sprinkled in glitter.
4:01 PM
Instructions: name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head.
dont read the questions below before you write and tag 5 people to do the survey.
1) Amanda
2) Nat
3) Eugene
4) Marcus
5) Melvin
6) Alex
7) Ian
8) Gabriel Woon
9) Melvin Loh
10) Michael
11) Jessica
12) Shirin
13) Magdalene
14) Mad
15) Jannah
16) Edwin Tan
17) Hansel
18) Jared
19) Jon
20) Derek
How did you meet 14?
-mad. in school! (:
What do you do if you never ever meet 1?
-aman. HAHA, i'd die.
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
-melvin and derek.
er, they're both not gay.
Did you ever like 19?
-jon. haha, ask jared.
Would 6 and 1 make a good couple?
-amanda and alex!
aha, well!
they're both caring.
but not really.
Describe 3.
-eug. haha, whine absorber! mmhmm!
Do you think 8 is attractive?
hahaha, well, he's cute! in the nice sense. LOL.
think hello panda.
Say smt abt 7.
ian ernst chai yang!
in ipoh now.
take care!
Do you know any of 12's family members?
-shirin. hmms, not yet
What's 18's favourite?
-jared. er. his guitar? of phone.
What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you?
-jess. she just did! aha, i love you tooooo! haha, that doesnt mean i'm les.
What language does 15 speak?
-jannah. BUBBLE language!
Who is 9 going out with?
-melvin. no one that i know of..
How old is 16 now?
-edwin tan. 15!
When was the last time you talked to 13?
-mag. smsed her last night.
Who's 2's favourite band/singer?
-nat. errr, not sure! haha.
Would you date 4?
-marcus tan. haha, he's my friend!
Would you date 14?
-mad. NO LA! of course not.
Is 15 single?
-jannah. YUP.
What's 10's last name?
-mike. EE.
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 17?
-hansel. haha, hmmms. i think he's against the whole relationship thing.
What school does 3 go to?
okay! the special ppl who're gonna do this!
sprinkled in glitter.
3:18 PM
this post is dedicated to ian!who couldnt be there, cos he's in Ipoh.and he still wished me all the way from Ipoh !haha, thanks dude.confirmed.
everything went great.
proud to be--SamanthaAnnMichaelaBransoni didnt screw up anything. haha, cept i read offeringS instead of offering.
after mass was so chaos.
was running everywhere, to see so many people.
and at the same time so many people were looking for me.
so yeah. it was pretty chaos.
so many flowers and presents and letters!
i was carrying one big plastic bag.
and another white plastic bag.
thanks so much for coming and everything!
took a lot of photos!
hey guys, send me the photos okay! haha. MICH!
so yeah.
after mass.
took class photos!
then rushed around the take photos with my friends and family.
then went around talking to people.
haha, mostly eugene, nat, marcus, alex and amanda.
jervis was there! haha. he congratulated me with a handshake. LOLS.
got a few funny comments.
HAHAHA. marcus' like-- you know sam, your dress really shows off your figure. hahaha. THANKS!
marc's like -- very pretty (:
THANKS also.
HAHAHA. okay. i'm going to deflate my ego nowww. HAHA (:
stood in the carpark talked for a bit.. haha, i did look like a bridesmaid, if not a bride. HEH.
haha, they made me do the bride pose.
cos i had the flowers and all. LOLS.
with one leg up. would've jumped. but hard la.and my heels were killing me.
omg. eugene, nat, alex and marcus! the four of you make me SMILE SMILE SMILE.
and LAUGH. great hanging out with you guys.
till they went to pastamania for mel's party..
then we went to swensons- we as in my family and amanda.
haha, nicholas loo. oh no. why's he calling me SAMBALLS now.
haha, eugene nicholas lee.
took photos again!
haha, yeah.
i'll post the photos --
have fun.they're in chronological order in case you're wondering..

the second reading.
a reading from the letter to the Hebrews.

me and poh poh.

the three of us (:

five of us (: before mass.

me and godpa, before mass (:

marcus, me, alex (:
haa, i know i know. i look weird.

