TYPE out all 710 words, i'm gonna post it here later. have a read (: it cant beat Laura's though, mine's lacking cheem words. mmhmm! hers is like WHOAHHHHHH. no wonder she got like 28 la. HAHA. yup.
HAHA, shucks!
okay eugene,
i DO look like a tai tai in magenta LA.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:09 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
this is blasting.then again. i'm not in the mood.cos i'm happy.my mum was quite content with my results.surprisingly! so i'm alright.cobra bubbles!
sprinkled in glitter.
8:53 PM
WTH.i dont see it as helping.thats my problem i guess.i didnt blame you for anything.i never asked you to help.you wanted to.and that's your problem.how on earth is telling someone smth you're not even supposed to know considered as helping.if you're trying to screw my friendship, well, she's still my good friend.and so you can't.you've got a warped idea of helping if thats what you think heping is.you said i was right.i said people make choices which no one else can make for them.we make choices,and no one's out there to say whether you made the right choice or not.but after you've made the choice, you'll know.you said what you werent supposed to and you tell me you dont want to talk to me anymore. WTH LA.i should be saying that.i guess you just made a choice not to care.i dont know if you regret it.but you said you wouldn't be petty anymore.i guess you made another choice--to take that back.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:59 PM
i've been wasting tears!
in school.
and i cried when watching maggi & Me ytd.
when she remembered what happened to her, mmhmm.
i guess it's just me.
i cry too easily.
okay fine, a lot of times.
AEP open house this friday at 7pm!-haha, random.you must have balls :D
sprinkled in glitter.
3:32 PM
i have to admit, i was wrong.when i thought you meant it when you said you'd be less petty.that she doesnt really understand.soccer ytd during the haze! dangerous mannn. HAHA.GAH. results.bad.one word for it.art made me happy though. GAH. third highest. oh wells.geog was like. sad la. malay was okay.A maths was saddest.Chem was an improvemet.my average is like approx 60 marks. WTH LA.i studied somemore.oh wells.i guess the best isnt enough sometimes.and yeah.let's not talk about results anymore.the biennale was cool.haha, yea. and retarded.but yeah.i'm kinda not in the mood to blog anymore.i have an awfully bad feeling that my dad's gonna make me quit choir.cos i failed like three subjects.eventhough two of them are like 4 mark fails.sighs!i'll be so sad if i had to.yeahhh.thinking about it makes me sad already.so i shan't.lets make this post HAPPY now.every since a few things--family bbq and stuff, bubbles have a new significance for me.BUBBLES make me smile.
do they make you smile too?hmmmm. i'm gonna try and make you smile now.bubbles!the subconsciously enchant you with their irrdescence.the brilliantly coloured spheres!so round. and see when kid's play with them.they always smile.'lets see who can blow the biggest bubble okay? blow slooooowly
then can!'
and bubbles are just fun! and happy.and fun and happy things make people smile.hmmm.three things that never fail to make me smile. whether i'm pissed. in tears, or stressed.-rainbows.-bubbles.-my FRIENDS.but for now.i feel like blowing bubbles.seriously.they just remind me of little kids playing.not having to wory about studies. projects. making their parents happy with exam results.all the things that're on my mind now. mmhmm!OOOH. Edwin's my neighbour! aha. Singapore's so small man.haha, i was in a serius bad mood once i got homeHAHA. and you know how people tend to take their stress out on others sometimes. lol. my brother came in to ask me smth. then he left, and left the door open. i just got so angry.i slammed it damn loudly. really loudly la.then my pohpoh was like--WAH. today never meet boyfriend ah. so angry.HAHA. so funny.OH WELLS.shoot a rubberband at me.i need to remember to be flexible.especially when things dont work out.help me remember to chill, things will work out.it's like when my lobster died.
hey. he's in lobster heaven.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:48 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
we fell out.
it wasnt me.
it was you.
since i'm so bored.
What's the phone maker?
What's the last 3 digits of your number?
What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?
Ohh, then why are you up so early? Alarm clockwoke you up And why say sorry? i msged you at like 12am, so it's natural to be asleep by then right? Haha.
Who's the first person that comes up under the letter M?
Mad - 3three
Who's the last person you called?
my daddy.
Who was your last missed call from?
nat (:
Who's the second person who comes up under D?
Danella Foo
What does the last message in your inbox say?
haha yea, good night to you too! (:
Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J?
Jared Rezel
Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?
Sarah Lee
What does your banner say?
How many messages are currently in your inbox?
What do you have as your background?
The book cover of the kid's book Sam, Bangs & MOONSHINE.
Who's the second person who comes up under R?
