sprinkled in glitter.
8:11 PM
today was pretty fab, despite the cramps.
mr ng's lesson was memorable.
he wanted top show us that you could use a solvent to see like led light ray.
so he sprayed sprayed sprayed alot of water.
the whole class was laughing (:
racial harmony day !

joanna teo sang some chinese song at assembly smth smth ai (: HAHA.
her voice is really nice.
she's cute (:
and she seems like a really sweet girl, humble and all..
mr chan was telling us to vote for her, and when he mentiond the schools of the other students who were in the semi-finals, the school sort of moaned. HAHA. at a particular school.
ijtp's general reaction, teehee (:
anyways, nothing much happened today, only 6 girls from the class, and all 6 from the clique wore an ethnic outfit (:
the brightest side of life.

we'll break the record tmr, baby ((((:
nothing'll get in our way (:
i cant wait for tmr.
and i'm not worried, or paranoid, anymoreeee !
i'm pretty-ful to you (:
sprinkled in glitter.
6:50 PM
As promised (:;Marriage
The dim light softly touched the edges of the booklet, making it seem as ithough it were glowing. The church bells on the mass booklet seemed so fitting, as were the flowers which crowned my head in the cover photo of my husband and I. The two ornate letter ‘S’s seemed so perfectly curved and were simply beautiful. I sat by my bedside, pondering upon the events of the day which had flown by so swiftly. Weddings are all about white lace, long gowns, splendid flower arrangements and chiming church bells. All weddings are rather similar, why did mine feel so different?
It was slightly more than twelve hours ago, when I found myself sitting on an elevated chair, waiting in silent reflection as the stylist applied layers of powder on my face. As she painted the colours on my face, as if I were a porcelain doll, I wondered to myself why I was getting married. It was a question to which an answer seemed obvious, and yet, it was not as easy as it sounded. Beneath all the hours spent planning on material matters – the lunch reception, wedding dinner, colour scheme and the bride’s outfits were but a few, my heart always sought to remind me about the man whom I cared about so dearly. Marriage would join me to my husband, the ultimate proof of our love for each other. To me, it could not come later.
As I sat in the elongated Mercedes-Benz, I felt the air-conditioning brush gently across my ear, whispering soothing words to me. It was quite a long way to church, and I found my hands firmly clasped together throughout the ride, praying to God to bless my wedding day and my marriage. I stared at my ring finger momentarily, imagining the ring that would very soon be there. The ring would be unending, as I hoped my marriage to be. Marriage included making sacrifices, was I ready? I did not doubt the amount of commitment I was ready to give and yet, butterflies flew to my stomach at the thought. The silvery organza veil felt rough as it brushed against my skin, and my ivory wedding gown had a long trail that was left strewn messily about the earlier cleaned car mat. The car soon came to a stop, and the door was opened for me. I smiled to myself, as I stood up and came out of the car, with newfound confidence growing within me.
The elegant turquoise and silver ribbons, that were entwined around the grey railings leading up to the main church were a welcoming sight. The colour turquoise was a very special colour to me, and it had always been. If my dreams were a single colour, they would have been turquoise. That distinctive colour was rare to find, and even rarer to find in the specific shade that I wanted. It was therefore not surprising that the colour, turquoise somehow made my wedding feel more special. An hour at the wedding mass flew by so quickly and before I knew it, I found myself strolling back down the aisle in church, with my husband by my side. The notes of the wedding march streamed from the choir loft above, like the music of the angels up above. I smiled upon many jubilant faced, and glanced at many lips mouthing congratulations. I never failed to notice the antique wooden pews which were adorned with white roses and silver ribbon, perfectly what I had imagined as an adult. This day was special to me, it was not merely my imagination turned to reality, but the day when I would bind myself to another.
For months, I had dreamed of an elaborate wedding and a church filled with familiar faces. It touched my heart that night, after the wedding dinner, when I asked my husband if our wedding had been the one he had wished for, and he said all he wished for was a wedding that would make me his wife. There was no way more fitting than this, to start our marriage. Our wedding was merely the start of our marriage. Marriage is an experience filled with equal independence, mutual dependence and a reciprocal obligation. Marriage restores the sight to love, and it is the acknowledgement of the special connection one has with another being. As I cleansed the make-up off my face that night, I realized that our wedding was so special not because of the lovely decoration, scrumptious dinner or even the turquoise ribbons. I realized that our wedding was special for the quiet fact that it was not merely a wedding;
it was a marriage.
Samantha Branson.