me, eugene and fifteen flowers (:

all the flowers, they would sit and talk to me for hours.

the group at swensons!

eugene teaching zac some evaporation thing. HAHA.

me and zac at swensons (:

zac with eugene's phone.
tabithat and eugene playing with dry ice from gab, melvin, mark and alex's earthquake.

there was smth funny on marcus' phone. HAHA.

they looked so cute sharing ice-cream!

me and nat ! love you PL (:
haha, notice how our tops are similar!

nat, me, tree, eugene, marcus.

melvin and me at the tree!

thanks gab for the HELLO PANDA!

all the pretty flowers.
thanks dears.

and wonderful cards.
special thanks to--
Amanda (:
thanks ! my legs would have DIED if you werent there to help.
Eugene, Nat, Marcus & Alex!
for being there! haha, and never, i repeat, NEVER failing to make me smile.
Gabriel Woon, Melvin, Nicholas Eugene Loo!
thanks gab for the pink strawberry hello panda!
Laura, Joy, Joanne, Sherry, Alyssa-tai tai, Lavania and the others who gave me flowers!
thanks you guys.
you'll always be in my prayers.
Janna- my camp facil (: loves!
Mad, and Mag! who couldnt be there, but wished me nonetheless. thanks (:
Edwin Tan - thanks for the wish!
well, gonna be doing hist project in awhile... yup.yesterday was indeed a spirit-filled blast :D;tag replies!iddie, milkshake!i saw you for the first time ytd (:thanks!esti! husband (:keep in touch! ooohkay.i love my handwriting (: hahaha.PL (: thanks dearie!hahaha, HOT.MICH :Dno problem! loves!i think it just dawned upon me that there's no more catechism.no more alvin, ulysses, gerard and their gayness.no more melissa, steph and charm calling me a bimbo.no more benjamin and his retardedness.no more being suaned about ahem and ahem.no more.so sad.i just realised i'm gonna missed cat class a heaven lot.dinner date soon! (: keep in touch.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:54 AM
Sunday, November 19, 2006