Rachel Nonis
Who's the third person who comes up under T?
Tr!ni - Choir
If you're on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have?
haha, i'm not on that.
Who's the first person who comes up under C?
Cass - Choir
How many bars of signal do you have?
all seven.
A: Stephh!
A: Haha thanks! Gonna need that luck, Haha. anyway she didnt say anything much la. ____ that's all she said after that la.
A: nope.
A: HAHA, no. wavy, maybe. layered, yes.Q: WHAT IS THE NEXT CONCERT YOURE GOING TO?
A: hmmm. nothing planned so far.Q: WHOS THE COOLEST PERSON IN YOUR LIFE?
A: retarded, so evil, haiyo. so kan chiong. TSK. wah lau. ehhhh. hiiiii!
A: good luck to anton for his prac today.
A: yup! there's the finale for maggi & me tonight!
A: for snails, in my grandmother's garden. HAHA, if that counts.Q: IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE?
A: i hope so.
A: a few days ago. i love you debbie ! not in the les way la. HAHA.Q: WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING RIGHT NOW?:
A: tidying my room!
A: HAHA, loads.
A: nope. more like infatutuation at first sight.Q: WHO'S THE YOUNGEST ONE IN THE FAMILY ?
A: My primary two brotherQ: ARE YOU A HEAVY SLEEPER?
A: not at all. sharpen a pencil in the same room where i'm sleeping, and i'm bound to wake up. unless i'm really tired.Q: LAST TIME YOU USED A SKATEBOARD?
A: the school bus! haha, ytd morning.haha, shucks! i feel emo and lucky now. HAHA, randomly, thanks to anton! HAHA, no la. not really. one more post for today, coming up!
sprinkled in glitter.
10:50 AM

no school today!
the haze is AWFUL please!
soccer today?
aha, school's been retarded!
mmhmm! nothing much to blog abt now, since it's only in the morning and nothing much has happened..
okay! might be going out later.
1.you're my pl! and i LOVEEE you!
2.not wear a skirt for a month! aha.
4.your FUNness!
5.aha, the girl who put a photo of eugene in a testimonial !
6.no idea! aha.
7. how do you know so many people?
sprinkled in glitter.
10:16 AM
Monday, October 16, 2006
OMMMGGGGG.OUR FACES are on the sji international webbie. SHUCKS! on top of EVERY page.SO FUNNY LA!of all the photos! http://www.sjiinternational.com.sgclick on the activities thing. SHUCKS!haha.
sprinkled in glitter.
6:32 PM
got this from edwin tan, who got this from marcus tan.
some funny and amazingly cool phobias i've never heard of.
Maserphobia - Fear of Singaporeans, the mixed culture of Singapore.
-oooh. HAHA. must be the kiasu nature?
Macroxenoglossophobia - Fear of long, strange words.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Sesquipedalophobia - Fear of long words
-a bit ironic right? hurr hurr.
Hippophobia - Fear of horses.
-OMG. so sad.
mmhmm (: results today.
a1 for english-75.5 and e maths-81
69 for ss/hist
BLEAH. and haha, NVM.
mr ng was nice.
tra la la la la (: i'm doing this again!
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory about you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. You must post this on yours.
i feel like a powerpuff girl ! BUBBLES!haha, thanks to mike.
1. You're bubbly. Really. Bubbly.
2. Survive one month on your own phone bill without using your parents/grandma's :D
3. Red
4. Your ability to talk and talk and talk tirelessly.
5. In the Conference Room while waiting to be shot for SJI International. I saw you, but I have a blurred image of you in my head.
6. A pony.
7. Am I really that interesting to talk to?
OKAY !so here goes. tag me if you want me to post this for you, yup.MIKEEEEE.1.your name kinda rhymes with TEEHEE. haha, mike ee, teehee. HAHA, tell me i'm random.2.HMMM, i'll save this for when i really think of smth!3. purpleeeee! haha. you know which kind. the NOT gay kind.4.the way you sms and phrase things, the way you are la. haha, generally. makes me smile!5.the atom thing for the photoshoot. took me awhile to realise it was you though.6.a unicorn7.WHYYYY isnt your magazine for FEMALES?okaaay!SAM'S TOWN.aha, okay tell me how random i can get.OH! i did the rush hour qn for english essay.miss shanthi put GOOD and gave me 25/30.. SHUCKS! haha. oh wells!i was most pleased with my ss and hist source based qns.tra la la la la.considering that i didnt study anything for sbq, cept read through the chapters, i got 22/25. full marks for the 7 mark qns (:OKAY. enough about my results!
sprinkled in glitter.
5:24 PM