Sec 4/3and for the record,i am not obsessed.
sprinkled in glitter.
6:03 PM
i've seen this before (:
sprinkled in glitter.
5:56 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
todaaaay !cant really rmb what happened today actually.oh, you know my marriage essay ? i got it back ytd along with the expository essay on whether parents should go to work, while their children are still young.a disappointing 24 upon 30 for both.i was quite displeased that i got the same mark for both my expository essay and descriptive essays when descriptive is my strength.mrs alex said i needed to concentrate on the plot, and my description was good (:i'll post it when i get onto the other comp, cos it's not typed here (:when i'm sitting on the steps, i know i'll never forget.
tmr'll be seven days in a row !and saturday will be eight days in a row (:(: record ! :Dhahaha.i'm a happy girl.OH AND ON A RANDOM NOTE,the quote of the week, by sarah nat is
"Big boys dont cry."
sprinkled in glitter.
8:34 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Can you find yourself in these photos, baby?TEEHEEEEE (:

those 4am phone calls (:i'll read you a bedtime story,hold your handand stay by your side till you reach dreamland tonight kays.and i'll be waiting thereeee dear-on a pink cloud (:if dreams were a single colour, they'd be turquoise.
sprinkled in glitter.
10:30 PM
looking good.170707you've got me thinking of the laugh-kiss cute-ness.
Made a few new discoveries today.the NE Quiz was funny !HAHA, some of the options were really ridiculous..assembly wasn't good.let's just say we'd have been better off using the period for physics, instead of staying back after assembly.well, the sec three's found it amusing.it was amusing that they found it amusing.the sarcasm was majorly, too much.and yea.it wasn't a good delivery, despite the notable effort.it was, nevermind.we laughed alot, haha.yea.anyways, moving on.art was productive (:bus home and before i reached home was productive tooo (:i'm looking forward to Renaissance on saturday, and yet i'm not.for reasons you can guess, and reasons the clique'll know.(:thanks christine (:what you said was sweeeet (:and baby,thanks for your reassurance. ifluuuuuu :Dtotally awww.it's for reasons only we both know (:you're so sweet.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:25 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Just back from watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.i expected disappointment, but i was impressed.yes, they did cut out a whole lot of good parts from the book.yes, the skipped a lot of links and compromised with other scenes.yes, the kiss wasn't really all that.yes, cho's character was really restricted, making her seem minutely pathetic.yes, yes, yes and yes.nonetheless, i found the movie particularly strong.It created strong empathy !personally, at least.and it was good.the feeling was so there.some parts were really strong moments, like when sirius was talking to harry in the family tree room, and yea !just clicked with me emotionally.so i found it really good.it was really emotionally deep and yea omg.i practically cried my eyes out, best movie i've seen in the year.the environment which David Yates created compensated for all that the movie lacked.in my opinion, it was a fare better visual then previously created.BECAUSEEE!
-the death eaters were so much better-the filming was good throughout-the scenes in the room of requirement were fab-comic releif was well balanced by filch-laughter fulfilled with fred and george-suspense throughout, interesting characters(e.g. the gross Bellatrix who killed sirius >:(, nymphadora tonks etc)-music that complimented.my favourite parts are among-the scenes in the room of requirement, with the exception of the kiss-the parts with harry and sirius-the last action part !enough said;watch it please.
my kind of special is spelt with four letters, not seven (:
sprinkled in glitter.
9:48 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday is slack day (:
woke up at 4am, cos i was thirsty.
took an hour for me to get back to bed.
i woke up to two sweeeet messages (:
at eight forty, i woke up to three lovely messages (:
went back to sleepy sleep, then went downstairs for prata breakfast ! YAY (:
followed the family to the market (like i had a choice...)
helped mummy get vegtables, and i saw the butcher guy with this hook that had like pig heads hooked by the ear la ! LIKE, EW !
felt the sudden urge to get flowers ! (:
my favourite flower EVER EVER EVER, it the ginger flower (:
aunty jenny, the florist gave me a free stalk :D
came home, and got to drawing it straightaway.
sat on the same chair, and looked at the same colours for three hours.
quite happy with the finished product, but not entirely with the leaf la, the colours a bit off but oh wells ! (:
all the colours which i used !
the finished prettyful flower (:CAN PASS ?<333
sprinkled in glitter.
2:12 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
this is everything.today was a fab day (:two weeks never seemed longer, but not anymore (:lovely time (:yay for sushi (:yay for you (:yay for me (:and yay yay yay for us and all we share (:42779084733066684702229 (:
sprinkled in glitter.