HAHA, high five for bitches and princesses! (:
you're a bitch but i love you anyway,
you cant sing, but u still put me to sleep,
yeahh baby you're a bitch, yeah yeah...
you're a bitch, but dont ever go away.okay. back. edwina has stopped nudging me!haha, my sister's prolly gonna do my hair later.whoots i cant wait.haha, yea!i'm going earlier.no, not because i'm kiausu like AHEMmelAHEMvin.AHA, i'm gonna practise reading yeahhhh.shucks. three more hours.OMGGGGG.i cant wait.HAHA.(:of sacrifices, services and jewish priests.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:24 PM
all set for CONFI (:
well, physically.
mentally, hmmms, i guess i've been looking forward to confi for the right reasons.
haha, oooh.
i cant wait!
the O's are over!
and OMGG.
my confirmation's TODAY.
haha, oh! the cat class bbq ytd was a blast!
green tea kills sperms!
it was FUN la.
from the cuttlefish BALLS.
to swimming.
fallnig in the pool.
alvin's cake.
ben's fried rice, wah, cant believe HE cooked it can!
it was NICE.
and yeah! it was fun
HAHA, heh.
somehow or other, i'm an easy target to suan.
from mrs ahem to ahem.
hahaha, uly. retarded!
he was like. - - - - - .
and then he was standing right nest there.
and i was like. oi, he's there.
and then uly was like hey -! AHHA.
and the guys and the football! wah., splash water on me. i was tryng to dry!
and they thought i was talking to my bf when i was in fact talking to amanda!
yea! will post the photos when i get them
i cant wait.
haha, i slept at twelve. heh, then woke at three with a sudden burst of excitement.
after today, retarded will be my fifth name.
i cant wait.
haha, and i'm feeling nervous, excited, happy all at the same time.
i cant wait.
get set to experience the stuck up eurasian newscaster in me.
yours truly is doing the second reading.
haha, yeah.
i'm pretty confident with it. but yea.
whenever i actually read it at the altar, it's totally different.
and i cant gauge how loud of soft i am! cos it gets echo-y.
going to church earlier to practise.
i cant wait.
eventhough i'm prepared to look like a bridesmaid.
ooh, and ian's the firstest to wish me happy confirmation !
all the way from ipoh (:
i cant wait. HAHA edwin's being a bitch and nudging me non stop. so i have to temporarily adjourn from blogging.you're a bitch but i love you anyway,
you cant sing, but u still put me to sleep,,
yeahh baby you're a bitch, yeah yeah...
you're a bitch, but dont ever go away
sprinkled in glitter.
12:47 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
You Are Big Bird |
 Talented, smart, and friendly... you're also one of the sanest people around.
You are usually feeling: Happy. From riding a unicycle to writing poetry, you have plenty of hobbies to keep you busy.
You are famous for: Being a friend to everyone. Even the grumpiest person gets along with you.
How you life your life: Joyfully. "Super. Duper. Flooper." |
sprinkled in glitter.
2:31 PM
i'm in DIRE need of a white translucent shawl.light pink will do fine too.if anyone has a shawl to lend me. PLEASE contact me ASAP!i need it for my confi on SUNDAY. this Sunday!
sprinkled in glitter.
12:55 PM
CHURCH OF THE RISEN CHRIST91 Toa Payoh Central, Singapore 319193Confirmation 200619th November, this sunday!at 6pm!
come okay!i'm getting confirmed (: along with MANY others.so everyone i know is invited!And for those who dont know how to get there, sms me! haha.my sense of direction is good, if not very good.haha, yeah.hope to see you there!
sprinkled in glitter.
11:52 AM
I think it's pathetic how people try to snap at people whom they cant stand and they do such a lousy job. it's like OMG. please dont join debate.oh shittt.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:40 AM
"I'm finding it hard to
believe, we're in heaven."
sprinkled in glitter.
11:30 AM
Successful Six hours of Shopping!
met amanda at around one thirty.
shopped at wisma..
bumped into cherlynn and beatrice.
saw a lovely lovely pair of turquoise earrings from topshop.
but didnt get it first.
walked round isetan a bit. saw a few white dresses, but nothing potential.
then went to Tangs for a bit.
to browse before i met my godma later.
ended up trying on three of four dresses,
which were ALL to either
a) too big.
b) too frilly.
c) made me look fat.
d) too translucent.
yeah. there was one nice one though. which fitted okay. and that didnt make me look fat.
then after awhile, i got sick of dresses. HEH.
and we were hungry.
so, despite the diet,
we went to LJS at Far East.
ate for awhile.
then continued shopping the time was then approx 3.30pm.
tried on this black and white vertically striped top. it's quite low cut, and it goes slightly off shoulder and it's loose on top, but hugs at the stomach.
okay okay.
i'm not fat.
i'm skinny.
i tried on the vertically striped one.
and WAH.
i looked DAMN SKINNY.
too skinny.
haha, amanda said i looked as skinny as paris hilton.
then come to think of it. i looked CONCAVED. HEH.
but the top was damn nice and like so airy-fairy.
i like that word.
it made me look too skinny.
which i think amanda found quite funny.
cos in the next fitting room (this was at the Hula & Co at Far East btw)
there was this rather plump lady weho tried on the same top. and she was like--
'Do i look fat?'
and her friends were like--
when in fact, she totally did.
so yeah. i was laughing. not at her.. but at the convo. yeah.
then i tried on the horizontally striped one.
which made me look fatter, but still slim la.
which goes to prove that the home econs tb from sec one is right.
horizontal stripes make you look WIDER.
so yeah.
i fell in love with the top. which cost like 27 bucks.
then we went to this other shop, to see if they had the same top, but in a different colour.
i tried green and black horizontal stripes
sorry la, vertical stripes SO make me look concaved.
it was okay.
HAHA, i think i kept asking whether i looked fat.
and the shop lady was like.
very nice.
very slim la.
HAHAHA. i still decided to think about it.
then it was already 4.15pm!
so rushed to Tangs again and met my godma there.
all the other dresses made me look either
a) fat
b) old
c) bloated
and thats when we went to the Daniel Yam side.
and showed my godma the one i tried earlier.
among the dresses, we found this white kinda off shoulder one.
which looked okay.
so. they picked like three dresses. and three more.
so i took four dresses to the fitting room. tried the off shoulder one first.
it's a white chiffon toga dress.
it fitted nicely.
wasnt too big, too loose,
didnt make me look fat at all.
in fact, it made me look just as slim as i am.
(hahaha, i'm trying my best not to get egoistic here)
they were like--NICE WHAT!
haha, the only problem was that it was quite translucent.
as all the white dresses were. HEH.
ooh, i found a picture of the dress online. HAHA, haiyooo.
fine. i'll post it.

