sprinkled in glitter.
3:00 PM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
yesterday !
was CBD zone outing !
with sarah, su anne and amanda! and it was MAJORLY FUN.
it was like our geog research thing, and omg, those who havent gone yet, it
was super fun.
the funness made the distance seem so short.
the things we saw were cool!
like the old old weighting scale !
this old man helped us take our weights on it, and wah, accurate!
and yea!
lau pa sat was fun!
HAHAHA, shooting nerds.
we were using straws to shoot nerds into each others mouths instead of ice.
we walked alot, from Outram MRT all the way to Raffles Place.
then me and su raced amanda and sarah to City Hall, and hey, we reached
about the same time.
they took the train, and we walked at like, lightning speed.
we had a alot of retarded moments, with the yoga on the Raffles place grass
cam whoring at the OUB reflective thing, and the reflective sphere outside
the OUB building.
and many other random photos we stopped to take along the way.
here, see for yourself.

su and sarah at macs!
we were doing our history project.
really (:

before reaching pagoda street.


tourists in chinatown.

club street!

the cool weighing thing!

at crossroads !

nerd shooting at lau pa sat!

raffles place!

then we reached city hall. shopped for a bit,
and caught a fashion show.

came home, went cycling, and caught the afterglow of the sunset

my hair's so wavy! haha, at chinatown.
headed towards the shrine.
came home.
watched tv.
had dinner.
went for supper at chompchomp.
love you.
take care.
saturday is love.and so are you (:
sprinkled in glitter.
10:08 PM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
the annoyed sam gets whiny.and rants alot.
excuse my useless complains, and noises.
i'm beginning to think that i've got the tolerance level and patience of a crayfish.HAHAHA.
but i'm still happy (:
my blogger's screwed now.
march hols are like two days away.
and i've got smth on every single day.amazing, heh!
anyways!it's CBD zone outing day on friday (: Sarah, Su Anne, Amanda and I are gonna have fun fun fun.i can already tell (: hoho.yeah.
thanks to whoever's posted this :D
sprinkled in glitter.
9:51 PM
Friday, March 02, 2007
today is retarded day.
a lot of retarded things happened.
i had fun in the chem lab.
ah, i miss titration.
the colours are SO PRETTY.
i love potassium permanganate.
i took photos ! (:
so funny.
then headed to ljs for lunch.
mos burger was funny !
it's so rainy !
but oh wells !
i walked in the rain.
aha, oh, got my two badges todaaaay.
so i've three badges now (:
tra la la la la.
you know what, i just realised that recently, i've been so busy, i havent been blogging bout anything random.
time to get back into the habit -BEAMS.
ten random facts for today!
1. window shopping online is like fab!
OMG. you save on leg energy. hand energy. and mouth energy.
i think it's prolly my hobby (:
2.i didnt see you for a weeeeeeeek ! :D
haha, that's record.
3.i love art. as much as it drives me up to wall, (:
4.i walk damn fast. my normal walking speed is equivalent to amanda's jogging speed.
5.i love unicorns. and i dont care if tracy chevalier (or whoever- i cant really rmb) thinks and says they have vulgar references.
6.i have a newfound good impression of ____. i like people who're defensive ! hahaha, and that was one heaven of a strooong post !
7.i think it's really cool how people just well, CLICK.
8.i'm suddenly tired.
9.i think chairs are like one of the easiest things to draw.
10.i figured i can get really really retarded.
like yeah man!
ahaaaaaaa. lol. eh, dont laugh !
i'm feeling happy happy happy today.
cos it's one week to the march hols.
mrs alex is so funny.
she goes on about how we have to bring all the ij girls who mispronounce words back.
i still dont see how people can pronounce champagne as SHAM PUG NE.
and yeah!
the whole pro-gre, praw-gress.
and sing-E-pore and sing-AHHH-pore.
and TUS! vs THHHHUS.
and merlowwww and merLOT.
and versaiiii and versalles.
and that's just a handful.
sorry for being such a proper pronounciation(proNUNciation,) freak, not like my english is perfect, but yeah.
and there's not a lesson where mrs alex doesnt bring in sji, or an sji old boy.
or smth sji related.
she seems to emphasize the bonds the guys have.
such that they still remain good friends, even now. like when they're twenty over years old.
i personally find it amazing.
and yea, i guess it displays the importance, and how big a role being in a catholic school plays.
we once discussed this
well, i'd like to think so.
an insensitive world'd be killer please!
and she told us bout how ij girls had the 'best choice' back when we at victoria street.
cos we had both raffles and sji at our doorstep.
and how we mostly chose sji.
anyways! sensitivity.
ah, sensitivity.
who on earth draws the line to sensitive, and over sensitive.
i guess it's up to the individual in comparison to her own sensitivity level.
doesnt take a genius to tell you that.(hurr)
yeaaaa. ah, i feel like shopping!
i can shop anyday la.
to end off, think.
hopping is to girls what soccer is to boys.
shouldnt shopping be a cca?
haha, oh i just remembered what miss chye told me.
girls are like taps. and boys are like rice-cookers.
p.s. thanks ___ !!! YAY, OMG.
you have no idea how happy i am.
imagine two hours of listening to asve me and stressing over a half loaded, not gonne fully load page !
sprinkled in glitter.
6:56 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
List ten things you want to say to ten random people, but you know you never will say these things to them.
Don’t say who the comment is meant for, and use people only once.
1. Stop being so annoying. stop doing my job, it's my job for a reason.
if you think you're so cool, you arent. wow, you aren't. go figure.
2. Love always wins (:
3. ah, why can't hotmail email let me put pictures in my email !
sadddd. i think i'd die without being able to doodle. OMG, you shoud see my textbooks, especially my add maths tb. hoho, and my malay tb. they're mostly full of stars and hearts. heh. random! i cant waitttt !
4. I think you rock. oh wait, i know you do.
5. I dont like the way things have changed. cos i liked them the way they are. i guess it isnt just about what i like.
6. I think you're hot.
7. I dont know if i'll ever tell you anything again.
8. Where'd you go?
9. I didnt waste my time, guess you weren't worth, ah. go walk to the carpark.
10. I miss you and i hope you're alright. cos you're shutting me out.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:46 PM
yesterday! i managed to complete my VAT draft one in about an hour and a half whilst on the phone (:
thanks (((:
today was cooooold.
the wind was like natural air con.
PE was spent story telling bout IJ ghost stories and rumoured haunts.
got our add math tests baaaack.
i failed by half a mark !
not bad la.
it's a ten mark improvement, so i'm not complaining (:
did another sketch today !
another chair/stool.
i figured that if i did one sketch a day, i'd have more than enough sketches to use for both VAT and my coursework.
my final idea's pretty much confirmed.
i just need to grasp it properly, so i'll know for sure sure sure what everything's supposed to represent, and be able to explain it..
mmhmm. cos i know what it's supposed to rep, but cant really explain it and all..
maths class is always retarded. hey, we're the three Sssss(pun maaaaybe intended (((: )HAHAHA, screams.sorry for all the noise today 4/3!it aint easy getting sarah/su's book to draw on ;)HAHAHA, so i kinda screamed when sarah laaaa TSK !so funny i tell you.you could get abs from working those muscles by laughing.yea!hahaha.29 days to VAT submission.ahhhh.one week to march hols !which i'm fully booked for, heh.it's gonna be a smashing march hols though.or so i hope !love love!
sprinkled in glitter.
7:36 PM