9:54 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
disclaimer: this is a very whiny post. and the writer will not be held responsible for any inconveniences or negative consequences which may result from you, the one who's like reading my blog now, reading this post.
come what may is such a pretty song.
and the sky today was really pretty.
and i'm feeling like sucha bimbo now.
today, audrey's group put a piece of paper under the visualizer.
and i was like, Why is the visualiser so green?
HEH, it took me three seconds to realise that it was green paper la omg.
i'm still very annoyed in a bimbo way that blogger doesnt have pink!
it fails to satisfy a girl's random outburst of bimbotic-ness.
anyways, stayed back till 7.10 for art today.
i was so flipping tired.
ONE CLOUD on the smooth wall, took me about three hours.
i had to use nippon white paint, water, blue paint, three sponges.
my hands were all painty.
the paint hardened on my hands about three times, so i had a really thick layer on my hand.
and i cant leave pain too long on my skin- cos i'll get a rash, so it was highly annoying (in the normal sense, not bimbo sense)
that i had to keep rinsing it off.
someone please remind me to geet a pail of water, so i dont have to walk to the toilet each time my hands get dry.
i was feeding mosquitos too.
which was bad.
given the dengue thing.
and there was this one annoying fly that refused to leave my space !
miss low said it liked me.
took me half an hour plus to wash up and all. and it's so troublesome that i'm below cos i have to carry -
a wooden stool
the paint tray
two small sponges
one big sponge
my handphone (without getting it painty)
my watch (without getting it painty)
my wallet (without getting it painty)
the heavy still very full blue harmony paint can.
the heavy still quite full white paint can
Considering the fact that i managed to carry all of the above the blue harmony paint can, in one trip up two flights of steps, i think my muscles are gonna be aching. esp the bone before my elbow where i hung the not-exactly-light wooden stool.
my legs had paint too.
seeing as how there's no hose in the art block.
and seeing as how i'm not gonna walk all the way to the toilet were there are lower taps - which is like near the school gate,
i went home with paint on my legs.
and in my nails.
I was so hungry, hot, sweaty, stinky, wet, painty and all.
sorry fellow passengers on the bus.
here ends my whine-worthy late afternoon.on a lighter note -
yes, there is a lighter note !
the recess bunch surprised her with a nice heart shaped chocolate cake from Chocsz.
it was super yummy.
and oh so very chocolate-y.
thanks for getting the cake sarah !
mag had a nice surprise ! (((:
we were happy !
we gave her a card too ! (: A BIG ONE (:
it was brown and yellow and pink and white.
we were so full.
it was to our hilarious horror, that straight away after recess, miss teo came in, and said, GOOD MORNING GIRLS!WE'RE HAVING PE NOW.OMG. -screams.we just ate so much ! HAHAHA.we didnt have pe in the end !miss teo was so funny !i think i never laughed so much during a class !TEEHEE.next period was maths, which we had five periods of in the entire day, that's like fifty percent our periods la.mr teh sort of conducted us while we sang for mag !it was so funnnnnny ! (:HAHAHA (:oh oh oh, and before recess, we had the best geog lesson the whole year ! (:mrs kunna was so happy, i've never seen her smile so much.she said we were good !AWWW.and she was so funny, in a cute way la.HAHAHA, she was like, nervous and all cos mrs fam was going to watch her teach and evaluate her.before class she was like asking me to remind her stuff, and i was like okay ! i'll wave my pink highlighter !haha, mrs fam was pleased with our presentation, which wasn't really that much planned, we did it in ten mins with prior research.she went to the staff room to get her camera !and started taking photos!it was funny ! (((:we felt like we were in a photoshoot la, teehee.funny (:and it was an unusual geography lesson.the colour paper she gave us was prettier than normal white paper ! (:and yea, it was fun.mrs kunna was happy with us, she let us off for recess like five minutes earlier yay.today wasnt half bad, thanks to geog lesson, mag's birthday surprise, the funny convo we had with miss teo during the pe period, and the completion of my one cloud.i'm a happy girl.
and very very very tired.iflu (:
sprinkled in glitter.
8:51 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
sprinkled in glitter.
9:40 PM
today was kinda a boring day..