-i tried drawing it.

found a pict online.
i didnt take that photo...
and then tried on a few more.
till i got sian of white dresses.
then i tried on the first one again.
haha, it fits really nicely,
falls nicely.
and its damn comfortable.
haha, someone said
"You look like a princess!"
in an effort to convince me that i looked nice.
so we ended up getting that dress (:
i'm the smallest size btw. heh, S.
my godma spent like 300 bucks there, so we could claim some free mug at Marriots.
so we went there. then me and amanda went to claim it.
the lady saw the La Mer receipt and thought we bought it.
haha, it was like. 200 dollars for some lip treatment thing.
she must've thought we were like super rich kids or smth.
from the way she said it.
then we told her it wasnt us...
HAHAHA, yeah.
she was really nice.
then we went to far east for MORE shopping (: showed my godma that top. tried it on..
and she said i looked nice, so she got it for me (:
aha. the horizontally striped black and white one.
then we had a smoothie each -amanda was still with us.
then she had to go, so she left.
then we shopped at far east for an hour more.
then left for j8.
had dinner at Ajisen Ramen.
then walked round MORE.
left at around ten.
HAHA, i still need a translucent white shawl!
and earrings (:
i havent really decided what colour but my shoes are like white with a soft rose pink strip.
so prolly the same colour. mmhmm (:
so thats six hours of shopping summed up.
imagine a flower as pretty as this.
sprinkled in glitter.
10:07 AM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
you cant ever unite with a country, who trades with your enemy.
sprinkled in glitter.
12:04 PM
i'm finding it hard to believe, we're in heaven.so the singing thing ytd was alright.HAHA, yeah.i'm gonna lose my voice, heh.went for ben & jerry's with trini, marc, nat and elvira. oh, and someone self invited herself.yeah.HEH.anyways!i'm meeting amanda later for a few hours (:then my godma for a few more hours--shopping for my confi clothes, which if you have seen me in recent days, or talked to me, or read my blog, you'd already know.yeah! OMGGG. cant wait (((((:anyways, the song of the day is YOU - switchfoot.haha.yea.other than that nothing much has happened.what to do?i'm weird and boring.HEH.todays the chem O level paper!haha, potassium manganate (VII) the pretty purple!yeaaaaa.shucks.my confi's coming.and after that few hours, it'll be the start of a whole new journey.give me one reason why that's not reason enough to look forward to my confi hmm.yeahhhh.i'll see if i can get on tonight.but there's no way i'm posting any pictures of my confi dress.AHA, it'll spoil the surprise on sunday.wah, i havent worn a dress since my grandparents 50th anniversary!thats almost a whole one and a half years.haha, yeah.once in a lifetime chance to see me in a WHITE dress.heh.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:28 AM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
okay. i'm pmsing.
it's like on and off.
since i want to NOT pms.
i shall post about people and things who make me happy.
although i've done this before, i'll do it again!
updated version la.
read on (:
0.1.AMANDA! for a lot of obvious reasons! bestie (:1. the three gays and the cat class clique (:

2. EUGENE! haha, retarded! and you're always able to absorb my whining. which is A LOT.3. my darling HICKORY.
4. and of course, if it wasnt for JON, i wouldnt have hickory.
so thanks (:
and for all the advice too.
i wonder where you get it from.
DEBBIE DEAREST.love you (:you make me feel happy! (:6.NATHALIE (:PL!always there.7. Jared, Ian Chai (:two dudes i can count on.8.the SJI jacket! haha.it's melvin's fault for lending me his. HEH. 9.Michael!haha, i'll be your happiness tap any day (:we both know retardedness cant be conquered !HAHAHA.10.FAMILY.for reasons i know.And this list could go on and on and on.and if i've left anyone out, i didnt forget you okay!oh, CHOIR! anyways!the BCF thing at The Grand Cathay is at 8.and i've got to be in church SOON,soooo, i'm leaving sooon.which means, i've got to bathe SOOOON.which means i have to go offline NOW.haha.watch CLVC on tv (:
sprinkled in glitter.
5:16 PM

haha, some people piss me off with such ease.
others make me smile with just one sms.
others always make me feel better when i'm down.
some just try to hard.
some dont live up to what they're always enforcing.
and it gets annoying.
she's like--
if you need anything, call me!
but when you call her.
she's always busy.
and yeah.
HAHA, i realised i'm pmsing a lot nowadays.
and when i tell you.
you're thinking.
why is that my problem.
it's called insensitivity.
and i'm no fan of that.
i didnt say it was your problem, the fact that i'm pmsing more isn't your problem.
but the fact that you said you care, and you dont. IS your problem.
cos you're not living up to what you said.
for me to have said that.
i'm pmsing now!
a few minutes ago i was like.
OMG. i'm going shopping tmr yay.
can you sense the emo surging.
heh. i can.
OH WELLS.so much for what you said.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:34 PM
just tell me how i got this far.tell me why you're here and who you are.i can finally see the rainbow! OMGGG.haha, last day of school today!YAYYYY.omggg. yes.miss ho pranked me and su. heh. she said miss low wasn't there, but miss low was actually HIDING at her desk. HEH.omgggg!HAHAHAHA.anyways.my voice is seriously BAD.and i've got choir after this.AH.oh wells.shopping tomorrow!for my confi dress and stuff!(((:I CANT WAIT!haha, omg omg omg.and this saturday, after the confi rehearsal, there's the BBQ (((((: OMGGGGG. i cant wait. HEH.and then on sunday sunday sunday! there's confi!i'm on a high now.HAHAHAHA.yea. OMGGGG.i cant wait.i cant wait.i cant wait.have i told you? I CANT WAIT.and omgggg. i'm amazed at how insensitive smoe people can get.HEH, so maybe i'm a guilty party once in awhile, but it's not cos i dont realise anything, it's cos i ignored it. YEEA.i cant wait to go shopping.and i cant wait for the rehearsal.and i cant wait for the bbq (:OMG.and i SO CANT WAIT for my confi!yeah!OMGG.haha, shucks.oh, and we're only getting the o level art questions paper for 2007 in january next year,WTH. thats two months short of thinking time. HEH.i realised it a tad too late.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:18 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
haha, OMGGG.just in case i get nominated for this choir singing contest thing. i best start deciding on a song to sing.help me pick PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.tag suggestions okay.thanks.i'll put a few choices down. yea. comment.sandi thom's i wish i was a punk rocker.michelle branch's everywhere.corrinne may's the answer.by dono who's for the longest time.er, cant rmb's there i'll be.Jojo's Leave (get out)bryan adam's HEAVENVanessa Carlton's White Housesor A thousand miles Corrine May's Save me.Mariah carey's Hero
er. i'll really appreciate suggestions. THANKS.CHOOSE.
sprinkled in glitter.
7:24 PM
you're arms are my castle, your heart is my sky.
they wipe away tears that i cry.
the good and the bad times we've been through them all.
you make me rise when i fall.
HAHA, corny and all.
but yeah.
sweet i guess.
tra la la la laaa.
haha, thanks sha :D it's great knowing that people find my posts a worthwhile read (:
haha i failed the chem test by ONE MARK. hehhh.
i'm always careless! working correct, then can read the answer off the calc wrongly. HEH.
my confi's coming. and if you see me, i'll give you a million reasons why i cant wait for it (:
but dont make me please, i've got choir tmr (:
we're singing for the Breast Cancaer Foundation thing at the new Cathay building at 8.30. yupp. go see linn's blog. HAHA, she's doing a solo! so go support her.
confi's coming! and my godma's sponsoring my dress (: shopping date on thursday.
i cant wait i cant wait i cant wait.
in case you didnt know, my confi's
THIS SUNDAY at 6pm at the Church of the Risen Christ!
yea! it'll be the end of the O's TOO! so it's a good day!
haha, i SO cant wait.
yeaaa! lol. i'm on a high now.
if you cant tell.
sprinkled in glitter.
6:27 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
and it's a miracle.when i received the letter my parents wrote on saturday, during confi camp, his letter was there.his letter.the one i lost.can you believe it. OMGGG.thanks.your letter made me cry more, haha.not because it made me sad, but because i was touched.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:23 PM