Sarah and Shirin weren't around half the day, which pretty much made it boring without them!
aha, su, shirin and jannah drew me this roller coaster thing (:
i'll post it when my camera has battery ! (sorry guys)
had a really lame day !
haha, i love fourthree.
the lesson on relative velocity turned out pretty productive cos i managed to understand what was going on, and managed to do the questions mr teh gave, without much trouble..
went for art afterwords, and managed to paint clouds along the top part of my wall, which leaves me with a lot more to do.
and the recent count of pillows which are sewn, decorated, stuffed and sewn close is 20 !
which leaves me with about thirty more.
i need like 8m times 3 more cloth.
get sewing, samantha.
and i tried using cotton stuffing yesterday, wah. a whole lot of it ended up being stuck on my t-shirt.
and it was really stinky too, so yea.
decided not to use it in the end.
anyways, i'm really tired today, must be the relative velocity, haha, and painting.
my eyes're closing la.
i'm a sleepy girl (:
i dont mean to forget things really la.
just so you know baby, i very well mean what i say when i say
i love you.'unlike me'?that's the one thing i'll make sure i'll never contradict.iloveyoutoo.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:32 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Come What MayNever knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I'm loving you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying dayi love this song.
sprinkled in glitter.
5:00 PM

wasnt really much.
woke up sleepy, left school sleepy.
had everything stuck in my head practically every period.
stayed in for recess as usual.
had temperature taking.
doodled on the pretty colourful paper that amanda gave us - there was turquoise !
yay (:
and i killed a cockroach that was outside my house last night ! i sprayedddd it (:
haha, yup.
history calls (: We've only just begun to live,
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way.
And yes, We've just begun.
Before the rising sun we fly,
So many roads to choose
We start our walking and learn to run.
And yes, We've just begun.
Sharing horizons that are new to us,
Watching the signs along the way,
Talking it over just the two of us,
Working together day to day
And when the evening comes we smile,
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow,
And yes, We've just begun.
just like me, they long to be;
close to you.
sprinkled in glitter.
4:26 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Whatever comes our way, we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.
Everything - Michael Buble.You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And You're the perfect thing to say.
And you play your card, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.
And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
Cause you're my everything.
yeah, yeah
So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
sprinkled in glitter.
5:40 PM
Because i feel a sudden urge to brush up on my descriptive, i'll be writing an essay now (:descriptive is destressing.well, to me at least.(((:oh and from the picture above, you prolly would've guess that the topic is Marriage (:
i really love this photo of Audrey and Mark..
was looking at their wedding photos for inspiration.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:45 PM
An Unlucky Dayso my hand phone line is apparently cut,WTH LA.they shouldnt cut it before informing me.realised it to my horror.AH :/so yea, just so you know, i cant receive any messages, or get any calls at the moment.call my home if its anything.LATEST !it's fixed, heh.it's so effy ):miss you, <3.
sprinkled in glitter.
3:13 PM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
more than words.(: oh so very much has changed (:and i'm happy, you're happy, we're happy.cus even in one crowded hour, you're always able to make the moments last a lifetime.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:13 PM
choir outing ! yay for red (:
at angie's wedding, dont we look short here !cass' bf la. haha.
better (: the buffet at Nat and Cass' cousin's wedding was fab.
before angie's wedding mass (:
the sops in dresses (:loves.
sprinkled in glitter.
8:57 PM
oh, and i changed some more stuff again (:
the colours match more now, and thry're softer..
i cant get the links colour to change thoughhhh :/
nevermind !
sprinkled in glitter.
5:00 PM

it's the sunday after the 7th, yay (:
we're one day closer to grad night.
one day closer to prelims, and o levels, and one day closer to leaving ij.
also, one day closer to christmas and birthdays and dates i'm sure i'll remember many days from now.
noneless, ah, we're losing time.
what's new?
i've been losing time for sixteen years, five months, fifteen days, 13 hours, 50 mins and 36 secs.
managed to complete half my load of maths, which is unusually productive for me on a sunday.
i woke up at the very piggish hour of 11 (:
had three really sweet messages to read and one very funny, oink-y message (:
so generally, i've had a really really bright morning (:
checked my friendster, and read this, and found myself smiling.
and i realised i smile to myself alot nowadays (:
-sighs dreamily.
You walk really slow when you're with
You feel shy whenever they're around.
You smile when you hear their voice.
When you look at them, you can't see
the other people around you, you just
see him/her.
They're all you think about.
You realize you're always smiling when
you're looking at them.
You have all your mind on them.
You would do anything for them, just
to see them.