camp's over.
-in the un-sarcastic tone.HEH.

love until it hurts.
okay. i'm gonna sum up the stuff i've learnt.
it might seem random here and there-kinda hard to link it all up. but i'll try to. er yeah.
here goes.
God loves us SO MUCH.
and he doesnt care if we're worthy or not.
he loves us!
he put us here on earth, to love and be loved.
God is love.
his language is love.
and that is the purpose for which we live.
to love.
it is better to have been loved once, than to never have loved.
the love between Jesus and God was so strong and so significant, that it is a character of it's own, that is, the Holy Spirit.

It is everywhere.
it is already in us.
we just need to realise it.
and put the gifts God has given us to use.
We are never worthy, or up to the mark so dont waste time worrying about it.
god created each and everyone of us.
and he loves us just the way we are.
just the way we are.
just the way you are.
just the way I am.
sometimes, others just dont see us the way God made us.
and we think God has abandoned us.
But we dont realise.
God is everywhere.
we need to realise him in others.
through the love they give us.

love doesnt have to mean between say a husband and a wife.
having care for someone.
having concern.
is love.
many times, we dont realise love.
we dont understand that something as minor as caring for someone, being there for a friend through rough patches is love in itself.

He loved us so much.
He died for us.
Is that not the greatest example of love?
I asked Jesus, 'How much do you love me?'
He spread his arms out on the cross and replied, 'This much.'

We need to love others.
We should Love until it hurts.
and the prayer we said during camp, short but strong.
Lord, show me how to love, and who to love.
bro mike told us about this girl, who fell in love with this guy.but she didnt tell him that she had had an abortion when she was fifteen. since the abortion, she has recovered and in now in university.both the guy and the girl were at church camp,and they both loved each other.she felt she was not worthy of his love, because of her actions.she prayed to God for a sign, but nothing.she cried every night.it distressed the guy seeing her cry.as she was waiting to use the toilet, she heard something from the convo two girls were having while showering."What have you got to lose?"she went to the guy, and told him everything. and He cried.She loved him so much to the extent she got so worried about him not loving her because of her past.and you know what he said to her?i fell in love with you.not a fifteen year old.i love you for who you are NOW.I love you.SO SWEET.what a guy.can you imagine how the girl would've felt.the immense love.bring love to others, as God has brought love to you.

god is always loving.
let us not reject the love he gives us.
but receive it, and spread it with open hands and hearts.
in love, we learn to forgive.
'Bear with one another; forgive each other if one of you has a complaint against another. the Lord has forgiven you; now you must do the same.' -Colossians 3
Things dont always go the way you want them to, as you should realise.
God has won the war for us. but there are still many battles to be fought.
What are you gonna do about these?
Draw strength through prayer to carry on.
we need to believe.
only when we believe.
can we truly experience God's love.
i believe you are the answer to every tear i've cried.
that when all my days are over, and when all my chores are through.
i amy see your risen glory. forever where you are.

and he rolls my sins away.

let us then share the love and peace of Christ.
As we approach our confirmation (which is this Sunday)
let us prepare to spread God's love. only then, can we appreciate it's abundance.

As the late Pope John Paul II said,
"Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. This is
not an old world dying, but the beginning of a new one."
sprinkled in glitter.
12:12 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
i cant hear The Answer.
sprinkled in glitter.
7:03 PM
pride in the name of love.
confi camp was a blast.
i've already a sore throat from all the praise and worship,
plus from all the talking to my parents about camp.
haha, and talking to amanda too.
it was great.
let's start with day one!
haha, i was in the same group as Melvin! HAHA.
st perpetua!
same grp as mich toooo (:
haha, borrowed melvin's sji jacket.
it's so nice la!
and comfy.
played a few games, had praise and worship (haha, someone thought p&w was play and win. HEH.waha.) wah.
the singing was so soft.
had the talent night.
derek! AHAHA.it's my soooon.omggg. LOLS.who knew you could act ah.without laughing.justin and his sexy boobs.
damn gay.
then lights out late late at night.
it was freaking cold.
two air cons at 19 deg and two fans at speed 4.
WAS FREEZING to the max.
day two!
woke at six.
couldnt sleep at night cos of three reasons.
1.The surround sound.
heh. and you though girls didnt snore.
2.The amazingly COLD temperature.
OMG. i had like four layers on.
3.the cold hard floor.
makes you feel numb when you dont move.
and people cant sleep and move at the same time what?
unless they sleep walk. YEAH.
then had more praise and worship.
the batch was way more participative.
had a talk by bro mike.
can a good boy do smth bad?
all the girls answer loudly in chorus,
and bro mike's like.
haha, then we had this reconciliation thing after dinner.
haha, yeah.
my penance was like WHOAH.
then got the letter that my parents wrote..
i cried bnucket loads, as expected.
i wasnt sad!
i was happy.
father brian was there..
spoke to him about stuff.
HAHA, yeah.
then OMGGG.
i got the letter that alex wrote and the one that i lost.
i was LIKE.
haha, ask melvin.
he'll explain my reaction
i was crying like shit.
my hands were numb.
and i had a major headache.
oh we had praise and worship too.
HAHA, omggg. john paul.
he liked dived and landed on the markers.
HAHA, funny.
then that night, praise and worship.
it was DAMN LOUD.
and the guys!
haha, alvin, gerard and uly.
damn enthu.
it was great seeing them like that.
haha, yeah.
gay shit man.
and LOLS.
shalom my good friend
shalom my good friend,
shalom, shalom.
God's peace be with you
God's peace be with you
shalom, shalom.
haha, OMG.
moses is like.
he and john paul.
WHOAH. so rough!
so after all the jumping from ONE WAY JESUS etc, my ankle is as bad as it was when i first sprained it.
no school for me tmr !
then hmms, a lot of stuff happened la.
if you want to know more details, ask me.
got a lot more that happened.
but yeah, i cant type everything.my hands'll die la.
haha,a few funny incidents, scandalous moments, suaning times and retarded minutes.
HAHA. yeah.
confi camp was great.
great experience.
learnt a lot.
i'll prolly post a reflection tmr.
haha, since i'm not going to school.
all the photos now. HAHA, yeah. took me ages to upload. so look at them! HAHA, yeah.

-after the camp. waiting for Ada. posing with her pretty bag (:

the camp banner. with the theme, PRIDE IN THE NAME OF LOVE.

-st anne's class! YAYYYY, haha, oh the gayness. haha, the three musketeers.

-my bag! aha, at the foyer.
and melvin's jacket. THANKS for lending it!