While reading this, there was one
person on your mind this whole time.
ou were so busy thinking about that
person, you didnt notice number seven
was missing
You just scrolled up to check & are
now silently laughing at yourself.
we went to fish&co at the glass house for daddy's birthday dinner.
yay for fish&co, yummy.
i ate a whole lotta stuff, which KINDA justifies my pig tendencies.
haha, that's NOT an understatement!
caesar salad with smoke salmon, some of tabitha's fish and chips, some more fish and chips.
four prawns, three rings of sotong, some butter rice, a few fries, on third a grilled fish and one glass of passion fruit drink (:
i was freezing to death, cos the air-con draft ws blowing RIGHT at me.
i shifted to zachary's place half way through dinner, cos i absolutely couldn't take the cold..
there were about five people celebrating their birthdays !the waiters and waitresses were really nice and happy (:and the service was pleasing.
my brother wants to be Zorro.
they made daddy stand on a chair and all.teehee.it was rather hilarious.five people did it consecutively.the table next to us was ____.they were chasing their friend around the place, making a total clown of themselves.they were prolly high. haha. yeaaaa.the chocolate fudge thing which mummy ordered for daddy was superly yummy !it was nice and warm and chocolately, and fudge, and the ice-cream totally complimented the chocolate tast.YUMMY (: with a capital Y.we took a very crowded train home, and had coffee cake (:got tucked it really well, and dozed off soon after (:
well, my lunch calls now (:yummy nasi lemak.check back later might update this post (:have a good Sunday !♥♥♥♥
sprinkled in glitter.
1:37 PM
Saturday, July 07, 2007
saturday's here !
today's daddy's birthday!and it's triple seven!mag and tessa and mad and shirin were having a discussion in class about getting married on a triple same number date and we concluded that mag has to get married on like 12 12 12 which is like, in five years.heh, i told her to like go to ROM, book the date, and tell the person there that she'd fill in her husband's name later, hurr hurr ! (:it was raining this morning, stayed in bad, haha.didnt sleep really well last night,i've got this paranoia, heh.you know the cockroach thing !YEAAAAH.haha, yup.other than that, i'm not really sure what the plans for the rest of the day are yet.sean wont be around today, awwww :/oh wells !enjoy the song (:cheers.and i've got rihanna's umbrella stuck in my head. When the sun shines
We'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
That I'll always be your friend
Took an oath
I'mma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
sprinkled in glitter.
12:27 PM
Friday, July 06, 2007
changed the skin a little.it's soft pink and turquoise (:haha, like you cant see.and i've liked this song for the longest time (:daddy's taking us out for dinner tonight !i'm so happy.i guess the good thing bout being superly sad, is from there, you can only be happier (:i'm counting down till sunday dear. you've got my care (:
sprinkled in glitter.
4:26 PM
love you.

(a picture speaks a thousand words.
this is worth ten thousand and two words not counting what's in this bracket :] )
sprinkled in glitter.
11:36 AM
you're the other half of the rainbow baby.
i'm wishing so badly that you were here.
i miss you.
and i love you.
sprinkled in glitter.
11:07 AM
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
i'm home early.
woke up this morning feeling terrible.
something was missing in me.
felt sick. threw up.
okay, so maybe doing 100 sit-ups in 50 secs times three wasn't such a good idea.
and eating dinner straight after that.
wanted to go to school for the ss test, cos i studied.
walked to the bus stop. felt so sick.
came back home, used the toilet, left again.
it was seven by the time.
so i cabbed down to school.
eight bucks la.
first period- SS.
mrs tan said she had asked another class to pass us news that the test was postponed to next friday.
wasted eight bucks, time, walking energy, stayed up last night to study, so i wasted alot of things.
but the lesson was good, so yea.
stayed for english.
thanks jess and amanda, for being really sweet.
i think you need some time
by yourself
without anybody else
you just need to unwind
in your time machine
you need to go faraway
a fews years back'd be okay
you just need to unwind
in your time machine.
thanks jess for the post-it (:
you made me smile, even if it was only for awhile.
and i'm smiling now.
sprinkled in glitter.
10:39 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
storms make trees take deeper roots.
sprinkled in glitter.
9:31 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
think about this.
The two pictures're taken from a powerpoint that i received (: it got me thinking.anyways, good news ! (:
two of my prints've been selected for the bi-annual aep exhibition this year (:
at NAFA galleries 1 & 2.
two photographs which were taken by me are also on display (:
my coursework's coming along well too (:
got about twenty pillows sewn.
gotta painfully do the designs on them, then stuff them, then sew each one painfully close, then i'm done. with twenty.
which leaves me another twenty three, cos i've done seven completely, and my target is fifty.
Because this song is pretty, hear it (:
All good things come to an end by Nelly FurtadoHonestly what will become of me
don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
We missed everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Travelling I always stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets it and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day until the feeling went away
And the clouds were dropping and the...
The rain forgot how to bring salvation
The dogs were whistling a new tune barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die haha, and you know what,i'm gonna prove it wrong.
and i'm not a bimbo la please.i can do maths.and last night, i picked up a dead cockroach !without screaming or whining.and when i first saw it alove, before tabitha killed it, i didnt scream, i just watched it for awhile, teehee.samantha's very busy.
leave a message after the beep.
beep (:
That greeeeen ! (:NOW, art pillow stuffing calls ! at eleven pm, heh. NIGHTS, WORLD!
sprinkled in glitter.
9:11 PM
Monday, July 02, 2007
MY NEW POSTS are very very long !sorry !i'm gonna try and break the monotony by adding pictures so, heads up (:
sprinkled in glitter.
2:31 PM
oh two oh seven oh seven.
I'm typing out this post on notepad in advance again,
cos the MIO man came to fix our modem that day, but didnt do it properly!
so it still doesnt work.
annoyinggggg with a capital A !
so i'm spending my youth day holiday at home.
waiting for the guy to come and fix it.
and yeaaaa !
aaand aha.
i'm playing all the old love-y songs again.
i spent the evening ytd before dinner at the library.
borrowed a book titled, Love adds a little chocolate.
It's full of really sweet and inspiring stories (:
but they cant beat the sequel to The Dreamcatcher's Child.
that book made me cry.
aaanyways, today feels so draggyyy.
the L word
let's look at the whole, why does one look for love when one is aware of the hurt and all question again.
even if you've read this before in one of my posts long agooo, reinforcement doesnt hurt (:
the answer?
because the love outshines all else, as it should.
no one goes into a relationship, looking for hurt and anger.
it just happens.
getting into a relationship, means one acknowledges that she/he is susceptible to hurt.
one still looks for love, because love completes.
when one looks for love, he/she looks for the joy found in it.
not the hurt that could potentially arise.
and still, with knowledge of that, one gets into a r/s.
funny isnt it?
and a little ironic, sadly.
i'm not expert in this, but yea, i'm just thinking.
what i think it to be at least.
well, when one's in a relationship, it's about discovering yourself in another.
it's like seeing the other side of a coin. the side you cant see when you're holding a coin up.
the side you come to know through first seeing it reflected from outside yourself.
and when that happens, you know, you just need the other side.
being in a relationship isnt for support.
imagine yourself as being a half-filled bottle.
looking for someone else who's a filled bottle in order to complete yourself would leave the other half half-filled.
which shows that relationships are for inter-dependence.
this means that compromising is something important in a r/s.
one cant always be making the choices, and one cant always be following the decisions in silence.
a relationship should seek emotional balance.
neither party should be hurting herself/himself for the other.
someone told once told me, sacrficing yourself for your other half just isnt healthy.
and you arent going to be happy as much as you tell yourself you are, and that's the sad thing.
on the brighter side, love is a celebration of our humanness, not our perfection.
love is moving forward in mututal growth.
love puts responsibilty where it belongs,
love is sharing with each other.
love simplifies your life, not complicates it.
loving is an ebb and flow.
love is sometimes, sacrfice.

A father tried to teach his seven-year-old daughter the meaning of sacrifice. HE explained that the finest gift a person can give is some cherished possesion, one that the person values very much.
On his birthday, the father found pinned to his coat a large sheet of paper on which his daughter had laboriously printed with red crayon: "you are my faverit Daddy and i luv you heeps. My present to you is what i likes best. It is in your poket."
In his pocket he found a strawberry lollipop that he had given her a week before. It hadnt been licked once.
isnt that sweet?
sighs dreamily.
anyways, love is amazing.
i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for love.
and hey, neither would you.
so, love.
i came across this poem,
Your life will be richer-If.
Your life will be richer is on this day, you make an effort to:
Mend a quarrel.
Searh for a forgotten friend.
Dismiss a suspicion and replace it with trust.
Write a letter to someone who misses you.
Encourage someone who has lost faith.
Keep a promise.
Forget an old grudge.
Examine your demands on others, and vow to reduce them.
Fight for a principle.
Express your gratitude.
Overcome and olf fear.
Take two minutes to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Tell someone you love them.
Tell them again.
And again.
And again.
obligation can pour a glass of milk, but quite often love adds a little chocolate.
As Elbert Hubbard said,
The love we give away is the only love we keep.
sprinkled in glitter.
2:15 PM