-christine and me!during bro mike's second talk.
HAHA.i told you the sji jacket was nice.
learnt a lot.
God, teach me how to love, and who to love.
sprinkled in glitter.
6:34 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I believe You are the answer
To every tear I've cried
I believe that You were with me
My rising and my Light
Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can't see
Through the crosses I must carry
Lord bind my heart to Thee
That when all my days are over
And all my chores are done
I may see Your risen glory
Forever where You are
Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can't see
Through the crosses I must carry
Lord bind my heart to Thee
That when all my days are over
And all my chores are done
I may see Your risen glory
Forever where You arehaha, thanks to mike for getting his blog song stuck in my head.it's stopped raining (:i know i know, i've got an aura of haappiness!haha, tap into it anyday.cept when i'm pmsing la.HAHA.yup.tell me about being retarded :p
sprinkled in glitter.
4:47 PM
a tai tai in magenta.i miss bmf!
and cap!
and gahhh.
with sad slow music playing.
and looking at photos.
makes me miss things.
today's a retarded and happy day though.
and nothing's gonna spoil that (:
did that mean anything.
spell it out for me.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:43 PM
give me strength when when i am weary.give me hope when i can't see.i believe you are the answer to every tear i've cried.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:57 PM

i'm losing my voice.
i'm beginning to like differentiation.
product rule's the best.
quotient rule's alright.
chain rule is easy.
haha, i get cheap thrill from getting the right anwsers. teehee.
cos you know how much i suck at add maths. heh.
history was fun. sorry for the spam emails on lead.TEEHEE.my bored self was bored.(nb:i said BORED ah, not boring.)
haha, amanda and i had highest for the quiz which we were allowed to discuss :D
haha. yeaaaah.
miss chow gave us miss swiss! this chocolate drink--FAT FREE.
we watched vids on lead. and went throught power point slides for an hour.
then recess, physics again (we had physics for first period too)
anyways, i wont be online for the next two days.
i've got confi camp tmr :)
and on saturday.
it ends at 2.30pm on sunday.
haha, i'm anticipating tears.
er, yeah.
i'm bringing HICKORY.
and i'm gonna be thinking of two people throughout the whole camp.
cos i'm like. AH, okay. nvm.
breakfast at 8am okay!
i cant wait.
it'll be my first church camp.
i'm already in the refelctive mood.
But out on the street with nothing to eat
A man and his shopping cart go
Travelling to places,
Collecting social graces
I give him my sandwich
and we chatter for a while
I see a rainbow wash over his eyes
He gives me his halo and
I start to fly.
corrinne may is like. wah.
Save me from this place
Heaven knows I'm falling
For you, my sweet embrace
Heaven knows
Heaven knows i've been waiting
cant wait.
amanda's got my jailbird bag now (:
i laugh, i dream, i cry.
nothing much to say today.
i feel like singing slow songs today.
why is corrinne may's save me stuck my head.
it pushed I Believe In You out of my head.
i should get started on my commonwealth essay, if i intend to make it good.
HAHA. yeah
CLASS B - Born 1991-1992
1200-1500 words
All questions can be answered by writing an essay or a story which explores the topic in an interesting and relevant way.
1.Is the majority always right?
2.The bargain.
3."We did not weave the web of life. We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves" (attributed to Chief Seattle).
4.EITHER Between worlds OR Under the microscope OR Chain reaction.
5.EITHER What does slavery mean to you? OR The Trans-Atlantic Slave - history or unfinished business? OR The link between freedom and slavery is complicated. What insights into human society and/or human nature can we gain from an honest appraisal of this relationship?
The Commonwealth Question (see details below).
Commonwealth Question
The Commonwealth Question is open to all candidates and entries will be judged according to the relevant criteria used in the four Classes (A to D).
If you choose to answer the Commonwealth Question please DO NOT submit another essay and keep to your Class word count.
There is a £150 prize for a winning entry on the Commonwealth Question in each of the four Classes. This prize is in addition to the main prizes offered in each Class. Any entrant selecting the Commonwealth Question as their topic will also have their essay considered for a main prize.
The theme for Commonwealth Day 2007 is 'The Commonwealth - Respecting Difference, Promoting Understanding".
EITHER Discuss the issue of respecting difference and promoting understanding in relation to your own country OR Write a story/account exploring its significance in the lives of ordinary people. haha, my colours essay which i wrote last year wasnt good enough.HAHA, so i'm gonna try harder.yup.just cos someone cries easily.doesnt mean she's weak.she's just not as emotionally strong as you.some people can be so insensitive about terms.oh wells.off to be inspired now.back on sunday at 2.30pm.
sprinkled in glitter.
1:54 PM